
What's next?

Macai and the 31st return to the Fire Nation for a brief R&R (relaxation and recreation) session as they attempt to predict Zerrel's next move. The DOJ's influence has been undermined now more than ever with their crushing defeat at Ba Sing Se. Macai, Kett, Kanna, Rosh, Irina, Dengo, Arret, Dade, Sonna, and Aiya meet in the Prompt Adjudicator's conference room as they discuss the current state of affairs.

Aiya observes, "Now Solven, Karanga, and Haresh are all dead."

Rosh taps his fingers against the table, "So that just leaves Beruto, Voren, and Zerrel. We're halfway there."

Macai asks, "Do we know anything about what Zerrel might do next?"

Aiya shakes her head, "Nope, Intel hasn't sent out any updates."

Kett: "I'm glad you all gave me a chance to visit. Some of the United Way forces have noticed some mysterious activity with the Disciples of Justice, but right now most of our allies have their hands full. We believe there might be a ring of corruption where Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe forces are working alongside the DOJ and using a key United Way base to do so. I need someone to help me, but I need an experienced and skilled scout to accompany me; someone swift and agile."

Macai answers, "I think Kanna will be great for that mission."

Kanna gasps, "Wait what? Kett couldn't find anyone else for the mission?"

Kett: "Everyone else's hands are tied up at the moment. The Disciples of Justice have still been very busy in the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes even though they pulled back in the Fire Nation recently. But I honestly think it's all a distraction. They're planning something bigger; I can feel it in my bones."

Kanna points at Macai, "Or maybe Macai should do it. He's the most powerful person in the 31st. If not him then Rosh maybe."

Macai shakes his head, "You're the best scout in this unit. You know how to notice key details and clues while on the move better than any of us. Additionally, you are the fastest, most agile, have the best set of ears, and have the best long-range vision other than Sonna of course. And let's be honest Kanna, I can't leave here right now. I need to do more logistics and strategic planning."

Kanna replies, "Aiya does most of the logistics anyway."

Macai responds, "You're going with Kett and that's final. What's the big deal? You both were best friends once."

Kanna looks at Kett then back at Macai, "We still are, but I want to make sure the best person is selected for this mission. Why just two people?"

Kett: "We need to move swiftly and be able to catch these traitors. If we bring too many people, they'll be suspicious and evacuate their leaders. If there are two of us, they may be confident and try to take us out."

Kanna nods, "Ok, I'll go."

Macai: "Wonderful, I will see you both after the mission."

Kett salutes Macai, "Of course." Kett and Kanna exit the conference room and walk into the animal bay. There they both take eel hounds as the main hatch opens up. The duo rides their creatures out of the ship and through the beachhead.

Macai looks at his crew members, "Meeting adjourned." Everyone heads out except Macai and Aiya. Aiya still keeps a hold of her notepad as she looks at Macai.

Macai: "Aiya, I have to thank you again. You're the hero behind the scenes. Making sure everyone gets fed, the supplies we need to feel nourished and comfortable, and you make sure our ship stays in good condition after each battle. Without you, none of this would be possible and you did it all by yourself after Hazo left."

Aiya smiles, "I couldn't have done so well without your motivation." Macai touches Aiya's left cheek and leans in. Aiya pulls back and pushes Macai off her, "I-I'm sorry. But I can't. I've been seeing someone, a boy named Tero. He's from my hometown and I won't cheat on him."

Macai pulls back, "Well if I knew that earlier I wouldn't have tried. I'm sorry."

Aiya replies, "It's ok, commander." Aiya exits. Macai takes a deep breath and looks down.

Rosh steps in the room, "Hey Macai, General Mak said he wants to visit to discuss some strategic planning for defeating the Disciples of Justice."

Macai: "He wants to visit the Prompt Adjudicator?"

Rosh: "No, he wants to visit your home. Zuko spoke highly of it, now Mak wants to see."

Macai laughs, "Oh, ok."

The Grand Visit

General Mak arrives outside of Macai's home and exits his carriage. The sky is shining bright. A light breeze flows through the area and it is relatively hot outside (75 Degrees, 24 Celsius). Macai's current home is different than where he grew up. It is in a more rural area in the Fire Nation Capital's outskirts. Two guards stand around the doors and tall dark green grass is outside.

The building is light beige in color and has caramel brown trimmings throughout it. Mak sits down as the maiden Umma pours him a glass of white wine. Mak sits across Macai and Zyger. Rosh is on the other side of the table. Macai gets a glass of red wine while Rosh has a cup of pink wine. A Fire Nation Colonel and Dade sit left of Mak's position.

31st members Sonna, Irina, and Jesha are also at the table. Furthermore, there are two other Fire Nation army officers at the gathering (including one female officer). Mak looks Macai in his eyes, "We believe that's a fine strategy for responding to guerrillas. It's a bit risky, but we need to do something to become more effective at countering them."

Macai replies, "There is always a risk, but my unit has fought guerrillas several times while we were traveling the world taking dangerous missions. The most important thing is to minimize the initial casualties you take during an ambush while having your unit close enough together so that you can hit them without being separated too easily and being picked off. But have your counter forces ready to engage them."

Rosh asks, "Do either of you think we'll be able to locate Zerrel any time soon?"

A Fire Nation officer answers, "We might have to wait for him to attack us first. So far, we don't have any leads and Zerrel still has some loyal members guarding him. We believe Zerrel's forces have several underground hangouts and tunnels."

Macai: "The only thing is Zerrel is not like any leader, if he pulls back too much, he will lose his momentum and some of his followers may lose faith in his ability to destroy the government systems. He can try to undermine us with talk and possibly build up new leaders, but he is getting older."

