
Arriving in Zenith city

We have been traveling all day now, and night is approaching us. I had to go through the invisible barrier like all players do. Tokil and Thoznal both had strange looks on their faces watching that. We are only a few minutes away and we can see the walls and some of the city from here. There is some damage to the landscape looking from here, I bet the city is busy as can be with rebuilding. I wonder if I'll get to see Jackson again, he is a king now so he might not have time to have a friendly chat. I look over to my travel companions and see the solemn look at the devastation the area has been through. Dwarves are builders, seeing this might put a knot in Thoznal's stomach. Tokil is more used to combat since proving your skill and honor in battle is common for lizardmen, they are not fond of war though.

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