
How You Know Each Other

" what.." amma said to us..

" are you guys really wanted me to join you" she said to us.. we all nodded..

And than she think something.. I don't know what.. I looking at her.. observers her what she thinking.. I mean if you don't wanted to join said no.. or you want than said yes.. but dont west our time.. give her us stress.

Shes silent killing me.. what she took long to said to us.. I don't have that patience.

" please say yes.. we want you.. we need you. anggi told us that you are amazing dancer.. and you are our last hope.. " some girl come front of her and said to her.. she look her.. and again think something..

" guys.." she finally said.. and we are all looking her in hope that she agreed to do it.. she looking at us.. and than she smirk.. and I hate this thing.. I am done.. I ready to turn around to grab my lunch to eat . West of time.. stupid girl.

" ava.. were you going.." she said hold my hand to stop me..

" I am grabbing lunch to eat.. I know you're just wasting our time.. I know you said no.. I mean why you agreed on this.." I said to her irritating voice.

" who said I am not agree on this.." she said give me her best smirk.. all are looking at us.

" actually I love to join you guys.. I just playing with you little.. you know I like your faces.. when you all are here for convince me.. it's feel special when lots of people give that attention to one person.. and I think today is my day.." she said with wink.. I mean really.. that bitch.. all girls are take a deep breath and relief

" you know what I think I change my mind.. now I don't want you to join us.." I said to her angrily..

"what.." all are said in same time..

" Hyyy you can't do this. When I agree for this.. I wanted to join you guys.. " she said fake crying.. now it's my type to play with her..

" you lost you chance.." I said to her with smirk..

" I know you guys want me.. so don't play me ava.." she said in hurt tone.. I look at janna and angi. And we all burst out in laughter.. and than she looking at us why we laughed.. and than she got what I just did..

" you little ass.. you play me.." she said.. and I run to cafeteria and she run behind me to catch me.. and all are girls are laughed at us.. I left cafeteria.. and run as much as I can run..

Wow.. it's feel like I never laughed and enjoy my time my life.. I feel like freedom.. no worry.. nothing.. It's just me and my friends. And my dreams..

" ohhk stop stop.. I give up.. let's go for eat.. I am hungry.. you stupid woman.. don't wast more my time.." I shouted to her. And than she get more angry but than she also give up..

" yea right.. I am also hungry.. this will wait. we do it our drama after lunch.." she said and giggles. And I agree on this. Laughing at her and nodded.. and we both walk to our table..

" oohh you guys made up very fast I thought that you are not come.." angi sand with giggles and janna also join our table.. I don't mind if she join.. we all are good friends.. so I Don't mind..

" we thought we can do it after lunch" amma said to them and they are looking at me I nodded and they again burst out laughing..

" now stop let's eat. " janna said with giggle. And we agreed with her. And eat..

" Hyyy.." jade come with her two girls.. I never see those girls..

" hyy jade come.. site.." I said to her. And also welcome her friends..

" she's jade we play together.. and that's.." I asked jade looking at her and her friends..

" oohh yeaa she's Naomi and Clara.." she introduced her friends to us..

" ohhky and that janna angi and amma my friends.. we all are dance together.." I said to them.. well amma officially join us tomorrow but she agree that yes she's now our team.. I look loot amma face she smirk. Hearing that she finally joining us. I just rolled my eyes. and than we all started to chit chat and eat our meal..

Jade friends are to sweet I don't mind them.. they are also friendly so we gang up very face.. we crack jokes.. and enjoy our lunch time.. it's good.. I finally enjoy my time here.

Somethings is happening good finally.. I am glad..

" anggi.." someone said and we all are look at that person.. it's dani.. he come our table and looking at angi..

" can I talk you for second.." he said her. And looking at us.. how we enjoy our time and he interrupt us. Bad time.

" if you bussy than I will come later- " he started to said to her.. but I cut him of..

" no.. no she will go with you.. anggi go and talk with him.." I said to her give her look that whatever we talk yesterday clear the things out.. she look at us.. and jade and her friend's give them sorry look.. and they didn't mind that so they nodded so at me.. than she left our table..

" thanks ava.." dani said to me.. I looked at him.. he's smile.. and I nodded and smile back.. he's still attractive.. but sad.. I hope he know what he feel about angi and they give us there relationship a chance.. I hope.

" what was that.." after they gone.. Clara said.. looking at us.. than amma told them about what's going on and all..

" oohh.. looking at him.. he totally into her. Man. I hope they ended up in together.." Naomi said with cheering voice..

" hope so.." we all at the same time.. and naomi looking at us with smirks..

" so what about you girls.. have any boyfriend" clara said to us.. and we all looked at each other.. but janna blushed..

" oohh my gosh.. janna.. told us.." jade said with excitement and than they talk about Dan. And than they also asked me and amma.

Amma said she is seeing someone but not it's big of deal.. when it's going to serious she will introduce him to us.. so we didn't asked more..

And about me.. I told them.. I am enjoying myself single life.. but janna and amma give me look.. like how i lied to them.. but I told them truth. I don't want to hurt. Or heart broken. So I am happy with my single life. So I rolled my eyes at them. They ignore me. Never mind.

" what about you girls.." amma said to them.. than they started about there love life..

" jade had crush on some football team.. me and Clara lots of time convince her to asked him out but she just to shy for that" Naomi said to us..

We all are looking at her and she just blushed.. uwwww..

" about Clara she's into girls.. " Naomi said to us..

" wow.. so you like anyone here.. or you have girlfriend?" Amma asked her with excitement to know about this..

" actually no.. I just know about this while ago.. and I don't know how to act front of girls.." she said.. yeaa.. we see that.. she's little bit uncomfortable how to talk with us.. and act little bit different with us .