Rosh: "Maybe he's found magic that will help him live longer. It's Zerrel remember."

General Mak shakes his head, "Unfortunately, we just don't know. Right now, the best thing we can do is defend ourselves until we get more information regarding where he is. When the time is right, we can stage an attack, but we will need people powerful enough to beat him in a short time. We might just need to hold out until Aang finishes his spiritual quest. He visited Zuko recently and made an appearance. Zuko wanted to ask him for help, but Aang didn't stay, he left and said he's almost finished with his quest."

Macai: "So things are going well for him?"

General Mak: "For the most part, but he says the last battle will be the most difficult and there is a risk he will be destroyed on his quest. If Aang loses himself, the spiritual balance and stability of this world will collapse."

Macai sighs, "It's too bad we can't do anything about that but I wish him well." Suddenly the guards open Macai's front door. Macai turns his head, "I told you men to keep it locked and tell any visitors to wait until after this meeting is over." Macai stands up out of his chair and opens his mouth wide. The commander sees none other than his ex-girlfriend, Azula.

Rosh looks side to side as he tries to take in everything and General Mak's jaw drops. Everyone else just looks in shock and people turn their chairs to see what's happening. Azula smirks and extends her arms, "Oh for crying out loud, do you think I came here to kill you all? That's a bit brutal, even for me."

Macai walks toward Azula. Rosh gets up and cautions for him to stop. Azula: "He can make his own decisions Rosh."

Rosh points back at Azula, "STAY BACK, I'm warning you!"

Azula yawns, "Oh come on Rosh. You may have become more powerful, but just because you beat Haresh doesn't mean you hold half a candle to me."

Macai: "How did you know that?"

Azula steps forward and pats Macai on his right cheek, "You should know me better than that by now Macai. I know we haven't seen each other for a little while, but that's no excuse."

Macai shouts, "You think you can just leave and come back into my life!"

Azula: "Now, relax Macai. I'm here to help you."

Macai gets red, "Help me? How is that? All you've done is hurt me so far, why should I trust you?"

Azula asks, "Do you remember when you spared me and said I was welcome to return to your home? What happened with that? Did you forget already? Maybe I shouldn't be offended, perhaps you just hit your head a few too many times recently."

Macai sighs, "I know I said that then, but I've thought things through since that moment. And you know, I changed my mind. I'm ok with you changing and redeeming yourself. I won't attack you if that is genuine, but I'm interested in any more relationships."

Azula touches Macai's right shoulder, "Look I know you don't want to risk it anymore, but I've changed."

Macai shakes his arm free, "I don't believe you!" Macai turns.

Azula: "So this is how the tough trained soldier responds when the love of his life looks him in his eyes?"

Macai looks back at Azula, "Love of... Love must be a two-sided affair. I can't do all of the loving myself."

Azula: "Well you don't have to because I love you too."

Macai gasps, "No, now is not the time for this. We have a madman that we need to stop."

Azula: "Well your chances of stopping him will be much greater with my help."

Macai points at Azula, "Get out."

Azula: "Macai."

Macai repeats, "I said leave!!"

Azula: "This doesn't make any sense."

Macai: "Now, I can change my mind at any time. Out out out!!" Rosh stands up boldly and his hands are suddenly engulfed by red-orange flames.

Azula smiles, "I'm not afraid of your little temper tantrum Rosh." The other soldiers start to get up. Azula sighs, "Hold on, let me show you something."

Rosh shouts, "Oh no!!" Azula steps aside. Ty Lee and Zuko emerge.

General Mak looks in shock, "Firelord? When did you?"

Zuko: "Ty Lee and I had an adventure with Azula earlier. She's loyal, trust me. She's proven it."

Rosh asks, "How? All due respect sir, but I think you're too biased in this discussion."

Zuko asserts, "She taught me how to lightning bend!"

A Fire Nation officer replies, "Just because she taught you a new combat ability doesn't mean..."

Zuko: "So you think she'd make me more powerful knowing I'd turn against her, what sense does that make?"

Rosh responds, "She can just redirect it anyway, did you forget she learned that ability and used it on you."

Zuko: "No, I did not forget."

Ty Lee responds, "She's sincere Macai and she really loves you. If anyone knows, it would be me." Macai's eyes get watery, but he tries to hide it.

Macai stands up and shouts, "No, no, no. I'm sorry but get her out of here." The guards walk toward Azula, but Ty Lee tries to stop them. Macai: "And get Ty Lee and Zuko out of here too. I'm sorry, but you have to go if you want to cause problems."

A guard attempts to strong-arm Ty Lee. The Kyoshi warrior grabs the man by his right arm and slams him against the floor. Zuko extends his right arm, "Stop!! We'll go."

Macai: "And now you must go Zula, I'm sorry. It's been over, but I wish you the best in your future."

Azula pulls out a shining silver ring. Macai's voice starts cracking, "Where did you get that from?!!"

Azula: "This is Kairi's ring. I got it from your father."

Macai yells, "LIAR!!"

Zuko is being pulled back by a guard and says, "No, she's telling the truth. After our initial quest with her, she traveled there with us to find the ring. Eyre didn't like what you were doing, but he admitted that any woman willing to travel so far just to try to get a man back deserved his blessing. So, he gave her the ring."

Azula kneels before Macai, "I've spent a lot of time being alone and rethinking my life. I finally had a chance to grow and reconnect with the people who love me. I know that I will never be able to undo the damage that I've caused. You have no idea how I'm tormented by my past. But if I have you by my side, then I know things will be a little less painful. I could never live with myself without trying to get you back."

