
Chapter 115: Rhaegar's fucked up

A/N: Hey guys,

Thanks to the new Pàtreons, I will upload one more chapter today as promised.

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Rhaegar started to see the light. He realized how disgusting he had become. He represented everything he hated all his life at the moment. He had become his father. He kidnapped and threatened the woman he loved and disappointed everyone's expectations around him.

All Rhaegar could do at the moment was to try and solve this rebellion so that the Targaryen's rule could still continue. That was the reason he returned, although he did not see much hope in defeating Edward. He would lead his men to the Trident to cross the river to face the rebels.

Rhaegar had only one hope at the moment as he wanted to try to persuade Edward to stop the rebellion. He would try to convince him before the battle. Riding beside Rhaegar was his friend Ser Barristan Selmy who gave the prince a look of disappointment. In the past few years, the price's position in Barristan's heart kept going down and down. After the prince kidnapped Lyanna and caused this rebellion, Barristan did not know how to face the prince anymore.

One and a half week later, The two armies met at the Trident, where The Crown's Army was trying to cross the river. Of course, Edward would not let them cross without inflicting some damage before the battle. So Edward ordered the crossbow units and archers to attack while the Crown's Army crossed The Trident. Although they were getting killed and injured there, Rhaegar still ordered The Army to move forward. If he did not cross the river at the moment, it would be hard to find another chance.

After losing more than a thousand men and another two thousand or more injured, they were finally able to cross the river. Rhaegar saw Edward in the front of the army's center, looking at him with cold eyes. Next to Edward, Robert and Ned were there. Both of them wished nothing more than to kill Edward at the moment. The former lost a fiancee and a brother, while the latter lost a father, a sister, and a brother because of this motherfucker's idiotic brain. Although Robert did not like Renly, he was still his brother. He could kill him, but no other could.

Rhaegar pushed his horse to meet Edward before the battle. Barristan followed after him. Seeing their action, Edward kicked his horse to move forward. Robert and Ned followed him as they both did not want Rhaegar to convince Edward against the war.

After both parties met in the middle of the field, Rhaegar looked at everyone's expression and knew that there was a little chance that his plan could succeed. He knew that whatever he said would not lead to any result.

"There's no chance to solve this without fighting?" Said Rhaegar as he looked at Edward. He hoped that Edward would agree to stop the fighting. He was ready to compensate them with everything he had.

"What do you think?" Asked Edward as he looked at Edward's coldly. Before Rhaegar could say another word, Edward turned his eyes to the knight next to him and started to speak.

"I did not think that you would still support such a person, Ser Barristan. You disappointed me here." Said Edward as he shook his head when he looked at Barristan. He knew that Barristan only followed Rhaegar at the moment because of his oath. If he could lend him some help, he might defect. But after looking at Barristan's expression, Edward did not see a chance that he would do so.

Barristan did not respond to Edward's talk, but the look on his face gave him away. Barristan was very troubled at the moment. Although Rhaegar disappointed him in the past, he still swore an oath to protect him. In the end, he chose to keep his promise and fight for the prince.

Rhaegar gave Edward a very complicated look after hearing Edward's words trying to instigate Ser Barristan to leave his side. Although he knew that he had fucked up so much in the past few months, Rhaegar still saw himself as a prince while Edward was just a lord.

"Well, I have a gift for you." Said Edward with a cold smile as he raised his hands. Soon, The cunt, Jon Connington, came to light pulled by the soldiers. If anyone looked at Jon at the moment, they would not recognize him. Due to the terrible torture; he had suffered under Edward's hand, the man did not look like Jon at all. His left eye was not there while most of his face and body were skinned. His fingers were missing as well. Jon was like a lifeless corpse at the moment.

After the soldiers took Jon out, they started cutting him piece by piece. Jon did not even scream. He got numb to all this during the past nearly two months of torture. Rhaegar's men threw up after seeing this scene. The rumors were real about Edward torturing those who went against him with cruel methods. Not to mention the others, even Ned got surprised by the scene. Edward did not tell anyone about his plans except his men. Ned wanted to stop Edward, but Robert stopped him, telling him not to intercept Edward at this time. Even the dense Robert understood that during a war, disagreeing with the leader might lead to serious issues, but Ned's honor blinded him.

Rhaegar and Barristan's expression changed after seeing this scene. Rhaegar was sure that Edward would never accept his terms and would fight him to the death if he had to do so. As for Barristan, his expression changed because he thought that he might follow Jon's steps after this battle if he got captured by Edward. Although he was a brave man with a strong will, the same went for Jon. And at the moment, Jon looked like a lifeless corpse.

After seeing his men's expression and seeing that Edward's plans managed to decrease their morals, Rhaegar could only come up with his last resort. He would challenge Edward one-on-on in a duel. If he managed to win and kill Edward, that would be for the best. The rebellion might die with him. He also put the possibility of his defeat and getting killed by Edward instead, but what could he do? Edward would come up with a million plan to kill them all here. At least, if he fought Edward, he might have a chance.

"I will challenge you in a duel, Lord Baratheon. The winner takes it all." Said Rhaegar with a resolute and determined voice. At least, he could give it a shot.

After hearing Rhaegar's words, Edward could not help but smile. Was not Rhaegar helping him more by doing so? Edward wanted to kill Rhaegar himself in the battle. But as the army's commander, he might not have a chance to do such a thing. Rhaegar's offer was Rhaegar's final gift to Edward.

'After I kill him, it would be much easier to kill a large portion of the army since they would be without a leader. Yeah, I could let them flee after I kill Rhaegar, but what could happen if they returned to King's Landing to defend it. I can't leave such a variable leave just like that.' Thought Edward to himself while giving Rhaegar a mocking smile.


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