
Chapter 062 Blood Typing

Richard extracted several drops of blood from Gelo's wound and dripped them onto a clean silver plate. Looking up at the nobles, he spoke, "Next, I need to take a drop of blood from each of you to mix with Gelo's. This is because Gelo currently has very little blood in his body, so we must find someone who can give him a blood transfusion. By injecting some blood into his body, we can restore his health and save him. Each of you will need to undergo this test."

Blood transfusion?

Not only is letting blood not sufficient, but a transfusion is also needed?

Surely this is heresy, surely the work of a wizard's spell!

However, this was the time to show loyalty.

"Every one of us can give blood to the prince!" someone in the crowd exclaimed, followed by many others in agreement, "Wizard, if you can save Prince Gelo, you can use our blood."

Richard shook his head and said, "It's not that anyone will do, only those who meet the requirements."

"Why?" someone in the crowd asked.

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