Rosh responds, "Well you tried. The honeymoon is over now."

Call of Duty: Finest Hour OST: Not One Step Back [Youtube] (Music Starts)

Macai raises his hand as a notion for Rosh to stop, "Azula, this ring means so much to me." Macai picks the ring up and takes it from her hand. Macai: "It tells a story about my family's legacy. A legacy I lost but one that I'm still actively learning about. You have proven your loyalty against all odds. The truth is I've tried dating other girls on and off but I couldn't get into any of them. None of them understood me as well as you do, there is no one I'd rather spend my life with."

Macai continues, "Azula will you marry me?"

Rosh nearly vomits, "Are you insane?! Look what she's done to us. Have you lost your mind?"

Macai (to Azula): "You have proven yourself worthy with your bravery. People will judge me for this, but I don't care. I believe everyone deserves a second chance." Macai reaches his hand out and Azula takes it. She stands and Macai passionately slides his lips against hers.

Rosh turns his head and walks out of the room. Azula smiles back at Macai as he warmly holds her. Macai shouts, "Prepare a feast, we must celebrate. My love was lost but now she's home." Zuko's eyes light up and Ty Lee smiles. Sonna smiles and Dade just looks confused. Some of the Fire Nation officers smile while others look annoyed. After hours of dancing, Macai and Azula go upstairs together.

(Music Fades)

Macai sits on his bed and Azula closes the door behind them. Azula: "I can't believe it, we're back together."

Macai: "I can't believe it either. Please don't make me regret this."

Azula sits beside Macai, "I couldn't live with myself if I did." Azula pecks Macai on his left cheek and Macai lightly kisses Azula on her neck. The two briefly lock lips again then they kiss again for five seconds. Azula wraps her arms around Macai, "I'm honored to become a part of your legacy."

Macai smiles back at her, "You always have been a part of it."

Azula briefly exits the room and Rosh sees her. Rosh points at the princess, "I still don't trust you. You may have fooled Zuko, Ty Lee, and Macai but I still see through this. I know that some people don't change, and you are one of those people. Just know that after I expose you, I will kill you." Normally Azula would react stringently, but she doesn't say anything. Azula knows if she wants to change and become a better person, she must not entertain Rosh's folly.

The princess simply rolls her eyes and enters Macai's room again. Macai: "Since we are not married yet, I'll have a separate room prepared for you. As you know, it is our custom."

Azula nods, "I understand."

Macai: "I have a bed that is being freshly furnished for you. And you will get all the service that you desire."

Azula responds, "No thanks. I can dress myself. I'll let them make my bed this one time but that's it. I've learned to be independent since I escaped that asylum. I will be fine as is sweetness."

Macai walks up to Azula and touches her left elbow, "Very well. Is there anything else you need?"

Azula responds, "Another kiss." Macai kisses Azula again then she steps away.

Macai: "The room is the other way, just left of mine."

Azula: "I'm not going to bed yet. I just want to get some fresh air."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "What?"

Azula: "Come on you have to trust me. Zuko and Ty Lee are still here. Plus Rosh and all the others. I'm powerful but I can't beat all of you by myself."

Macai: "Very well." Azula walks downstairs before she steps outside. Macai closes his door. Rosh immediately walks up to Macai's room and bangs on it. Macai opens his door, "Yes?"

Rosh: "You are embarrassing yourself."

Macai: "Cut that negativity out or you'll be walking back home tonight." Rosh frowns at Macai and walks back to the room he is staying in. Azula steps outside, leans against the wall, and exhales. She looks up against the dark blue night sky while two of the guards stand beside her.

Heavyset guard: "What made you decide to return? After everything?"

Azula glances at the guard, "Ty Lee showed me that she still loved me even after all the trials I faced and Zuko showed the same. Ty Lee did everything she could for me, even after how I treated her and without even being related to me. Zuko never gave up on me, even after I tried to kill him and caused so much pain in his life. I owe it to them to start again, differently this time."

Skinny guard: "And what of Macai?"

Azula: "Macai also inspired me, but he was more like that throbbing pain that picked at my heart every day after I last saw him. I could tell that I was slowly losing my edge. My cruelty was declining and people under my command started to challenge me. One day, my second-in-command Shela attempted to overthrow me. After that, I just decided it was time to step down. After that, I wallowed in depression and isolation like a hermit."

The heavyset guard frowns and the skinny guard looks surprised. Azula continues, "I contemplated ending my life, if we're being honest. Then Ty Lee found me. I lashed out against her at first, but she never stopped trying. She led Zuko to my location. I wanted to fight him at first, then I began to slowly bond with my brother. Before I knew it, we were all rock solid. Now I believe my friendship with Ty Lee is better than it's ever been, and I finally got my brother back!"

Guard one: "Zuko says you gained his loyalty back. Was it just because you taught him how to lightning bend and had a nice conversation with him or did something else happen?"

Azula: "That was part of it, but they later took me back to the Capital. They clothed me and treated me well. I eventually went on a mission with Zuko, where we exposed some undercover Fire Nation agents who were planning to assassinate my brother. We worked together and defeated them."

Guard two: "Wow, that's amazing. I wonder if Macai will send you on a loyalty mission as well."

Azula nods, "He probably will." As Azula has her discussion, Zyger knocks on Macai's door.

Macai opens the door and has bags under his eyes, "I was just going to bed."

Zyger: "Your friend Rosh is troubled, I'm concerned."

Macai: "Don't worry too much about it, he'll get over it."

Zyger: "I'm not sure Macai, I've never seen him act like this."

