
Just Dropped It

After last night what happened.. we both didn't talk with each other. He didn't come after me.. and It's good to me.. because I don't want to see him..

I know I told him what I feel about him but still I don't wanted to hurt me.. when I know how much in mess I am.. and why kissed me.. when he Evan trust me or like me back.. he wanted to use me.. After he know how I am thinking about him.. it's better if I stay away from him.. or keep distance with each other..

I sleep in there.. After good sleep.. I wake up freshen up and left he's mansion..

All thoughts keeping in my mind.. I just can't getting out of it.. Justin coming here.. with red.. I don't know who's he's new toy is... but why he wants to come here... I wanted to talk about this to Dan..

I reached my dorm.. open the door and see that Dan and Janna both are making out.. wow really in morning..

"oohh hyy ava.. good morning.." Dan said to me.. they both stop eating each other face.. thank god..

" morning.." I said and make my way to my bed and search clothes for me to clean myself.. I still in yesterday clothes.. I know it's little uncomfortable last night to sleep.. but I didn't sleep well last night.. I also know that they are staring at me.. it's to embarrassing so just get my clothes and ignore them. and rush toward washroom.

After good 20 minutes I left for shower. So that they can talk.. and I don't disturb them.. and it's little awkward for me to stand there. And talk with them. When I am still in my yesterday clothes.

After good 20minutes getting warm shower..it's feel little stress less. I feel little relaxing. Or what I said.. little good. I get out there. When I back in there.. I see that Dan is gone.. thank god.. I don't wanted to face him for now.. when I can't stop to asking him. About Justin.

But yeahh I wanted to talk after I ready to meet him... when we both get time.

" Hyyy..." Janna approach me.. well how can I ignored her..

" Hyyy.. how's you" I said to her with smile... no matter what I wanted to be strong..

"i am good.. how's you.. you with Max last night?" She asked me.. with confusion.. I nodded.

" yeaahh.. and we.." I started to said but door bell ring.. who's here in this time.. we both look at each other in confusion.. did Dan again come back. looking at each other janna stand up and open the door..

" whoohh.. what are you girl's doing here. " Jenna said to them.. but who there are..

" is ava here.." ammy said.. what she doing here.. I stand up and walk there...

I looked main door there is anggi and ammy both are standing there front of us.. I see the anggi eye's she's crying sobbing.. what going on here.. what happened to her.

" what's going on here.." I said to them.. angii look at me.. and come close to me hug me and started to crying .. what happened to her. I looking at ammy..

" she didn't tell me.. I tried than I brought her here.. maybe be she could say something to you" she said to us.. I nodded and than we all followed to our bedroom..

We site there.. ammy and janna both sites in Janna's bed.. and me and anggi site on my bed..

She finally stop crying.. and we all waiting for her to say something.. and she know that we are waiting.. if she doesn't tell us than how can we all help her out.

" last night.. After fight I go after dani.." she finally speak.. and looking at us.. we all looking at each other.. and Janna doesn't know what's going on.. but we all ignored her.

" I talk with him.. but we didn't know actually what's going on we both started to argue.. and than don't know what happened he kissed me.." she said.. and we all shocked.. more than surprise.. finally it's happened..

" wow.. it's good news right.. than why are you crying.. it's freaking me out you know.." ammy said with relive..

" it's not that what you guys think..." she said..

" what you mean by that... " I said to her.. she looking at me.. and she finally revealed why she crying..

" he... he say me that... the kiss was mistake.. " she said to us.. and again started crying.. what the hell..

"why he said like that.. didn't you kiss him back.." ammy said to her.. I keep hugging her. And consoles her.. ohh my good..

" no it's not that.. we little make out.. but when we pull away he think that it's all mistake.. he see me like his best friend.. I mean seriously.. I love me so Damn much... god.. why can he just see that..." she rise her voice and cried.. ohh damn.. it's same happened to me.. ohh my god damn it.. what's going on..

But there is differences that they both are friend's.. and here we both are enemies..

" than what you said.. did you tell him about your feelings for him.." me said to her.. and janna silently observed us.. well I didn't blem her that..

" no after that I just run away.. I don't know what to said.. I just heart broken.." she said and after that ammy told janna all think.. what going on here.. And she nodded.. and I try to stop anggi that she not cry baby more..

" I am so sorry Angela.. if he didn't think about this.. I think you should moved on.. or give him he's space to think about this.. maybe he realized and than he come and talk with you.. it's all for him to new.. so as you sweetie.. give things a little time.. its all going to be alright.." janna come forward and said to anggi and hug her.. wow I mean janna is good for this all stuff..

" thanks Janna.." she said and smile at her.

After keep sitting there silently finally ammy broke the silent..

" And you ava.. you didn't tell me where you last night.. and what's going on with you and Max.." she finally Brun out.. ohh damn not me.. not him.. I don't wanted to talk about him.. but I guess I have to.. I bit my lips nervously. How to start.

" she's dating him.. " Janna said to ammy.. and amma and anggi both are looking at me with surprise.. ohh no fuck...

" what.." they both are said in same time.

