
Chapter 2

Zenia's POV

Mommy and I were heading over to Jasmine's and Evan's house. Jasmine was putting together a small engagement celebration and of course, mom and I were invited. I was excited apart from the celebration because I knew I would see?him?there as well.

I wore a fitted white dress that flowed down to my ankles like a waterfall, a respectable split stopped just above my knees. I had flat ironed my hair and did loose wave curls to the sides. I completed the look with a simple gold necklace and bracelets. I looked beautiful but I couldn't outshine my sister. This was her glowing moment and she looked stunning.

She also wore a white dress which hugged her in all the right places. The pregnancy worked extra magic for her body. Her boobs got bigger and her hips were wider which meant her butt pop out too. Evan must really be loving himself. Jasmine was everything. Her hair was styled in a high bun and her makeup was flawless.

"You made it." She embraced me with a hug. "And I have a bone to pick with you."

I broke the hug.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"We'll speak later. My guests are arriving. Come have a drink." She pulled me towards the kitchen area. A large table was covered with all different types and colors of wines, champagnes and other sparking beverages.

"Help yourself." She filled a glass for herself and walked back out to the living room where everyone was beginning to mingle with each other.

I scanned the drinks. So much to choose from. I decided to pour myself a glass of chilled rose wine. I only had it once at a club with some of my college friends when we celebrated our completion of college and I loved it.

"That's not a drink." A voice startled me and arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me backwards gently onto his chest. I knew it was him. His scent fanned my nostrils immediately afterwards as I got comfortable against his hard impressive chest.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine." I turned around and looked into his beautiful grey pair of eyes. He gave a cute smile and kissed my forehead.

"You look stunning. Like you're the one getting married."

I laughed heartily.

Me and marriage?

"Shouldn't we be joining everyone else out there in the living room?" I pulled away from his hug and sipped on my glass of rose wine.

EJ and I were friends with each other ever since we met at a diner. I was walking by when Evan saw me and called me over to their table. I met EJ that day but it was cut shortly when Evan's friend appeared to be rude. EJ then found me on Facebook and we took off from there but I wasn't rushing into a committed relationship with him. We were just friends. I hadn't even told my sister about us.

I took his hand and walked towards the living room. I released his hand once we spotted everyone. I sat down next to my mother and EJ sat down with his on the opposite side of us.

Evan and Jasmine stood up in the middle of the room and announced their engagement to us. I already knew about it but I got happy all over again. Jasmine deserved being happy and they deserved each other.

Everyone clapped and cheered for them and hugged them with congratulations once the announcement was over. Evan raised his son and handed him over to one of his maids for the balance of the night. Everyone filed outside in the huge yard where the real celebrating party was being held.

Music flowed through the surroundings and my body. I removed my heels and began dancing to the beats of the song.?

'V. I.?C. Wobble Wobble.'

I looked around as I danced. Jasmine was dancing with her husband-to-be.

The first Mrs. Hollen was dancing with the first Mr. Hollen.

Mom was talking to one of Evan's chef.?

And everyone else was paired off with someone.

EJ was texting in his phone and I approached him.

"Hey!" The music was louder than my voice but he heard me. He put his phone away and turned towards me.

"Where are your shoes?" He looked down at my feet, arching his eyebrows and throwing on a smile. "Are you stripping for me already?"

"Don't get cocky EJ. I was dancing and I can't dance with my heels on."

"Okay. Lets dance then." He pulled me closer to the music system and pulled me against his chest again. I tried stepping back a bit but that only made his hold on me tightened more.

After the song was finished, I was released from his super hold and he turned his attention back to his cellphone.


"I'm taking this drink over to my sister." I excused myself and cursed myself mentally as I walked over to Jasmine and Evan.

Why was I suddenly jealous when EJ wasn't paying me any attention but I pushed him away the moment time I got it??

What is wrong with me?

"Hey." Jasmine noticed me first.

"Hey Zen."

"Hey guys. Congratulations again, I can't wait for the wedding."

"And guess what?" My sister asked.

"What? You know guessing things correctly isn't my strong suit."

We laughed.

"I'm making you my maid of honor." Jasmine said into my ear.

I threw on a smile and hugged her again and handed her a glass of wine. She drank it in one gulp and went back to dancing with Evan.

I went indoors to use the washroom and to freshen up. I closed the door behind me, urinated, washed my hands and retouched my makeup.

On my way out, I was pushed back inside the same washroom.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you."

"I think I know when someone is trying to avoid me Zenia."

"Well EJ, it's a party. I was just enjoying myself."

"Why you can't enjoy yourself in my presence?"

"I'm not having this conversation in here."

"Good. Because I didn't come in here to talk."

He moved closer to me and pulled me onto him. My heart raced rapidly as his lips got closer and closer to mine. I turned my head slightly to the left so his lips connected to my cheek instead.

"You don't want to kiss me?"

We had never had sex nor even kissed. We only hugged every time we linked up. He was a friend.

"We're in a washroom." I made an excuse.

He looked around.

"Evan got lots of rooms in this house. Lets go to one."

"No EJ! No."

I knew where that might led to and I wasn't about to let myself go down that road with the son of a billionaire. I saw what Jasmine went through with his brother and I didn't want something like that happening to me as well.

Although she and Evan are together again, things might not work out like that for me.

"Zenia, I don't want to have sex with you. I just want us to talk and have some time together. I haven't seen you since three weeks ago."

We hadn't seen each other in a few weeks but we video chat almost everyday.

Doesn't that count?

A knock on the bathroom door startled us.

"Who's in there? I need to use the washroom!"

It was EJ's mother and she was about to see us in the washroom together if she gets in here.

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