

The walk through the market was quick, it helped that their home was near the main road and that the adventurers guild had their main building in the middle of the street. The guild was a massive four story building that had a triangular peak on the fourth floor roof. There was also a large training field behind the building for examinations and training. Not to mention the basement used for storage, monster dissection, and even some pet storage for tamers.

"Well this is your stop, don't be too late getting home, your mother worked hard on that birthday cake of yours,"Garret said as he continued on his usual route to the gate.

Walker quickly pushed open the large oak door revealing the hustle and bustle of the guild's first floor. Plenty of adventurers clamored over the morning bulletin boards full of potential quests. While the staff behind the counter registered accepted quests, issued rewards, and took quests from citizens.

Hurrying over to the counter and dodging the parties getting ready to leave, Walker approached an empty spot in front of the counter. A shorter woman wearing the guild's uniform which consisted of a black vest over a white shirt and black pants came up to the counter quickly while adjusting her glasses. She had short dirty blond hair barely reaching the top of her ears and a business like demeanor. The name tag said Clara- first floor manager

"Hello, and welcome to the adventurers guild, can I ask what business you have today?"

Walker was impressed by the professional attitude and readily replied, " Yes I'm here to register, I'd like to take the tests to become an adventurer today."

Clara grabbed some papers from a shelf underneath the table. "Follow me, we will go to the written exam room for the first test. You will be required to answer questions on the basics of what an adventurer does, why you'd like to be one, and furthermore your system name and a brief description of what your system can do."

The room was simple, with rows of tables with chairs. A few others seemed to be taking the same exam as him. "Once you complete this form return to the front to hand it in. Next, you will be taken to the training field by an available adventurer above the silver tier to demonstrate your current skills. Finally, you will have an interview. Once we evaluate all three we will inform you of the decision, I wish you the best of luck". Clara then turned and walked through the door.

Most of the information was easy, Walker had learned all this just by living and idolizing adventurers. However ,when he got to the section asking about what role he would play in a party he was unsure. So he answered everything and walked to the counter. "Excuse me, Miss Clara, it asks what role I would take in a party but I'm not sure how to answer. May I ask for your guidance please?"Walker was very polite and knew how to treat someone in a customer service position. He learned well watching his mother assist those who came to by her pastries.

"Well that's usually an easy answer, those with long range attacks often put a simple term as archer or attack mage, some with defense and offensive prowess could list defender or attacker, and others with healing or support roles may list supporter. Often those with leadership based systems just simply put down a leader," Clara replied with a short but very simple to understand answer demonstrating her years of experience.

Walker contemplated for a moment, " So if I can fill every position should I just reply all?"

Clara's face held some surprise until she caught herself and replied, " I'm not sure someone could fill every position, may I ask for your System details so I can give you a better answer?"

Walker handed her the form and showed her the details he'd filled in about his system. She took quite a few minutes to finally reply ,"Due to the information here I would say yes, you could say all positions are available to you. However, after your combat evaluation we will be able to give you a better position and prove your skills. Please wait here while I retrieve a proctor". Clara headed to a row of magic crystals used for communications.

After a short while a very large man with red hair and  a red beard to his chest came from the second floor. Walker couldn't help but think, this man could eat me alive like an ogre and no one would be able to stop him!

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