


"Our homeroom teacher got us there," Denki said as the boys are now walking back to our classroom.

"I had a hard time believing that he will just expel us if we did not meet up his expectations," Sero said as I walk. behind them listening to their chatter.

"Hmm. You guys know that he indeed expel last year's 1A right?" I said making all of them freeze upon hearing what I said.

"W-wait. Really?" Kirishima ask me.

"Yeah. I will show you in the classroom if you did not believe it. I saved that article on my phone." I replied as they all eagerly walk back to the classroom with us take the handout on the table as the girls also have arrived.

"Here. Read it." I show them the article of the previous 1A being expelled toward the as Ilda read it loudly as they all frown and feel a bit afraid hearing his statement.

"Our homeroom teacher, he is scary," Mina said with Tooru agreeing with her.

"I cannot believe he will expel the whole class like that." Ilda mutter.

"Hmm. Why are you guys afraid? We met his expectation and did not expel like that class means we are worthy to be here in Eraserhead's eyes." I said as they all look at me.

"Tch. Of course compared to those losers I am stronger than them." Bakugou commented.

"Hmm" Shoto hum in agreement with my statement.

"Shiba-san here is correct. Now we all can thrive to become a hero." The rich girl said with all of them cheer except for me, Bakugou and Shoto.

School ended with me already planning to go to the Support Department to hand in the design of my Baton that is red coloured with it has tasers that can electrocute my enemies, shot grappling hooks, nets and detonate themselves with a switch. And I need them to be made to hit any enemies that have superior durability.

And I also plan to see if I also can use that department to build some of my creations.

"Hey Shiba, want to hang out?" Sugar Guy asks me as I look at him.

"Sorry but I need to go to the Support Department," I replied.

"Why?" Raven boy asks me.

"To request them to build something for me. I heard that they can build some heroic equipment for us to use. I plan to give this to them for them to create them for me." I show Fumikage, Rikido, Aoyama and Midoriya the design of the batons.

"Oh. I remember I also put something for my suit." Aoyama commented as I look at him.

Sussy teenager. I knew who you are.

"Oh. These are your Tatsuya?" Kendo asks as she takes a look at my batons.

"Eh. I mean with your transformation quirk that made you so versatile, why even bother to use them?" Tsuya ask me.

"I also want for this human body to beat some villain," I answered.

After bidding them goodbye I go toward the Support Department to hand in the batons to a teacher there.

Turn out I cannot use the room to build some things as the school had just opened which made to go back to my house feeling a little sad that I cannot have my hand to build something.

Arriving at my home, I enter and quickly made myself a dinner which is simple fried rice.

I open my television to see the news that keeps showing All Might and other theories of heroic deeds with me roll eyed seeing this.

After finishing eating, I go to my bedroom as my phone is right to see Mum is the one who calls me.

"Hey, Mum. " I greeted her.

"Tatsuya. How is school today?" Does she ask me?

"It is okay I guess. I pass a test today and am void of being expelled on my first day of high school." I told her.

"Eh?! On the first day, you already have a test and expel?" She asks as I have to tell her about the quirk apprehension test we had today.

"Oh. Congratulations on getting first place in that test. Your teacher sure is an interesting one for him to do that to make you and your classmates all out to avoid getting last place. Luckily it turns out he did not expel anyone." Mum said to me.

"Yeah. Besides I am very confident that he will. or expel me who has defeated a wanted criminal." I said in an arrogant tone.

"Do not be overconfident Tatsuya too much. Or it may lead you to demise." Mum told me.

"Okay," I said as I take a deep breath.

"I-I meet Shoto today Mum," I told her as I wait for her reaction.

"O-oh." She replied in a shaky tone.

"Y-you did not pick a fight with him right?" She asks me.

"No. We just chat like a normal person though I think he now is pissed seeing he cannot defeat me in any test in the quirk apprehension test. I think that also applies to others." I said to her.

"That is great. At least in high school, you can make friends there." Mum told me.

"More like a rival. One guy needs cleansing in his mouth. My ears hurt hearing him said cursing words whenever he sees his result did not compare with mine. And that guy ranked second in the UA Entrance exam. The first thing he said to me is he will beat me to a pulp when he has a chance to prove he is the strongest." I said to her.

