
533. Rorick Enters

"Thank you for accepting my proposal. I the king or Ordist have arrived and am glad to see all in health and strength." King Rorick broke through the fading light with his voice and appearance. He wore simple robes and held no weapons. It made it look as if he had not been ready to leave on such short notice. 

"Allow me to apologize for this abrupt appearance and joining. I felt that things were warranting my immediate input and that I had greatly underestimated the power of these meetings. Scylla, please stand down and join the other talks on my behalf." Scylla nodded and looked to Walker. 

"I Scylla relinquish my presence as the speaker of the King of Ordist " The bond between Walker and her was severed while she left. 

"I King Rorick of Ordist recognize the Hero Walker as the proper mediator of this meeting." The same mana fluctuation happened as before linking Rorick in to the meeting. 

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