Macai: "Tell him that it's just an engagement for now. It is my family's custom to wait a year before marriage. So I will have plenty of time to test Azula's heart and see where it lies. Besides Zyger, I could use her help."

Zyger gasps, "So you're using her?"

Macai elaborates, "I wouldn't frame it like that. I'm more so taking advantage of the situation. I love Azula but I want to be smart about all of this. I want to make sure we test her loyalty and can minimize casualties as we face off against Zerrel."

Zyger: "You're taking a massive risk, and you know it. If she betrays the 31st or Fire Nation casualties will be exceedingly great."

Macai: "She might do that, but I think she'll wait until Zerrel is dealt with. She can't afford the extra losses. And betraying her brother and Ty Lee after all of this is low for her."

Zyger answers, "Is anything really low for her? She has betrayed people her entire life, other than her father. You engaged the worst type of woman any man ever could."

Macai: "In most cases you would be right. But remember anyone can change. For Ty Lee and Zuko to have traveled back with her, it might be legit."

Zyger: "Maybe she has just duped them. She's already manipulated Zuko several times. And Ty Lee isn't exactly a master tactician like you."

Macai: "That's true, but I am so trust in my plan."

Zyger: "The problem is Azula is a master strategist, and a strategist always beats a tactician in the long run."

Macai: "Then I better hope she really loves me. It's a good thing Rosh is watching my back, isn't it? I just wish he didn't make it so obvious."

Zyger: "Azula knows this and may kill him."

Macai answers, "I would notice, it would be too risky. If anything, she'd need to gain his trust and take me out first. But I'd be prepared for that."

Zyger sighs, "It would have been much easier if you kept her out of this. You're playing with fire right now."

Macai: "Well, I am a master firebender so I think I can afford to juggle with it. Besides, I know we could lose a lot more men if Zerrel stands against us. I don't think Azula likes having such a powerful rival, so I see her helping us because one thing you've failed to recognize is that Zerrel is the opposite of what she is. They both may cause trouble, not care what others think, and be powerful but their goals are the opposite."

Meanwhile Azula waits outside and suddenly sees a faint object in the distance. A steel assault tank travels at 60 miles an hour as it rides through the forest toward Macai's estate. The tank has a long fire cannon at the top of it and has two steal light transports beside it. The light transports are about the same size as the tanks, but they travel a bit faster at 70 miles an hour. The tanks leave tracks on the ground as they rip grass off of it whereas light transports cause less obvious damage.

Unlike the tanks, the transports don't have any guns. Skinny guard: "What is that? Is that a TANK!!!"

The heavyset guard looks in disbelief, "How did it get here?!"

Azula commands, "Stay sharp!" Azula looks at the skinny guard, "You, warn the others!" The guard nods and enters the building.

The heavyset guard starts shaking, "Can I notify the others?"

Azula: "Just stand watch here." The vehicles stop as they are just fifteen feet from Azula's position. The tank lowers its cannon and aims it directly at Azula. Azula warns, "Get clear!!" A powerful orange rod of flames is fired at the female prodigy. The flames travel at 80 miles an hour. Azula maneuvers left and the guard dives on the ground.

The flames pound the left side of the building and cause chunks of it to collapse. Azula sprints forward, quickly covering several feet. The tank rotates its nozzle left and fires at her feet. Azula leaps eight feet in the air and lands right of the vehicle's position. The tank's rear hatch opens and Zerrel steps out of it. Two liberation guards exit with him.

One guard is armed with a shield gauntlet and a mace. The other guard has a shield and a long sword. The tank hatch closes, and the transports open up their front hatches. A messenger with a chain blade, an earthbender, and a messenger with dual short swords exit the left transport. A messenger with throwing knives, a firebender, and a messenger with a spear disembark the right transport.

Zerrel glares at Azula, "As you can see, you are incredibly outmatched. But it's not too late to join me." Zerrel extends his hand.

Azula asks, "Why would I join you?"

Zerrel: "I have everything you want, power. Imagine being able to operate without being confined by the walls of regulation. Government is holding you back. Now you can live a truly free life without being restricted."

Azula chuckles, "I changed. I'm not the person I once was."

Zerrel responds, "Be honest with yourself Azula, people like us don't change."

Azula: "Before, I would have been enticed by the power but still said no. The reason being is I have always valued structure and organization. That is what allowed me to take pride in my feats. I knew I had a crowd behind me and people who would serve me. I never wanted to be completely independent, I wanted to have something to follow. It was always my greatest ambition to then create a system for others to follow so I could rule as I saw fit. But being independent would never be as fun without followers because then I'd have to put more time into the duties I detest."

Zerrel nods, "You are the type of person that makes this current system possible. Normally I'd permit people like you to live, but many of you must be cleansed from this world to ensure the current order cannot transition into an unstoppable world government. I plan to destroy all technology but someone like you would hoard it for yourself so that you would remain in power. I must make an example of people like you."

Azula responds, "As previously stated, I've changed. The system never did me much good anyway. Look where it has left me."

Zerrel: "So you will join me?"

Azula: "I didn't say that. I've learned that extremities don't work. I still like having people massage my foot, do my makeup, and enjoying the luxuries of living in a stable society every once and a while. It is beyond me why anyone would want to live in squaller and to willingly devolve. I know I'm not better than anyone at this point, but civilization comes with perks. It's staggering that people would rally themselves behind such a stupid idea."

Zerrel smiles, "Ok Azula, I knew you were difficult. I gave you a chance so now I won't feel pity when I butcher you. You were always a lost cause. Violent, greedy, manipulative, selfish, egotistic, and mentally unstable. I will be doing to world a favor by purging you."

