

Less than 72 hours after the catastrophe, natural or not (much debate was still going on), in the North Atlantic Ocean, very strong flashes and flashes of light were seen crossing the skies on all continents. No one felt more secure. Nobody knew what to expect. What would come next. The armies of the countries took to the streets to try to put a little more order in the mess.

80 thousand people were counted among the dead until that fifteenth day after the appearance of the mysterious figure, called by many Neptune, the God of the seas. Experts said this number could reach 150,000 dead in total. The meteors that bombarded our atmosphere 3 days ago are also yet another unsolved mystery. They were not picked up by our satellites. No debris was found where they fell. It is estimated that some were 3 meters in diameter and a significant size of a mass of 50 to 80 cm in diameter could remain from a meteor of this size, but no trace has been found.

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