

The markets in the late afternoon in Vale would normally be bustling with people from around the town and even around the world of Remnant, however, ever since two days ago with the fall of Beacon it has been abandoned. The stands have been ripped apart by wandering grimm and the produce and inventory has been scavenged and left behind. The wind blows through the market pushing chairs and ripped cloth around.

'I'll find them. I know I will. I have to.' A cloaked man has made his way into the middle of the market. He is muttering to himself. He stops for a moment and scans his surroundings. Meanwhile, in a abandoned subway station three blocks away, a giant Ursa starts to make its way to the market. The hideous creature shakes the ground with every step it takes. The monstrosity is now about only a block away, crashing through anything that is in its wake, giant claws drag across the floor creating sparks. Tramplin through the market, it makes its way to the center and starts to sniff the air, as if it knows the man is near. The man suddening jumps out from above one of the stands and shoots one of the Urza's arms clean off with great precision. The Urza instinctively slashes at the man with its other arm. The creature misses as if the man was never there at all. The man appears behind the Urza and shoots a arrow from his wooden crossbow into the back of the creature. The Urza whips around and goes in for another slash attack. Again the attack misses him like he was never there and the man shoots off the other arm. The Urza stands for a moment and then starts to try to flee. The man presses a button on his crossbow and it snaps outward creating a long spear.

'Alright 120 meters away, adjust for the wind turbulence and the fleeing trajectory.' he closes his eyes. He listens to the footprints and thuds of the grimm. He brings the spear back behind his head, and puts his arm out.

'Gotcha' He throws his spear with amazing speed. The spear strikes the Urza's heart and kills it instantly. The body starts to disintegrate. The man brushes off the dust on his shoulders and straightens his bow tie.

'Man I got my suit dirty, I'll never be able to get that out' He continues to walk through the market to the abandoned subway. As he walks into the subway he starts to notice the startling amount of grimm in the station. There are grimm everywhere, and a couple of beowulf's notice the man.

'I think my suit is about to get a hell of a lot more dirty' He pulls out his spear and looks around for something that he could use to his advantage. There is a steel beam above the beowulf's that have noticed him. He walks toward the beowulf's with uncertainty and readys his weapon. He nudges forward little by little cautiously looking at the steel beam. The closer he gets to the grimm the more unstable the beam gets.

'Just a little bit closer' He gets to about a foot away from the creatures and the beam starts to crumble. The man jumps back and the beam suddenly collapses onto the grimm trapping them in the subway station.

'That will take care of that' He claps his hands together to the great deed that he has accomplished and he continues walking toward the ruins of Beacon Academy.

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