Azula puts her hands on her chest, "Violent? What me? Aren't you the one who directed a massive assault on several major cities and industrial centers?! You killed dozens of civilians just to get a point across and you slaughtered several political officials during one of your attacks. Don't lecture me about anything. When I took Ba Sing Se, I did it without a single drop of blood. Well, besides the Avatar's, but he came back."

Zuko responds, "And she's not alone." Zuko stands across the forces on the right transport with Ty Lee and Jesha beside him. Rosh moves across the left transport with Dade and Sonna near him. General Mak emerges from the distance with two Fire Nation troopers next to him.

Zerrel: "How touching, exterminate these insects!" Zerrel's tank rotates its nozzle and pounds a beam of orange fire at General Mak. The general runs left with one of his troopers while the other is vaporized by the beam of fire. The flames fly into the right side of Macai's home and break down a moderate portion of it. Azula briefly looks back and wonders what Macai is doing. She realizes he must be tending to the care of his homeservants Zyger and Umma to make sure they are safe.

Zerrel rotates his hands forward and unleashes a beam of yellow flames. Zerrel's bright yellow flames have a white interior and are still blinding in nature like Macai's. Zerrel's blast is five feet long and several feet wide. While the warlord's flames are less wide than Macai's and slightly less bright Azula immediately notices that Zerrel's attacks are sharper, faster, and have greater range. Azula has no time to dodge the attack and immediately crosses her arms to block.

The flames explode on impact but are still a touch less hot than Macai's, making the blow more tolerable. Azula flies three feet back and tumbles in the dirt. Azula briefly coughs as Zerrel menacingly steps closer, "You have never faced someone like me before. Let's see if you are a worthy adversary. I've heard the stories, but you aren't fighting an inexperienced boy or your unconfident brother anymore. Now you face a man who's walked the spiritual path and has seen things you could never dream of. I have over thirty years of combat experience, have traveled the world, studied the different elements, and examined the cultural aspects of EVERY society."

Azula gets up, "You think I don't have any spiritual knowledge, well think again. I've fought demons you couldn't imagine and found a new meaning in my life when I was alone stuck in my own insanity. Yet I came back. I rose from depression and found meaning in life again. You think I've never studied the elements, think again. Before I got here, I reunited with my uncle Iroh, and he studied the spiritual arts with me. We went over the different cultures and virtues of each element."

Zerrel: "You still haven't done it as long as me. What you did was minor. At this age, you only saw the early aspects."

Azula: "Iroh taught me that the first step of becoming spiritually aware is the most important one and it is the biggest improvement a person can make. You might have still seen more than I have and had more time to practice, more trips, but I learn very quickly. And I have something you don't have. I have love. I walk in light, and you stride in darkness. I once thought darkness was the only way to triumph until I learned that light operates completely differently."

Azula continues, "Darkness gives you new power, abilities, and visual factors to intimidate your opponents. However, light is often faint. It silently keeps you going and keeps you alive without any logical reason why. I'll fight the good fight hoping for the best because all the insurances and things that darkness gives come with a high debt. And that debt always collects."

Mass Effect 2- Rescue Tali/Battle Music [Youtube] (Music Starts)

Zerrel exhales and smoke flows from his mouth. The DOJ warlord slowly raises his hands again and yells, "Aaaaaaaahhaaaa!!" The old combat master osciliates his hands and fires another beam of flashing yellow flames at Azula. The young woman slides left then springs forward and kicks a thunderous blue flame with a white interior toward her opponent. Zerrel ducks then leaps forward and pumps two yellow flames at her.

Azula rotates her right arm and blocks the first flame. Azula rotates her right head, dodging the second flame. Meanwhile near the right transport, the messenger with a spear slashes vertically at Jesha. The marine diagonally blocks the attack by crossing her blades then raises her swords, moving the spear away from her. Jesha steps forward with a horizontal spinning strike. The messenger backflips and the messenger with knives throws two blades at Ty Lee.

The Kyoshi warrior spins right and Zuko pumps a powerful rainbow flame into the knifethrower. Zuko's rainbow flames are primarily orange in color but have shades of all colors within them (except for Black which isn't a color). The knifethrower flies four feet back and a DOJ firebender hops toward the Firelord. The firebender punches two red-yellow flames (red exterior and yellow interior) at Zuko.

Zuko moves his arms in a circular fashion as he blocks the flames. The Firelord kicks a multi-colored flame from his right leg at the man's stomach. The firebender bends and blocks the flame with his arm. The firebender rotates his body and kicks a firesphere while performing a diagonal right kick. A red and yellow flame flies at Zuko's face. Zuko rotates his body right then sways his right hand and pumps a fire square into his opponent's upper chest.

The messenger spearman charges at Jesha again and lunges at her upper stomach. The female marine rotates her swords left and knocks the spear away from her. Jesha springs forward and kicks the man in his face and chest with her legs. Jesha backflips and lands on her feet as her foe falls asleep.

Near the left transport, a messenger with dual short swords diagonally pounces at Rosh. Rosh leaps in the air over the attack before landing three feet forward. The swordsman turns and sees Sonna. Sonna launches two arrows at her enemy, but the duelist knocks each one back. Dade shouts, "Hey over here!" The duelist strikes at Dade with a vertical move and Dade backpedals while blocking the attack.

A DOJ earthbender pumps two bricks at Rosh's chest and face. Rosh lowers his left hand, blocking the first object. The brick still hurts Rosh's left arm but the noble ducks his head to avoid the second brick. Rosh extends his arms and blows a beam of red-orange fire into his opponent. A messenger with a chain blade sees Rosh and horizontally launches his weapon at the captain.

