
Ruined the beautiful moment

Today when Suho went to the hospital he got some emergency patients so he had to stay at the hospital tonight. Two patients were admitted today as they both got cardiac attacks. One of them was in critical condition so his surgery was done on the spot but the other was stable for time being. After completing one surgery, the staff was preparing another surgery when the other patient got into another cardiac attack and they had to postpone the surgery.

Doctors didn't found it suitable to perform his bypass at that time or else he could have lost his life. After putting him on a ventilator, one doctor was assigned on night duty and Suho came home as he had performed his daily duty. 

Upon coming home, when he entered inside the main door it was already open. He went inside, no one was in the living room and the lights were also turned off. He heard some voices coming from Yuri's room so he went and knocked at the door.

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