
589. Slime Poison

Remey had replied to Walker's party chat as soon as she received it since she had been exploring the dwarven alchemy lab. It was much more in depth and filled with strange tools she had never used before. Not to mention the few herbs she had yet to record since they were unique to the deep caves and could almost never be found above the ground. 

"Ugh! Why is everything so weird. And why did that dwarf that showed this to me ditch me." Remey stomped her foot in frustration while speaking out loud. She had not expected to be ditched with no assistance or any guidance to the lab at all. It was all foreign to her since the labs she would use were classic and not at all steam powered. 

"I might as well check out these books." Remey had eyed the single book case in the room when she came in but opted to explore first. She had found a few mechanisms to open and close steam pipes and fire pits underneath the large cauldron in the center of the room. 

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