
Chapter 40 I make some stuff and meet my waifu

A couple of days later, it's time for us to hand in our choices on which agencies to intern at.

Minoru- "I'm going for Mt Lady!"

Tsuyu- "You're thinking perverted thoughts again, Mineta-chan."

Minoru- "Am not!"

It's ok Minoru, we all think perverted things about Mt Lady.

Later during the day, All Might came and told Izuku that someone drafted him, his old teacher, Gran Torino.

Meanwhile, I didn't bother with that and just went home. My home, being a normal 2 story house in the suburbs.

I did my daily routine of working out a bit and training my [Unarmed Mastery], before walking over to the coffee table and placing my hand on a certain part of it. A green light scans my hand like a photocopier from the table surface. Once it completely scans my hand, a button pops out, which I push back in.


Suddenly the wall off to the side opens up to reveal an elevator.

Jarvis- "Good evening, Sir Arata."

Arata- "Hey Jarvis. Let's get started, shall we?"

I walk into the elevator, the wall closes behind me and the elevator starts going down. after a few seconds, the doors open again, but what I see isn't my house, but an extremely high tech workshop.

Yeah, that's right. I have a secret base. Perks of being a genius.




*We are having difficulties, please wait.*

(A/N: I added this in during editing. I'm sorry I couldn't help myself.)


I snap my fingers and the wall spins around to show a bunch of suitcases. Some big, some small. Specifically, these are all the gadgets I made for those in 1A. I need them to get stronger, I can't always protect them. Especially all the upcoming villain attacks, and especially since most of them will have a Divine Augment.

Giving them weapons, on the other hand, will boost their combat power, if only for a short moment. But that's enough for now.

Ochako, Kyoka, Tenya, Yuga, Mina, Denki and Momo all have their gadgets, but over the days I made some for everyone else.

First, capitalising my idea of now incorporating brainwave sensors in my tech, I reworked Momo's supercomputer bracelet. Now she only needs to think of the general shape and functions of the object she wants to make and the bracelet can hash out the inner workings and show the final result in a hologram. That way, she will be much faster when making complicated stuff.

I made some glasses so people can see Toru but that won't exactly help during combat, so I made some special shoes that can heavily reduce the sounds made when walking. Now even when she stomps on the ground, no one will know she's there. Unless she talks or something.

Meanwhile, I'll just keep the glasses for myself.


I made Rikido a bottle of highly concentrated sugar pills. Taking more than one at a time will be dangerous, even for him, but the good news is that it's laced with the nutrient fluid, he won't be exhausted when it wears off.

Fumikage has smoke grenades, except the smoke that comes out of it will be black. Like, very black. It blocks and absorbs light, so once the smoke spreads, it'll be a pseudo night. And if Dark Shadow goes out of control, I made a grenade that does the opposite. Basically, it's a flashbang, except I took out the bang and made the flash last a lot longer.

Shoto has gauntlets and can harness and concentrate the fire and ice he expels. Simply getting touched by the ice gauntlet is enough to freeze a glass of water instantly, and for the fire gauntlet, touching wood will instantly ignite it. Granted, this will shorten the range of his attacks, but be can toggle whether the gauntlets will absorb his fire and ice or not, so it will only add more combat options.

As for Katsuki, I gave him gauntlet shields that replace his Grenadier Bracers that were heavily inspired by Captain America's shields in Avengers Infinity War. It still can absorb Katsuki's sweat and create explosions far beyond his natural capacity, but it can also expel those explosions through the back. In case he wants to throw an extra nasty punch, he can always add in that rear explosion to boost it.

(A/N: I need ideas. I can't think of anything useful for anyone else.)

I then made rings that use the force field projection tech that gives the wearer a personal force field that covers their skin. It doesn't work if they take it off though.

I wish I could just give everyone a neuro linker, but I'm only just figuring out how it works. It'll probably take a few weeks until I completely find out what makes it tick. It connects to the user's brain and lets the user control the whole thing just with their mind. Even for me, it'll take a bit to figure it out.

There was a problem with it though. Remember how I said that my mind works so fast that any brainwave detection device just doesn't work? Yeah, the Neuro Linker couldn't keep up either. Even I got stumped on how to get it to work for a while.

Eventually, I decided to test something out and used [Degenerate] to fuse the whole thing directly to my body and mind.

It was a bit uncomfortable, but luckily I smoothed things out using [Self Reprogramming]. Now the whole thing uses my brain as a CPU. As a side effect, it's now truly and permanently fused with my body. Like, my skin has melded with it. I can just undo it with [Degenerate] though, but it'll be a pain in the ass.

Several days later, it's time for everyone to go their separate ways for their internships. I gave everyone their suitcases carrying the gear I made, but they don't know what's inside it. I told them not to open it until they get somewhere private.

Well, when I have Katsuki his case he just said "I don't want it bastard!" but I just forced it onto him. Don't ask me how.

I also gave Izuku a case. Inside it are the shock absorb gauntlets and leg bracers I made for him a long time ago that can take his 100%. I also gave him a force field ring that I specifically geared to be resistant to slashing damage.

Now, when he goes up against Stain, he won't be defeated so easily. He's also a lot stronger than his canon counterpart. Let's just hope Stain's Divine Augment isn't overpowered.

It's time for us to go. I don't drive in my car, I instead get on a public train. Apparently, Momo and Itsuka Kendo from class 1B are going the same way. If I remember correctly in the manga and anime, they both interned under a hero called Uwabami.

Nothing much happened, we noticed each other but didn't say or do anything. We just went our own way. I noticed Itsuki teasing Momo about something while making glances at me, but I just ignore them.

About an hour later, I find myself in front of a high rise apartment complex. Because Rumi doesn't have her own agency and just wanders around, she doesn't have a permanent house. Of course, even so, she's still currently the number 6 hero on the hero rankings, soon to be number 5, so she can afford high-quality places like this easily.

I check on the screen in front of my eyes to see if this is the right place and walk-in. The screen is not visible to anyone else as it's from the neuro linker directly projecting it to my brain.

I enter the elevator and go up several floors until I near the top. I walk down the hallway up to an apartment door and don't bother knocking and just open the door. She always had the bad habit of not locking her doors.

Arata- "Hey, I'm he-"

???- "Arataaaaa!!!"

And all of a sudden a dark-skinned beauty in hot pants and a tank top jumps on me and suffocates me with her boobs in a hug.

*Dark Souls death audio*



A/N: And we're here! Rumi is back. It seems a lot of you degenerates are asking for a lemon chapter, so I'll see what I can do. This will be my very first attempt, so if it sucks, it's your fault.

If I missed something or you want me to add or improve something please tell me!

Also consider dropping a power stone, you get a free one every day and it helps!

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