
Dinner With Danii

           I am waiting for her to say somethin. I know I am in trouble but what can I do for that. Its all because fucking party and that bloody max boy. I so going to kill him any time any movement. Because of him I am in this mess man.. in first place why I agree to go to the attain that stupid party. It's better if I just watched some movies and sleep. Nothing will happen.

" scarlet is searching you.." she said. My eyes was wild. Fuck... I am gone. I know this going to happen. I mean she's Max's  girlfriend why can't She. Even I am her place I will do the same do double. So she has her league.

Seema how I am talking or thinking that bullshit..

Stop thinking ridiculous ava.. here were are talking about Scarlett not this girlfriend boyfriend things.

" she know about what happened last night. And now she was also after you. " she said. Sit beside me. " you have to be careful about this. I didn't tell anything about last night... she... she bully some girls in morning.." she said. I shocked more than my eyes willd.  Well that's not I thought but well done. Poor that girl's. Because of me she did with them.

" what. " I said. That was to shocking news.

" she dont know its you.. so she bully some girls in campus. She Brun hair some girls." She finally said. How dare she.. I mean she has right but it's not that she will do whatever she wants to.. and also with innocent people.

" fuck... she is big bitch." I said. My eyes was red. I just wanted to punch her that bitch. Fuck. How can she do with innocent girls. I have to do something. But what. Its all because of him she doing all things. She is real mad women. To blind in love.

" when max know about this. Than he come to her. To say stop all drama. I know she agreed front of him. But I know her. She didn't give up that soon. " she said. Yeaa right why she...

" what I can do about this." I said. She looking at me. I don't know what to do. Can I go and talk to her about this. But what she do something. Bully me front of everyone. Brun my hair. Fuck I am going to kill her to... its all happened because of that asshole.. I am going to kill him to.. fuck.. I have to go and punch them both of them. They both are in my haters top list.

" just shuts you mount. And stay away from them. I told her to let you go. Dont know but you have to careful next time. She's real bitch. " she said. And get up on my bed and walk away. Than she turn around looking at me and said. " today I m going too night out with my gang. So looked your door. I have extra keys. And I have your no if I want something will call you. Otherwise dont open the door. " she said. And walk away.

I sitting there. Thinking about all this. Just two days. And lots of trouble I m getting in to. Fuck. How can I am survive. Thinking about all think I lay down my bed. And sleep.

Taking small nep. Get up. And fresh myself. Changing the clothes. I am ready to going to gym. Yaahh its best for everything. I have to forget about last night about morning  I just forgot about everything. Also I forgot about P.T fuck how can I skipped this I have to careful about all my things and concerns about my games don't to ignore all this for that bullshit drama.

I left my room. Looked my doors. And left the place. I reached gymnastic. Enter there. I seen there some teenagers working out. So I ignored all of them. And do my own work. I dont wanted to talk any of them. Dont want any more trouble. Throw my bad in side of corner. My hair tie in in ponytail. Than started to pushups. I wear jeggings and sports bra. I dont know who eye's on me. I ignored all of them. And doing my own work. Complete pushups I searched skipping and doing my work.

After doing my half an hour. I take break. Sitting in ground. I drink my juice. Open my cell phone seen any messages or call I have.. there is messages of my friends. I replied all messages. About my friends well they are seema good but not that good I keep in touch them because I have reasons. I don't wants to go there or part of them and also they know that they agreed my about my decision and that is good about them. And I am thankful that I got friends like them. I know whenever I need them they always come and save my back. But don't want anybody's help. Also I don't want to involve with bed people.

" hey what are you doing here." Someone say. I look up and seen who's voice is. And he's deni.. he's attractive smile I just looking at him he's eyes. It's light blue and I just... stop that ridicules ava..

" hey denii? " I said in surprise tone. I don't wanted to answer is question but I have to..

" am here for some workout." I said. Rolling my eyes. Why people come her of course for workout or what man. But I didn't said that Its little rude so I just stop. And getting up to stand to myself feet. " what are you doing here" I asked him. Same ridiculous question ava. He here same as you here for. Right.

" actually I have matched tomorrow so I am here for prepared myself.." he said excitedly.  Seems like he's happy about it. What so happy about it man. To hurt yourself and also others.

" woww.. that cool. Show me your some moves" I said very confidently. Just don't want to hurt that my bullshit thought. If he likes fight so I just can't denied. For him I have to cheer him up.

" really ava... if you wanted to see my moves you have to come tomorrow and see my fight. I loved to see you there." He said shyly. When I look him he blushed.. wow I mean really. He asked me out to show he's fight that's cool move.

" thanks for that but I can't.. " I wanted to say but he cut me of. Because I know it's not good for me.. to go there.

"Hey anggi also coming tomorrow. Come on plzz.. for cheering me up." He requested. I know he's so cute attractive how can I denied him.

" ohky... tomorrow right..." I said to him low voice. He nodded. " what time.." I asked him.

" its 9o'clock. " he said happily.

"oky will be there" I said to him. And he just come close and hug me.. woww.. my body was in shiver. I shocked he's. sudden reaction. I just hug my bro and some old friend not like deni. But it's feel something different. He realize maybe he pulled away.

"i .... am... I am sorry." He shuttered. He blushed. Damn he's so cute.

Don't act girly type ava.. I know that oky I sad.

You know that than why you act like this. I couldn't answer that.

You are in big trouble ava. Don't do things that you have to faced that and than you feel regret.

" hyy its ok. I think I should go.. my time is up. You had dinner?" I asked him. I m so hungry. I just wanted too go cafeteria and attack.

" nope.. Come one I m also done. We can eat together." he said. I nodded. Grab my bag. Pulled over me. And we exit the gym. When walking in gallery. I seen someone's shadow. Someone follow us. I stop walking and turn around.. no one there. I think I over thinking. maybe I think to much.

" Hyyy what happened. Come on We are going to be let" deni yelled.

" coming." I run toward him. But I feel like someone is following us. But who. I hope it's all just my bullshit thought.

After dinner. I reached my dorm. Deni and me talk some more time. And he's cute and nice. We know each other better. He's little funny. He told me about his tomorrow match. How he excited about his match. And also told me about football match. Yaah I also told him our performance. We not exactly. Cozz I also don't know what we have to do there. Than we talk about family. He has mom dad and little cute sister. I told him about my brother. He didn't asked any more questions. Than we talk about badminton. And all than finally we say goodbye to each other. Also we exchanged our no.

Deni is cute,funny, nice guy's. I like me. I dont mind if I go out with him. I know I over thinking. But if he asked so. than will say yes. Yaah I like to spend more time with him. I never seen guys like this. Cute, shy..

Fuck stop thinking. Focus on your ambition. Think about why are you here. You here for competition. You here for complete you dreams. But danii  he seems nice guy. But I also have to concentrate my aim. Like he did. Yes. Will do it. my head is right Its not right to think about him. I Am not here for love and relationships. And when this all happen I not believe in love. It's just attraction. He just trick me. He talk nice and cute to fool me. How can I didn't catch that. Maybe he'd genuinely but I am not here for that. I already I am do lot think that suppose to be not to do. I breaking all my walls. It's not good for me. I have to ignore all this and only think about my game. And I will do it.  I thinking about all think and I sleep.

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