"Oh my. That is your rival in-hero high school. Hmm. How about other classmates?" She asks me.

"Well, one guy is pure manly. He praises my body which is lean with muscles. I bet he is one of those teenagers who scream manly every time he said. And there is this big guy who eats so many sugars that increases his strength. Bet he will never get diabetes. Then there is this guy who I swear is Pikachu in human disguise. One guy who has a tail and that is it. Nothing so special about him rather than him having a tail. Then there is this raven guy who I swear has a grade eighth syndrome. And his quirk just boosted his attitude on top of that. Oh, and there is this guy who I swear has his eyes blink like a star with him and keeps showing off his performance despite his quirk is not that powerful. I mean can you believe it he has a stomach ache after shot a powerful beam from his stomach?" I tell my mother.

"Oh my. So how about the girls?" She asks.

"Well, one is a pink girl. Her skin is pink and she can spray acid which is very painful if anyone gets hit by it. And there is this girl whose earlobe is long and her quirk can make any person have their ears hurt due to the sound produced by her quirk. Then there is this girl who gains infinity on her football throw test."

"Oh. Do you try to best her result?" She asks me.

"Yeah. I am unable to. " I replied while wanting my classmates to know there is one test that I do not excel at.

"Anyways. One girl, the tallest one create things from her body. She creates rollerblades and bazooka. She also is a student that passes their recommendation exam." I told her.

"Hmm. Sounds like you will have a ton of rivals and friends in that class." My mother said to me.

"Enjoy your school days okay?" She said to me in a sad tone knowing I skip my middle school without having a single friend.

"Okay, Mum. Good night."

"You too. " Mother ends the call as I plant my face on my bed as I fell asleep.


"So he has another transformation?" Nezu muttered as he looks at Eraserhead's class 1A that the underground hero did not expel which spare him a headache from the paparazzi and media that deduce that he may or may not expel the said class again this year.

But he did not like this year 1A has a potential and live up to his expectation which made Nezu feel a bit of relief since he hates to meddle and give statements to those hungry reporters that keep asking him many questions that made him miss some of the meetings and his relaxing time.

"Hmm. A humanoid tiger. Wait a minute. I have seen this one before." The rodent then approaches his laptop as his fingers type something as the screen shows the picture of Rath yelling and pointing his claws at a humanoid pig.

"Hmm. Interesting. From what is shown this one characteristic is like a tiger except for stringer and more fierce." The rodent then watches another clip of the test where he sees XLR8 gain a record that made him calculate something in his head.

"That speed. Mach 1 or more than that. Interesting." Principal Nezu then watches the other students who participate in the exams.

"Some are brash, creative and purely strong. Though All Might's inheritors dodge being expelled by Aizawa at the last second." He takes note of the current number 1 successor who he had to admit is a bit disappointing based on his result.

If he did not pull it off during the football throw test Nezu can guarantee he will be expelled at that moment.

"Hmm. I see. In the entrance test when he destroyed Zero Pointer Robot he focuses his " quirk" on his entire arm with him letting out all the power on that single punch which results in him having an injured arm. But in the throwing test, he focuses all the energy on his finger which made him flick it without injuring his entire arm that much." Principal Nezu had to admit the method is smart since the injury he suffered is not that much compared to the one he had in the Entrance Test.

"Hmm. Todoroki Shoto. He performs brilliantly though I can see he mainly focuses on defeating his twin. The same goes for 2nd place student, Katsuki Bakugou. Both of them may view Tatsuya as their greatest enemy and wall to surpass. The same for the other male students.

Another recommended student is Yaoyorozu Mom, who has a versatile quirk in performing very well. The same for other females in the class. Well some of them have quirks that did not help them at all but they live up to Eraserhead's expectations so that is very good.

" Hmm. That is the summary of what happened on the first day. Kan will be pissed seeing the rival of his class 1B already do this test. The same goes for other classes. They need to catch up with class 1A's progress. Truly this year is going to be an amazing one. So many students and so many dramas. I cannot wait to see them fare against each other in the Sports Festival." He said as he sips his coffee .

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