
213. Queenly curiosity

The queen had lost the cold poker face and allowed her curiosity to show. The King even smirked a bit at this ready to see what amusing things his queen was about to dig up. Walker had expected fully that queen Marian would want to see some interesting skills and even want to try and see the changes in Midnight. Walker decided that before they got dragged back in to the serious conversation it would be best to humor her. "As I am sure you remember, I wanted you to bring some interesting things for me to see the next time you visited, Leader of the Omnipotent party." The look in her eyes showed fierce fire. 

Walker stood up "My queen I have a very large amount of things I could share with you, but I must say this breeze is too troublesome for me to explain properly." Queen Marian looked rather confused, as did most of the nobles, even Ibis was lost to thin. 

"I can not say I feel the slightest of drafts, are you feeling unwell?" Queen Marian was a bit worried now.

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