" don't be pussy.. I don't mind.. actually I like it that you didn't hide this.. and accept this.. if you like anyone told us we are ready to help" janna said to her..

" yeaa ava is to good in all this stuff" amma added.. I just rolled my eyes. Rubbish.

" what do you mean by that.." jade asked amma..

Than amma tell her anggi and dani's how I help angi and all.. they are looked me with surprise..

" than please help jade" Naomi said to me..

" sure dont mind.." I said to her looking at jade.. she hug me and thank me.. and I glear at amma.. and amma smirk and give a look play back bitch..

Fuck you amma..

" and about me.. I dated lots of Boys but there are just not in my type" she said with smirks.. I rolled my eye's..

It's oky.. there is nothing wrong to date people..to search mr prefect.. but it is when you give them fules hope and than kick them out and start with date another that it was look like sult.. sorry to say but I feel like this..

" I mean how much Boy's you dated" amma said her.. she look are.. and than thinking about it.. oohh damn.. how much boys she dated..

" just two.." she said us.

" just two" janna and jade said in same time.. and we all are burst out laughing.. I mean seriously.. one time I thought she will count how much boy we date.. and just two.

" yeaa actually.. they both are to stupid dick.. I don't like them.. so I just stop to date.. I date both of them like 2 or 3 week's.." she said and give us funny look. And we can't stop our laughed.. and than she also laughed with us.. damn this is girl is somethin .

" guys you don't know they both are to clumsy.. I mean who can get angry and started crying.. seriously.. I thought he just yelled or shouted.. broke things.. but no.. he cry.. ohh my gosh.. I wast hour's to clam him down.. "she said with take her hand in her head.. thinking about this.. we are still laughing.. damn.. she's so funny..

" Naomi I love you girl.. you made my day.." amma said to her.. and give her kiss in her cheeks.. so did janna.. yeaa I also like her.. I hug her. And than we all left for our dorm.. and plan to join in P.T. to do some more enjoy..

We also waited to angi but she didn't come so amma said she will text her and than we all left for our dorm..

Me and janna both are our way to dorm.. than my phone started to ring.. I see caller ID it's Dan..

I see janna she open the door for us.. it's not right time to talk with him.. so I decline his call..

After that we both enter our dorm.. than janna's phone started ringing.. I know who's he..

Shee look caller ID. And smile.. my guess was right.. and they talk..

I ready to go freshen up.. so I search some comfort clothes to wear.. I also heard that janna told him that I am with her.. and I am going to take shower.. I don't mind.. Maybe he understand that.. and didn't angry on me to not answering his call..

After freshening.. I see that janna sitting in bed and doing something in her phone.. I site my bed and check my phone.. if there is any call or text..

There is no any text or call.. it's cool for me..

But I have to call or text to Dan.. it's very important.. I wanted to know about Justin.. if he know than why didn't he tell me about this.. I don't know when Justin coming here.. what if he know that I am here..

But he has red.. that girl.. right.. now he don't want me..

" hyy" janna said put her phone side in her desk.. and looking at me.. interrupting my thoughts.

" Hyyy.. so are you fine now" I asked her.. she know what I am taking to..

" yeahh.. to good actually. he finally call.. he told me that he was bussy doing some work.. and past flew weeks he might be bussy in that.. so I don't have to worry about it.. he will meet me in weekend.. in party" she explained me.. where is he bussy.. I don't know..

" oohh nice.." I said to her.. I don't know what to say her more..

" so.. what about you.. I mean you and Max" she said to me.. what me and Max..

" nothing.. it's just ughh.. we both are different.. and lot's of girl he sleep with or flirt with.. I don't trust him.. I have trust issue.." I said her.. it's right I have trust issue.. plus I dont want to be used..

I already suffered to trust people. Who used me. And than throw me like trash..

" Hyyy you if you have that problem.. I understand that.. but you can't judge him without knowing him.." she said to me.. come and site beside me.. I know that.. but he also not saying anything about himself.. he always argue with me.. he never give me proper answer. Whenever I asked him..

" if you know about himm.. tell me than. How you both know each other.." I Asked her.. I never asked her about this.. how she know him.. and how Max respect janna. I mean when first time when we both had fight.. janna cool down him.. how is that.. something I am missing here.. plus Max told me that Janna is sister to him. I mean how can I believe him. When I don't know that guy.he is still mysterious to me.

" actually.. Max and i we both are like brother sister.. I mean once upon time.. I and his brother Sam both are dating to each other.." she said to me.. I never know that.. it's interesting.. but wait sec. Sam.. who I killed him. Fuck.

" what happened than.." I said to her.. I kill him.. but what if she know that.. she will forgive me.. no she will never forgive me..

" Sam is fighter.. he to strong in this academy.. me doing cheerleading and that time Max was caption in football team. I am new here. And that time we had our first match I attend for cheering Max team.. and at the end he's team short of win that match.. and I am new here so.. Max invite us in he's house for party.. and I didn't wanted to go.. because I am not party type.. I just love dancing.. but I never attend party in my life. I live in village there is nothing happen like party thing so I don't know about that party think." she said to me.. she stop.. and looking at me..

" if you don't wanted to I understand.. you don't have to.." I said to her.. take my hand in her lap..

" no I have to.." she said.. and continue..

" Lara force me to come.. she is my first friend in this academy.. and she never attain party.. so she forced me to." lara is friend of that bitch.. who's now leave janna and hanging out with that bitch..

" I agree.. we both go there. Than I meet our football team and also he's brother Sam.. Max introduced us. They enjoy there party I was just sitting there and looking them. Than they get bored and than start to play trust or dare.. I see this game in tv serial but first time I saw that in real. I just watching them.. it's really now to me all. And I enjoy this in my own. Than something happened. some guy dare to Sam to hangout with me for week.." she said to me..

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