
A dedicated guy

Park Hye Jeon and Cheung Shin were going to the Tea House talking with each other. "Dan Sik must be furious after you stopped him from taking additional charges along with the taxes," Park Hye Jeon asserted. "But, I am wondering why are you not telling his truth to the senior officers then?" Hye Jeon muttered.

"I am waiting for the right time," replied Cheung Shin as he entered the Tea House along Hye Jeon.

"Don't tell me you are going to bring out some dirty secrets of the official above Dan Jin Sik," muttered Hye Jeon.

"Yeah. I am thinking of something like that only. He is not the one behind this illegal collections but the officer above him… not one but many. Joseon is corrupted by such officials," Cheung Shin whispered in Hye Jeon ear and then halted near a table at the left end which was quite isolated from the others.

They both seated on the chairs around that table. "Which tea would you like to take, masters?" a girl who works as a waitress in the Tea House asked them.

"Chrysanthemum tea," replied Hye Jeon. The girl nodded and walked away.

Hye Jeon looked at Cheung Shin. "How are the things going on in Sungkyunkwan? It must be difficult for you there. Just cancel your appointment there." Hye Jeon suggested Cheung Shin.

"Yes, I am working on that. Since its official order so making a change this early is difficult. I think I have to be there at least for a month," asserted Cheung Shin. The same girl came there with a tray in her hand. She put the tray at the table and served them tea in the porcelain cups. After serving them, the girl walked away.

"There is a disciple. His name is Yoon Shik. He is the one who saw me the day those masked men were behind me….you can say he saved me the other day," stated Cheung Shin and sipped the tea. Hye Jeon too sipped the tea.

"Did he tell anyone?" Hye Jeon asked as he put the porcelain cup at the table.

"No. He is not those type of guys who spill out unnecessary things… means the things not related to him in anyway. He is a Sangmin." As Cheung Shin told Hye Jeon, he spit the tea out as he was surprised to hear that a Sangmin was in Sungkyunkwan.

"How's that possible? I mean there is nil chances that a Sangmin can pass that high level exam. I don't believe it," Hye Jeon muttered as he wiped off his lips.

"Believe or not but he is. In the beginning, I thought that he might be a spy and could be from some noble family who has told to hide his identity. But, it is not. He is from low class. He wants to enter some good department but his majesty bestowed him with the reward of appointment in Ministry of Rites when he will pass the other exam.

You see, no one ever impressed me this much as Yoon Shik. He is really a dedicated guy. For a while, I thought to talk with his majesty to make him enter in our squad but he is too weak for that," asserted Cheung Shin in a low voice.

"Why in our squad?" Hye Jeon asked curiously.

"Well, he is that type of person who can do anything to make things right. Do you know he was punished so severely and he took that punishment as if it was nothing. Hyung-nim gave him quite a strict punishment. His both hands are still not healed. Sometimes, I feel to help that guy," Cheung Shin told Hye Jeon.

"You don't need to help anyone. Just come out of that place before anyone can find your true identity… it will be a problem if they will find that you are a woman," Hye Jeon asserted, leaning closer to Cheung Shin.

"Shut your mouth. I am a man," Cheung Shin muttered, looking around to see if no one had heard them. Cheung Shin picked the teapot and filled the cups. Sipping it, he asked Hye Jeon if he found about that runaway masked guy.

"Yes. But, before I could grab him someone shot an arrow and he died. The arrow had a deadly poison on it," Hye Jeon replied.

"When did this happen?" Cheung Shin asked as he sipped the Tea.

"Two days ago," answered Hye Jeon.

"I told you to nab him alive. You should have taken me with you when you found about his whereabouts," Cheung Shin pronounced with a worried look and then put the cup at the table.

"I could not as that person was going to leave the next day. I could have lost him. But, Cheung Shin from this it is clear that the condition in South region of the kingdom is all because someone is aiding it from here. But who?" Hye Jeon muttered and drank the remaining tea from the cup.

"There are many actually. His majesty thinks it is crown prince who is trying to topple the situation there. Because of his majesty, the crown prince does not able to do the thing he wants to," stated Cheung Shin.

"Yes. I've find another important information. I have reported that to his majesty," Hye Jeon proclaimed.

"About what?" Cheung Shin queried.

Hye Jeon leaned closer to Cheung Shin ear and whispered something there. After he was done, he leaned back. "This is serious," Cheung Shin asserted.

"Hmm. I hope Prince Lee will soon complete his studies because only he can stop his brother. His majesty has an illness too so, prince has to do things really quick." Hye Jeon had a worried expression while saying all this.


Hani was done telling the stories to the ladies in the Tea House. The Kisaeng named Hwa Young paid her the money as she had come there with other fellow Kisaengs. "Your story telling skills have improved. Why don't you try story telling in Kisaeng house?"

"I am good here. And, you should not invite me to such a place which is full of men," Hani muttered.

"Not every man is bad. Some just wants to talk to you as they feel lonely," asserted Hwa Young.

"I don't understand that. I am still a kid," Hani said in an innocent tone as she put the grabbed the pouch from Hwa Young's hand.

"So, shall I invite some men here tomorrow. To say the truth, there are a few of my customers who wants to listen to you as the story you told us, I story tell them whenever they come. So, they are curious to know. They will reward you heavily," Hwa Young told Hani.

"I do not want rewards. My father and brother are earning enough. This thing I do for fun. Nothing more," Hani answered.

"Hani, they are upper-class men. If they would find out that you refused then it will anger them and it could be a problem to your family. You are a brainy woman. I am asking you to just story tell them. We all women would be with them. So, there is nothing to fear about. I have heard you earlier used to story tell to people in village some of whom were men too.

If you won't accept it then, I might be punished. You know that as a Kisaeng I have no life except to serve them." Hwa Young got emotional as tears formed in her eyes.

Hani lowered her eyes and then looked at Hwa Young. "Sister, I will do but just for 15 minutes. Do not cry," Hani consoled Hwa Young who wiped the tears formed in her eyes from the silk handkerchief in her hand.

After a while, Hani left from the Tea House but before leaving she told the owner not to tell anyone that she was there. The other Kisaengs had left the room except Huwa Young when a man came there.

"Master," Huwa Young greeted the person.

"You did not fail me," the person muttered.

"I can do anything for the master," replied Huwa Young as she smirked along with the person.

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