
Chapter 168: Edward's children and Betrothal

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

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No one knew about Wilyam's ambition. Even Edward did not since Wilyam hid it well. How could Edward know everything in this world? He did not realize how intelligent his children were since they were young and only treated them like normal ones when, in fact, they could end dynasties by their own hands. If Edward was proud of terminating the Targaryens, his children could control eliminate ten Targaryens. Wilyam's aside, Raymont was more intelligent than Edward when he was his age and would probably be the one to force Edward to step down from his position as the Stormking in a few years with his ambitions. Axel was a hell of a fighter, and no one would ever manage to defeat him when he was in his twenties. Although Lyonel and Orys looked playful on the outside and had no care about the world, they had the most poisonous mind among Edward's children. It was just that the two did not have a chance to show off in front of the others.

If anyone could start a civil war in the new kingdom, Lyonel and Orys would be in the first position on the author's list. Although Edward managed to deepen the relationship between his children, no one would know what the future looked like, and the things might change. They would not kill each other, at least, since this was the only thing Edward insisted on the most while raising his children. He taught that the most hateful thing in his eyes was Kinslaying and forbid them of even thinking about something like that.

Although Theresa seemed that she did not care about anything except her training, she had a bitchy side of her that made the brave Edward a little afraid when he spoke with her. No one knew if she would turn into a Cersei or a Daenerys in the future with this personality. Only Jasmine did not want anything in this world. No one knew if that would change in the future, though.

Anyway, the night came, and the feast started in the Great Hall. The hall turned noisy because of all those drunk men and the laughter of the women. Edward asked Ned to go out with him since he wanted to talk to him about an important matter.

"Let's go to The Solar. We can talk there." Said Ned as he looked at Edward before leading the way to The Solar.

They did not take long before they arrived, and Ned invited Edward to take a seat. He then took his seat as well and looked at Edward, waiting for his words.

"I will speak directly then, Ned. I want to take your daughter, Arya, as a wife to my son, Wilyam. What do you think?" Said Edward with a smile since this was one of the reasons why he came here. He waited for Ned after he said those words.

"Isn't Wilyam a little young?? Why didn't you choose one of your elder ones?" Asked Ned as he was puzzled by what Edward said. Although Ned was not like his father, who sought to make allies outside The North, he did not mind if his daughters married one of Edward's sons since he knew that Edward would take care of them for his sake. He wished he could send Sansa with Edward instead of Arya, though, since Sansa always talked about that in her childhood. Plus, Arya did not behave like a lady at all.

"You knew that Axel would marry anytime soon. As for Raymont, you probably don't know this, but he is already married, and his son is on the way. He loved a common girl in the castle and annoyed me for days, so I let him marry her in the end. The other two are fucking annoying, and I could not say if they are gay because of their behaviors." Said Edward with a calm voice at first but faked an annoyed one at the end. His lying skills were on a different level compared to before. He did not mind saying all this nonsense at all.

"What!!!!" Shouted Ned as he did not expect to hear all that. Edward did not tell him anything about Raymont's marriage all that time and did not expect the intelligent Raymont to act as his father and marry for love. What shocked him the most was Edward's last words about his two sons, Lyonel and Orys. Although he thought that Edward was probably joking about that, it could be true as well.

"That is why I chose Wilyam for Arya. I wanted to take your daughter, Sansa, with me as well, but I can't do anything until the other two brats want that too. I also wanted to wed Rob and Theresa, but she did not care about anything but training at the moment." Said Edward with a sad smile as he looked at Ned's eyes. He preferred to spread his children among the great houses in order to take them under his wing.

Rob Stark was a bad choice in his eyes since little Rob had ambitions in his heart, or else he would not think of declaring that he was the king in the north instead of supporting Stannis. If Rob did not make the same idiotic choices in the future when he met the foreign girl, Edward might think about wedding Theresa to him instead of supporting Sansa.

Ned thought of Edward's words for some time and saw there would not be any problem if he did what Edward suggested. He would not worry about his daughter in the Kingdom of Storms, at least. She would get to do what she liked as well.

"It is fine by me, but I have to ask Catelyn." Said Ned with a smile as he nodded his head. He was actually overjoyed to receive this request from Edward since he trusted Edward more than he did to anyone else.

"Fine, let's head back. I have to leave in the morning." Said Edward as he got up since he had said whatever he wanted to say to Ned. Edward saw that he should rest since he would have a long journey the following day.

Ned nodded his head, and the two left The Solar and joined the feast at its end. Edward took his children back to the Guest House since they had to prepare themselves, especially Jasmine, who was very young the last time Edward took her beyond the Wall.

In the Great Keep, after Ned Stark and his wife retreated to their champer. Ned, who was hugging his wife, Catelyn, while she rested her head on Ned's chest, looked at her. Ned decided to tell her what Edward asked him a little earlier to know her opinion.


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