Rosh falls on his back as he narrowly steps out of range from the strike, "Sonna, I need some help here." Sonna launches an arrow through the messenger's mask. The messenger duelist sweeps his right sword horizontally at Dade's neck. Dade ducks then the warrior vertically swipes his left blade at Dade's right shoulder. Dade horizontally tilts his weapon as he blocks the strike.

Dade rotates his sword while knocking the other one away from him then lunges forward and vertically impales his opponent. Zerrel's tank rotates its nozzle and aims at General Mak a second time. Azula slides straight and extends both of her hands, pumping a blue rod of fire at Zerrel. Zerrel flips over Azula.

Azula briefly leaves herself vulnerable. Instead of responding to him, she does something she normally wouldn't have. Azula risks her own safety to protect General Mak by firing a beam of blue and white flames into the tank's head. The head of the tank implodes and Mak sighs in relief. Azula turns her head and Zerrel swiftly aims his left hand at her face before firing a rapid yellow flame at it.

Despite having limited time, Azula manages to bend and avoid the flame. However, Azula looks directly in Zerrel's flame while doing so which briefly blinds her. Azula stands back up and tries to play it off. Zerrel notices by how Azula stands that she can't see, "You are incapable of deceiving me Azula." Zerrel lowers his right hand and pumps a flame at the left side of Azula's lower stomach.

Azula instinctively raises her left knee and blocks the shot, "You have deceived yourself!" Zerrel extends his right hand and pumps another yellow flame at the upper right side of Azula's chest. Azula raises her right elbow, once again blocking the blast. A relentless Zerrel swiftly extends his right leg, kicking a yellow flame into Azula's lower left leg. Azula falls on her back and moans, "Huh!"

Smoke flows from Azula's leg as she is down. Zuko looks left and sees Zerrel standing across a wounded Azula with yellow fire glowing around his hands. Ty Lee warns, "Zuko look out!" One of Zerrel's liberation guards with a shield and sword charges at the Firelord. Zuko looks forward and pumps a rainbow flame into the man's shield.

The shield blocks the shot, and the guard rams it into Zuko's face. The Firelord collapses unconsciously then the guard looks at Ty Lee and Jesha. Ty Lee (to Jesha): "I'll go on the left and you hit his right flank." Jesha nods. The two female warriors run at their enemy while Rosh, Dade, and Sonna notice a liberation guard (LG) with a shield and mace jog toward them.

Rosh: "Three against one, that's an easy fight." Rosh pumps a red-orange brick of fire at the guard. The guard blocks the blow but steps two feet back as he does. The guard then charges at Rosh and vertically slashes at him. Rosh leaps left and pumps a flame at the liberation guard's face. The LG blocks the fireball and horizontally lashes at Rosh's nose. Rosh ducks and flips behind him.

(Music Fades)

The guard quickly rotates his body and faces the captain. Rosh: "Well, this is getting boring." Rosh dives on the ground, extends both of his legs, and kicks a red-orange flame into the bodyguard's chest. Rosh gets back up and asks his allies, "Why didn't you just stab him in the back?!"

Dade points and Rosh turns. Rosh notices two DOJ archers with explosive arrows about twenty feet away from their position. Sonna readies her arrow and one of the archers hurls a projectile between Dade and Rosh's position. Rosh rolls right and Dade dives left. Dade rolls in the dirt as an explosion booms next to him. Smoke flows in front of Sonna's view, preventing her from seeing the archers.

Macai emerges as he sees an injured Azula. Zerrel asks, "Where have you been?"

Macai retorts, "Looking after some family."

Zerrel: "You should have been looking after your woman."

Macai: "She is more than capable of taking care of herself."

Zerrel looks back at the injured Azula, "Oh yes, I see." Macai jumps at his rival and pounds a white ray of fire at Zerrel. Zerrel effortlessly dives right in the air and flings a yellow fire sphere from his right hand at Macai's head. Macai rolls forward and Zerrel lands two feet right of his position. Macai gallops past the fire sphere which blows behind him and swings at Zerrel with an ignited left hook.

Zerrel ducks then amps both of his hands with yellow flames. Zerrel horizontally strikes at the right side of Macai's face. Macai dips then Zerrel swings at Macai's left nipple. The 31st commander rotates his left arm as he blocks the strike. Zerrel thrusts his left hand against Macai's right side and the commander takes a step back. Zerrel: "You're too slow, commander."

Macai hisses at Zerrel then bobs at him. The 31st leader swings at Zerrel's left side with an upper fiery left strike. Zerrel takes a backstep to keep his body from being hit then moves his head to the left. Macai swings his left hand again, but Zerrel blocks it with his right elbow. The firebending master generates a yellow-white fire dagger in his left hand and lunges at Macai's neck. Macai pivots back then resets his combat guard.

Zerrel generates a second yellow dagger in his right hand then rapidly jabs at the right and left sides of Macai's neck. The young man ignites two white wrist shields on his arms and rotates them side to side as he blocks both strikes. Macai swings his right leg at Zerrel's stomach, but the warlord slides backward. Zerrel then lunges forward horizontally at Macai.

The commander blocks the strike with his shield gauntlet then pushes Zerrel backward. Zerrel does a backflip and Macai pumps two white flames at his opponent. The DOJ figurehead slides left and evaporates his flames while doing so. Zerrel rises and shoots a beam of yellow fire at Macai's midsection. Macai flips forward then aims his legs at Zerrel and kicks a white brick of fire at his face.

