

Pete raised his head from the movie he had been seeing on his laptop when a knock sounded on his office door.

He could tell it was Kathleen since it was past closing hours and his secretary had left over an hour ago. He had been wondering how long it would take before she finally joined him in his office.


"It's Kathleen," Kathleen called uncertainly from the other side of the door.

She had been stalling, praying, and hoping he would wrap up whatever he was doing quickly so they could be on their way home. She didn't want to be alone with him in his office.

But the more she had waited alone in her empty office, the more restless she had become so she had decided to come over when she remembered that Amanda would be back from school by now. 

"Come in," Pete said as he quickly removed the movie he had been watching and picked up a document while pretending to be busy.

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