
1503. Catching Up

"How were you delayed?" Alma had arrived at the wall just at the same time as Scylla and the demi-human army. With them was a volunteer force from those that had participated in the coliseum battles. 

The very same day that all the others had left, Scylla had been faced with a grand gesture. The participants had seen many leave with the armies and stop fighting to prepare. Those that remained banned together under the most experienced fighters to declare that they wished the coliseum battles to end until every race on the continent was at peace. 

It was unprecedented. Never had Scylla seen such a thing and never had she imagined she would be able to take their offer and run with it. She had ensured to all of them that they had chosen the proper path as a warrior. Why waste their energy in battles to decide the strongest when they could be following their hearts to pursue freedoms for everyone? 

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