Zerrel rolls right and rapidly punches two yellow flames at his rival. Macai blocks the shots and Azula slowly starts to pull herself up. Meanwhile, Jesha leaps at a liberation guard's right flank. The guard swivels his sword horizontally at her and Jesha leaps backward. Ty Lee jumps at the man's left flank and the guard butts his shield at her. Ty Lee swivels backward and dives behind the man.

The guard rotates his body to meet Ty Lee head-on but Jesha lunges forward and thrusts her swords through his back. Jesha looks at Ty Lee, "Thanks for keeping him busy."

Ty Lee smiles, "No problem." Jesha looks ahead and notices a DOJ archer aiming at them.

Jesha: "Archer!" Ty Lee fully revolves, and the archer fires an explosive arrow at the duo. Jesha dives right and Ty Lee leaps left. An explosion occurs between them, but Ty Lee immediately sprints forward while Jesha gathers herself. The archer shoots an explosive arrow at Jesha, and she rolls left. A nearby explosion shakes her and causes her to stumble two feet left. Ty Lee moves closer toward the archer when a waterbender rolls forward and pounds the Kyoshi warrior with a water tentacle.

Ty Lee rolls five feet back before she passes out. Jesha notices the archer looking for her, but he doesn't immediately see her. Jesha looks at Macai's home and shouts, "We need help!!" As the smoke clears near the left side of the battle an archer pops a volatile arrow at Dade. The 31st lieutenant leaps left as another explosion gushes near him. Sonna readies her bow and fires an arrow into the DOJ archer on the right.

The other archer shoots at Sonna's stomach. Sonna dives on the ground and another explosion hits Macai's home. A large portion of the front building collapses. Rosh hurls a red-orange beam of flames into the archer.

The archer across Jesha's position propels an arrow into the troopers, blowing them apart. General Mak covers his face as sand and dust flies his way. The archer aims at him again and Jesha charges at her opponent. The waterbender that knocked out Ty Lee leaps forward and pops two water bullets into Jesha, laying her out. Jesha moans, "Awww."

Zuko shakes his head and suddenly wakes up. The Firelord notices the archer taking aim at the general but the waterbender notices Zuko and fires a large cube of ice at him. Zuko leaps right and shoots a surge of light orange fire into his enemy. The waterbender flies nine feet back and the archer looks left of his position as his comrade zooms past him. Zuko kicks a rainbow flame into the archer's chest.

Push Them Back

Zerrel glances from side to side and notices that all of his allies are down. Macai boldly declares, "Look around Zerrel, you've lost. Your men are good and your weapons are impressive but you will NEVER BREAK US."

Zerrel looks Macai in his eyes, "I'm not dead yet." Zerrel rotates his body and shoots a beam of yellow fire at 90 miles an hour at Macai. Macai crosses his arms and is knocked seven feet back by the yellow wave. The commander lands on his bottom and rolls over. Zuko turns and directs two rainbow flames at Zerrel. The firebending veteran smoothly rotates his body and flings two yellow flames into Zuko's.

Zerrel kicks a yellow flame from his right leg at Zuko's face. Zuko rolls right then pushes a rod of rainbow orange fire at the DOJ leader. Zerrel flips right and lands on the damaged tank. Rosh looks at Zerrel and punches two red-orange fireballs at his opponent. Zerrel backflips off the charred vehicle and lands on his feet. Zerrel comments, "Unfortunately for you all, my cavalry has arrived."

A stolen Fire Nation airship with a yellow symbol descends just thirty feet over the ground. The airship is thirty feet long and twenty feet wide. The airship lowers a rope for Zerrel to pull which is just fifteen feet over the air. Rosh looks in shock, "What the?"

Zuko shouts, "This guy has way too many resources!!"

General Mak replies, "Did anyone notice that before?!" Macai gets back up and dusts himself off. The airship suddenly lets out a barrage of orange fire torpedoes into Macai's home, blowing it to pieces.

Macai looks back in horror then cries, "Ahhhhhhhaaahhhahahaha!!!" Macai lunges on top of the tank and Zerrel pulls his right hand back. In an instant, Zerrel generates a sparkle of electricity then he pulls his arm forward and fires a beam of lightning at the commander. Macai weaves right and diagonally off the tank. The commander pumps two white flames at his nemesis before landing.

Zerrel swiftly blocks both flames and Macai charges at his challenger full speed. The 31st commander punches a barrage of six white fire circles at Zerrel. The old warlord yanks his hands down and launches himself in the air with a tower of yellow fire. Zerrel soars thirteen feet in the air then douses his flame and grabs onto the rope. Macai pumps a payload of white flames at Zerrel, but the rope quickly pulls the DOJ leader up and Macai misses all of his shots.

Rosh runs beside Macai and Zuko does the same. Rosh: "Macai I'm sorry, we'll get him next time."

Macai responds, "NO, I'm taking him now!!" Rosh's eyes widen and Zuko nods in respect. Macai: "I'm going to power myself up and launch my body after him. I'll need you both to give me a boost to make it there. Now step back." Macai rotates his hands from left to right, generating a cascade white fire around his body.

Macai adds, "When I launch myself up, boost my flames."

Rosh responds, "We should do a countdown. Three..." Macai impatiently launches a beam of white flames from his legs shooting himself twenty feet in the air while the airship soars higher and Zerrel enters his vessel. Zerrel pulls his rope up to make sure Macai can't catch up with him. Zerrel has four liberation guards on the platform with him.

One guard has a sword, another has a spear, another has a long ax, and another has a two wrist blades. The swordsman says, "We sure showed him."

