
62. Girls Training 4

Now that I have secured a good shelter for myself. It is time for food and water. And I need food in a large quantity. Let's see, I have heard that Dragon meat is really tasty. Every fiction says that Dragon meat is really good for the body and in taste.

So with that in mind, i started walking and looking for a dragon to cut and eat. I just picked a random direction that looked like it had a mountain. I didn't use my spiritual sensing it will take out the fun from the hunt. We will be doing this the old fashioned way. As I was walking, I seem to have spotted a horse with a horse. It had a white colour looking majestic.

'Oh boy, I am catching this guy for the girls'. Thinking that I started walking towards the Unicorn cautiously. They are depicted to be sly fuckers in the mythologies that escape in a second. They have strength rivalling the fucking hulk with magical powers. I am not taking any chances with this one.

I was masking my aura, sound and smell with a layer of Ki on my body. Just as I was close to it. it snapped its head in my direction. "Human? no you aren't human. Creature, I am peacefully resting. Don't disturb my rest". I got a telepathic communication, which I had allowed to connect. Otherwise, it was never going to be possible.

"Hmph, little Pony. I am taking you with me to serve asa pet for my lovers". I said to it with derision. This thing was being high and mighty in front of me. 'Hmph, this thing doesn't know its place'. I thought with contempt. I am taking it for my girls.

"Little Pony, if you willingly become their pet, I will treat you well and won't just fight you for no reason". I said to the unicorn with a neutral voice without any emotion but a little pride still seeped through my voice. "I know you are strong but I am stronger". Saying that I unleashed my aura on it.

Feeling my Aura, its flashed for a second but then it looked at me and bowed its head. "I am willing to serve but I never serve evil. If I find out that you do evil to the world. I will not stay with you, even if it kills me". Saying that it raised its head na looked me in the eyes.

"Don't worry, I maybe selfish but I never kill innocents. Do note though, I never kill innocents but it doesn't mean that I help them for no reason. I will kill anyone who threatens my family, Good or Bad". I said with a prideful tone. My voice haughty and serious. I had my principles, I don't go doing genocides.

It nodded at me and put its head near my face. I stroked its mane for a bit. It was really soft and amazing texture to it. It felt really soothing, gliding my hand through its mane. The girls were going to love this present. Well at least, they will be more motivated for training next time. 'I am a good Boyfriend aren't I?'

Now that I think about it. If the unicorns can be tamed, there should be other animals that can be tamed as well. Dragons are intelligent creatures, I should be able to tame one myself. 'Hmm. Riding on a dragon will look really good actually, will add a regal aura to me when I travel'. I was contemplating with my hand on my chin.

(A/N: Suggest a name for the unicorn. A name with most votes will be chosen.)

I started walking deep into the forest, looking for a dragon to eat. As i was walking, I heard another telepathic connection forming, which I allowed. "Master, what are you looking for". The unicorn asked me.

"I am looking for a Dragon to fight and eat". I said back leisurely like it was an everyday thing for me. "Master, I know a location. Where a fire dragon resides". Hearing that my eyes lit up. Now that is one benefit of picking a familiar form the local area. "Lead the way". Saying that I just sat up on it and we galloped towards the location.

Meanwhile, the girls had successfully spent the first day in the survival training. Bulma had her capsule house. Momo made a tent with her quirk in parts as she didn't have that much mana so she hd to make the tent in parts but it will grow in the future.

Toru just weaved some vines together and slept in between twin trees that she found for camping. She was covering herself animal skin, probably an unfortunate wolf that she hunt. She was using the skin of that wolf as a blanket. Right now, survival was more important so she steeled her heart.

Nejire had also made her own makeshift camp. This was going to keep her safe from insects and dew. She had found a small pond where she saw some monsters drinking water. She had also steeled her heart for her survival and was able to slay a boar with her skill. Now, she had food, shelter and water. All that was left was surviving 6 more days and killing 6 orcs.

The girls were all slowly adapting and getting their weak and naive mentalities snuffed out of them. This was going to be a good thing for their own well being. As the world was more cruel than before. People had no qualms in killing each other, not everyone was the same but there certainly more villains in society than before.

AllMight might have been the Symbol of Peace, he was but one man. There was just so much he could do. The hero of people that saved them from the previous monsters had not made an appearance in the public again after that fight. All kinds of rumours were being made. Most of them derogatory which gave the villains, the courage to act up on their desires.

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