
Dusk Realm

Penulis: Luna Carmimee
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We live in this world to encounter different things. We have so many options and we get to choose from different  unspecified matter , Sometimes we are proven what we did was Right or Error but above all the clocks ticking , We move forward and get  deceived or persuaded by lies or truth. Discover the new realm (just reality) in a different light with Zyna. It might seem virtual but it's just reality deluded with irrationality. Imaginations drowns her , reality gets her high. She is a determined fighter but for survival's sake , She gives up. Watch out for Dracula's Notes to know Fancy Facts...

Chapter 1Long Lane

I walk down the lane stomping my feet but I make no noise. At this late hour, Attention is the last thing I want but still, I can see eyes hawking me but they don't know what I'm capable of.

I walk in a quicker pace just to get to my destination real quick but I trip on my shoelaces and was about to land like a laughing stock but I caught the nearest pole only to be hurt by the other pole just inches behind ... I fell and did some weird move with my feet just to steady myself. I just rub the back of the neck a few times and start walking. I just can't be late.

I get into the cafe almost half an hour late and quickly peek inside to check if the person I'm looking for has arrived but seems like only one idiot out of two has made it until now. I catch a glimpse of the mirror, Black abaya and just a normal brown scarf ... cant look any fancier ... I cover my left hand in my pocket and slump down in the opposite seat on the table where my brother Cairo sits. He frowns at me as though I ate 1kg of raw chicken ... "what?" I throw my hands dramatically mid-air.

"How sweet of you to arrive this early" he seethed, his voice was almost not heard.

" look I had work to cover up" I defended myself.

"Oh please" he is literally tired

" Have you any clue how much he waited for you; both of us looked like oafs, you know me I can't make people feel comfortable around me." He states

"Hah! How long did he wait .. half an hour too long eh? " I clap my hands


My mouth hung open for a split second but I gotta play it cool "so?"

"I didn't ask him to wait that long did I?" I ask as though I don't care.

He just stood up and walked out of the cafe.


I must have pissed him. Yum but he ordered some coffee and croissants, I grab both of them in either of my hands and rush behind him.

"Okay sorry. But something important came up"

He didn't reply and just kept walking taking extra-large strides so that I wouldn't match his pace. I just sprint to the nearest bench and sit taking a bite in a croissant and sip the coffee. Now he decides to wake slowly contemplating whether or not to take a seat next to me and talk it over. Finally, he sighs and sits, bringing his long fingers to his temples and gently presses it.

"You asked for this, why wouldn't you comply ? " he throws a question at me.

"Honestly speaking I don't know" I shrug my shoulders.

"But.why?" He questions again.

"Arghh! I just don't know a'right " I look at him frustrated.

"you stopped chasing demons now you are running away from an angel" He scoffs.

I look at him bemused taking in his features he looks young around his twenties when he is actually nearing his thirties and has dad's thick black hair cascading his eyes a little bit. His dimples deepen when he smirks like a jerk. I shook my head I'm nowhere close to his appearance.

"What did you guys talk about?". Now it was my time to interrogate him.

"You. Of course" He smirks.

He loves teasing me. Doesn't he?

" I really need to know what he told you," I ask him firmly.

"We apparently only talked about you"

He says with a serious expression. Goddamit I ain't falling for this.

"Oh pleassse.." I drag.

" Seems like he knows you quite well. No wonder he decided to approach our father. I actually like him and I was glad you didn't show up because I was about to collect a lot of information. I can threaten you for months." He says a bit too seriously...

"Oh okay, what exactly did he say ? ... something, like I'm well reserved, knows how to deal with adversities and looks calm and cool .. yah pretty much everyone knows that." I say in an obvious tone.

He shook his head a little too much that his hair starts to bounce.

" He knows you're a markswoman" he air quotes "The best"

There is no way in the world that's possible.

I shake my head "you're impossible" I tell him smiling.

He laughs, a bitter laugh.

"I'm serious Zee" He says in between.

Other than Cairo and my parents nobody knows I'm a markswoman and dad doesn't know about the competitions and I usually wear a veil so nobody has a clue of who I am. I wear a serious grim expression and raise my left eyebrow.

"Your secret is safe with him, in fact, he just needs some protection he is feeling a bit unsafe in this town he wants you to watch over his back for a week and you're free to go and he promises a payment which would be enough for you for a year the least. "

I look at him baffled. Cairo is definitely not a person who would trust someone as soon as he meets. I just don't get how he is speaking about it so casually, this cant be true.

" What kind of protection does he need? " I blurt out amidst all the chaos in my head.

" If he is some kind of rich business tycoon he could have hired some skillful bodyguard instead of me" I point out.

" He simply doesn't trust anyone and he wants a Muslim too which is a bit more convincing or maybe he is a feminist, who knows " he shrugs at it as if it's no big deal.

I really don't understand how Cairo has got so careless, he is not someone who trusts a person that easily or he doesn't even get to make acquaintances that quickly. His introverted personality has locked him away as long as I remember.

"Okay" I just smile playing along because that was the only thing I could do.

This Hairum guy can't be trusted at all, I think to myself. I turn to Cairo with my last question

" What's his name again ?"

"Oh Armaan"

My eyes widened and I left paralyzed for a few moments, there is no possible way that could be possible.

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Author-san here! Well, you're smart to stop by here. So I won't praise you all anymore. (^_^)  This is my original work, and I know you all will like it. So shamelessly pop your popcorn and read away!  Oh… And don't forget to check out my other books: • I'm The King Of Technology •Help!: I Think My System Is Trying To Kill Me! And, •In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park... You can also visit my website for more books: https://LumydeeNovels.Gumroad.com/ Ps/// THE PACE WILL BE SLOW AT THE BEGINNING TO SET EVERYTHING IN MOTION. But after a while, it will pick up quickly. . . Now, back to the synopsis. Er-Erhmm.. (narrator-voice on) ... In another world called Blue Star, the famous son of wealth, Dorian D. Tian, is thrown into a whirl of unfortunate circumstances, resulting in his death. . His parents had a brutal car accident that left them in a coma, and his uncle had quickly taken over the company,  and seized the company, making sure that he was financially crippled for good. With that, the famous young master struggled desperately. And in the end, he gave in to his despair and depression, leaving the sad, lonely world. The end? Heh... Think again! Because in that brief moment, the lifeless corpse suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a deep calm look. That's right. Another mysterious soul had entered the body. But if one thought this story was just about revenge, then sorry... that wasn't even the half of it! .... The mysterious entity suddenly triggered an exorcist system. And from then on, both humans and even those from the underworld shuddered in fear and despair at the mysterious soul's cruelty. [Humans]: "Demon! Demon! You're definitely a demon!" [Demons]: "Help! Help! The famous demon wants to eat me!" [Evil Spirits]: "You!... Are you the one who is an evil spirit or us? Why the hell did it seem like you're the demonic one instead?" [Ghouls]: "You stay away from me! Stay away from me now, you evil entity!" [Hellhounds]: "Are you sure you're not the son of hades?" The system couldn't help looking at its host in doubt. Its indicators said that its host was indeed mortal. But why did it feel like something was wrong with its host? Dorian lightly chuckled in amusement. He would also like to ask the same question. What exactly was his identity? Well, this would be the biggest mystery of all. But Dorian wasn't in a hurry. Who were his enemies, and who were his allies? Soon, he would find the truth. In the meantime, why not play a little? "Demon! stay back!" "Oooo~~~... I... I want to go back to the underworld where it's safe." "Run for your lives! The demon is here!" …..

lumydee · Seram
601 Chs