" didn't she told you about this.. " janna said to them.. they both are said no with head moving..

" well It's actually totally surprise to me.. don't blem her.. it's happened last night.. when ava left us than Max followed her. And than he asked her out.." Janna explained them.. they both are looking at each other and than janna and than finally they eye's ended up on me..

" sorry.. but it's just sudden happened.. but it's not going to happen anyway.. just dropped it.." I said to them.. we are not good for each other.

" so that is you going to said earlier when I asked you" she said to me and I nodded. " and when you trying to explain you guys interrupted her" janna said... us. And I nodded again. And think about Max. Our kiss. Our fight. It's all wrong.

" but why what happened.. last night I saw.. he's to clumsy with you... like he's totally into you.. he never like this you know." Janna said to me.. no it's not him it's me doing all this..

" we actually had fight last night.. and it's not good one.. After that I spend night in he's place but we didn't sleep together..I was is one of he's guest room.. and than here I am.. I left he's mansion.. without telling him.. and he also didn't come to me to talk after that.. so I didn't tell him and left.. " I explained them.. thing's to mess up.. I Don't know how to explain them.. but I just think that they don't asked me why we fight.. because I don't know what to say more..

" ohh that to bed.." anggi said to me..

" I thought your night going to be all good.. you know what I mean.. " anmy said to me with wink..

" actually I also think about that.. when you come this morning.. I thought you really did this.. but when you didn't talk and left for shower so I talk with Dan and said him to go to he's place.. " janna said to me...

" well relax girl's.. we both are.. it's mean.. you know guys our history.. it's not going to happen.. we both hate each other.. I don't know... ohh god.. please drop it guys.." I said to them pulling in my head with my hand.. It's making me frustrated.. I mean fuck.. why I can't kiss him back man.. when I also wanted to kissed him so damn much.. I wanted to be with him. I never feel this feeling I feel when I am with him. When I feel this butterfly appeared in my stomach.. ohh my god did I really like him.

" Hyyy it's oky.. oky.. all boy's are so dump.. or what can I say all are stupid idiots.. they just don't know what they doing.. women like us they just loss it.. unlucky they are not us... so why we feel sad. Ignore them and regret them what they did with us. " anggi said to me.. I don't know what to said to her. I just nod.. because I don't know about Max but I knw about me that i am regretting this. Why didn't I kiss him back.

" yeah right.. we have to just fuck off them.. we don't need boy's.. we all are here to each other right.. we can do better without them you know.." ammy said and come to me and hug me.. I hug him back..

" Hyyy dont said like that.. my boyfriend is not like that..." janna said to us.. me and amma broke the hug and we three of us looking at her..

I Don't know about amma and anggi but I know how dan is.. but I just can't tell me anything.. because I really don't know anything.. it's my place or not.. and what if I tell her.. she will believe me.. After know that once in time I make out with he's boyfriend.. who's my now ex boyfriend.. no I don't want to know this..

" well who's your boyfriend.." amma asked her. Janna blushed.. and anggi and amma giggle..

" he's name is denial.. and he's work with Max." She said to us.. and for me It's not new. But I didn't rolled my eyes.. because of her loves to him.. and I hate him for using her..

" yeaa Denial.. last time we saw him with max right ava.." ammy said to me looking at me.. and I nodded..

" well I didn't see him.. " anggi said to us..

" well he's so handsome.. Janna your so lucky.. how you guys meet.." amma asked her. Wow that's good news that I don't have to asked her this.. without doing anything amma did job well..

" well we meet in party.. flew month's ago.. when I saw him with Max they are talking don't know what.. but that time we with both talk with each other just normal talk.. than we exchanged number... first he text me or called me I never give him that importance.. because I don't know but I thought it's not my type.. of course he's attractive but I thought he's do always night stand.. and I am not that.. who's do one night stand.. but than he asked me out.. I hesitate.. but after meeting him once twice.. he's not that I think about.. he's even not one night stand type of guy.. knowing him.. I started to fall for him.. but... ummm never mind.. so that's it.." she said to us.. but what.. what she did said and stop herself..

" but what janna.." I said to her..

" it's just than.. I don't know some time I doubt him.. whenever he got call or text.. he always walk away.. didn't thinking about me.. this think I always hate about him.. when I asked about him.. he never told me that and he just changed the topic.. and he know how to manipulated... and he's to smart in that.." she said to us.. I know that.. he's smart..

" maybe he not wanted to stress you out of it.. " I said to him.. After knowing why he's here...

" were in relationships like 6months.. and he still didn't trust me.. like I always share with things.. why can't he.. " janna argue for this.. but I don't know what to say I know she want to know what business he's boyfriend doing it.. but it's also good for her.. if she just out of this all stuff.. it's not good for her.. like she said about trust issues.. actually Max also have that. But it's also not that we are friends or any relationship. Right.

" I think you have to give him some more time.. like you said me.. it's best for that.. and knowing this all boy's stuff seriously boys are really in ass. There are suckes.." anggi said.. and laugh at her.. what she just said. And we all laughed about this.

" yeah.. and I am giving him time.. " janna said. And than we all talk little.. and left for lunch..

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