Zerrel hears flames from below, "What is that noise?" Zerrel looks down and sees Macai soaring toward him with a gust of white fire. Zerrel: "What?! Impossible, he will never make it this high!!" Rosh moves his body from side to side, creating his own aura of red-orange flames. The 31st captain launches a beam of red-orange fire into Macai's flames. The fire on Macai's feet changes from white to a mix of red, white, and orange. Macai suddenly travels faster and higher.

Zerrel: "I can't believe it, ready all cannons and gun him down!" Zuko rotates his body and generates several rainbow orange flames around himself. Then Zuko transfers his flames into Macai's. Macai flies even faster and moves so quickly that the gunners can't keep track of him. Macai travels at 200 miles an hour as he zooms ahead.

One of the guards briefly looks down and shouts, "He's too fast!!!"

Zerrel briefly looks down for less than a second and is blinded by the sight of the fire. The DOJ leader runs away from the edge of the airship and heavily rubs his eyes. Macai breaks off from the intense flames that are propelling him and lands on the airship. When Macai touches the ship, the heat from his previous amp burns into it. Fire causes the vessel to start to descend as Macai slides down the top of the ship toward Zerrel.

Zerrel continues rubbing his eyes and orders, "Keep watch for Macai, he's coming this way."

Liberation guard swordsman: "On it." Macai immediately leaps behind the swordsman and the guard spearman notices him.

Spear guard: "It's him!!" The swordsman turns around and Macai kicks a white flame into the man's chest. The guard flies off the ship and the mace guard hacks vertically at the commander from behind. Macai spins backward then rushes in and grabs the man. Macai shoves the mace warrior backward off the platform.

The other two guards charge at the older teen. Macai extends his left hand and flicks a white flame into the axman's helmet. Macai kicks a flame from his right leg into the guard with dual wrist blades. Zerrel still rubs his eyes and announces, "Ahhh, I can't see. Come on!" Macai extends his hands, pumping a white brick of fire at his foe.

Zerrel crosses his arms and blocks the shots then opens his eyes and grins. Zerrel extends his left arm horizontally, generating a yellow firewhip. In a flash, Zerrel flings it at the older teen. Macai jumps in the air and punches two white fireballs at the DOJ figurehead. Zerrel rolls right and pounds a beam of yellow flames at Macai. The commander crosses his hands but is knocked several feet back again the edge of the airship.

Macai moans and tries to catch his breath while Zerrel closes the distance, "You have failed, again!! And after I kill you, I will butcher Zuko and his sister. That blow will forever shake people's faith in these feeble states."

Macai shouts, "NOOO!!!" The commander regains his composure and pumps four white fire bricks as Zerrel. Zerrel blocks two incoming flames, dodges a third one, and flips as he evades the fourth fire brick. Zerrel performs a lower kick as he flings a yellow flame at Macai's nose. Macai weaves right and Zerrel shoots a beam of yellow fire into a portion of the airship in front of Macai. That part of the ship breaks off and Macai flies backward and out of the vehicle.

Debris fall in toward the commander, but he rotates his body to avoid being crushed. Zerrel looks back at his opponent as he flies away from his position, "Don't worry my friend. We will meet again very soon. And when we do, I will unleash my final devastating attack on these nations. The time to strike is now, we've given up too much to turn back and hide at this point."

Macai soars down and is incredibly tired. The commander struggles to muster the strength to stay away and nearly becomes unconscious as he soars toward the ground. Zuko looks up with Rosh beside him. Azula slowly emerges behind them, "Don't just let him die, do something."

Rosh sassily asks, "Do you have any ideas princess?"

Zuko: "I do, Macai is falling left of our direction. In case the wind blows him the other way, be ready to catch him, Rosh. I will wait on the left. Then we'll launch ourselves at him and grab him. We can't wait for him to get too low, or he'll also crush us."

Rosh: "That works."

Azula pats Zuko on his back, "Thinking outside of the box, I love it brother." Zuko waits as Macai descends closer to the ground. The jump Zuko is planning to make is incredibly difficult. If his timing is one second off, he will miss Macai completely. Zuko launches himself in the air with a gust of orange and multi-colored flames. The Firelord grabs a hold of Macai then slows his descent as he fires orange vibrant flames from his feet.

The flames gradually dose before Zuko lands. Zuko lets Macai down and Macai slowly gets back up. Macai shakes his head, "Thanks, I got really dizzy and that wind became strong. I would have been a goner if it wasn't for you."

Rosh catches up with his friends, "Macai that was reckless."

Macai: "That must mean a lot coming from a reckless person."

Rosh: "Don't ever scare your unit like that again."

Azula steps beside Rosh, "Don't ever scare ME like that again."

Macai nods, "I just wanted to end it. Looks like I'm going to have to get a new home."

Azula comments, "You can always build a new one, but you can't buy another life."

Zuko extends his hand, "You can stay at my palace in the meantime."

Macai responds, "I'd be honored, your highness."

Zuko looks at Macai, "Please, you know I don't like all the titles."

Rosh asks, "Were Umma and Zyger in there?"

Macai shakes his head, "No, I got them out through a tunnel under my palace. They're fine. Some troops escorted them out."

Rosh says, "Unless Zerrel has an ambush team waiting for them."

Macai: "I sure hope not, but I don't think they were expecting that. Zerrel was hoping they were in the palace, that's why he destroyed it." General Mak catches up with his allies while troopers help Ty Lee and Jesha as they wake up.

General Mak: "I'm honored to work with you Macai and we will find out whatever Zerrel is planning next. He always seems to be a step ahead of us. Did he tell you anything during your fight with him up there?"

Macai: "He says he is planning another grand attack. Maybe Kett and Kanna will find more information while they're out on their mission. I think all of this is going to end soon."

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