
211.Seeing Ibis

Clara then pushed them to return upstairs and even further tpo head to the guild master's office. The dissection staff seemed to be in a frenzy with the monsters dropped off. Some seemed fairly unhappy by the burned up bodies, they much prefered the closest to how they normally existed in the wild. They did find some benefit in the fact that they could study the horned rabbit's anatomy under the stress of extreme heat though, many notes were added in this respect.

The artistic door of the guild master's office was already in front of them as Clara had pushed them all the way up the stairs. She wanted to get them there and have a reason to sit down for the first time all day. "Guild master, I have brought the Omnipotent party!" Clara said this while pushing open the door, she hadn't even knocked. Walker and the others hesitated but Clara walked right in and sat on an empty chair, she looked like she would have collapsed in to it anyways. 

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