


Wake up, wake up

It's a beautiful daayyyy

wake up, wake up......

In the large room with dove grey colour dominating the chandelier, the landscape, the curtains, the lamps, the bedside lamps, the pendulum wall clock, the sofa chair, the pillows, the small table and almost everything, was lying a girl in the king bed size, hidden under the silk comforter, her tangled and messy waist length natural coffee coloured hair peeking from under it.

Lying in the same position with closed eyes, she stretched her left hand, to look out for the source of the bell and, she smiled when she found it and shut it off.

But, her smile lasted only for a minute.


Wake up, wake up,

it's a beautiful day..........

"Fuck you, Vansh", she cursed loudly and switching it off with force, jolted up to sat on her lap while supporting her back against the bedside.

She let her eyes closed on their force and roam her hands carelessly on her hair, making them look messier. Her fair round face with middle-sized eyes and black coloured arched eyebrow with naturally red lips were making her look innocent and beautiful at the same time.

She was about to doze off when the alarm rang for the third time, making it evident if it would have rung one more time, the girl would have become bald. She stopped making faces, cursing and crying, and stopped plucking her hair when her head started aching.

Sighing, she opens her eyes and looks, here and there, waiting for any grasping moment that would let her sleep. She looks at the Alarm clock that had somehow survived and noticed it showing 6:00 in the evening.

She snorts and lifting the comforter, she stood up high at 5'6" in black athletic Men track pant and, a loose white tee. Covering the yawn with her right palm, she stretched her arms, bend her legs, rotate her waist, bend backwards and downward, and went to the washroom after wearing the slippers.

She saw her dark Brown orbs looking at her reflection in the mirror and, a knowing look covers her face when she saw the condition of her hair. Tying them in a rough bun with the help of Black clutcher, she splashes some water on her face and eyes and, drying it with a green towel, moved back to the bedroom.

She sat down at the edge of the bed and, pick up the phone from the bedside table to look for some important emails and calls but, kept it back as messages and notifications from WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and Quora bombarded her phone.

Like other youths, she was quite active on social media and was quite famous too. She was a known Fashion designer but to pass the time, she would often make arrangements for events such as Wedding, Birthdays, Proposals surprises, or meetups, with her team which consisted of eight members.

She glanced at the time, again, and standing up from the bed, moved toward the wardrobe. As anyone could have guessed, it was grey and hanging inside it in the right corner were three pair of jeans-shirt.

She made faces when she saw the remaining portion of the wardrobe hogged by Men Formal and Informal suits, jeans and shirts. She picks the pair with blue destroyed skinny jeans and crisp white shirt and placing it on the bed, move back to the wardrobe and bends down to open the shoe rack of the cabinet and to no surprise of her, it too was full of Men shoes.

Cursing "I will not leave you, Vansh", she searches for her's and, exclaimed in joy when she saw a pair of black boots hiding at the last row of the cabinet.

Placing all the required things on their respective place, she went for a quick shower and returned after 5 minutes. She applied lotion on her body and face and dressed quickly. She chose to tuck the shirt in her jeans and let her wispy layered hair-free. She opened her drawer to pick her Hermes's Blue band with Brown-Blue dial wristwatch and had tied it when she heard someone knocking the door.

"Come in" responding to the knock, she turned her attention to the drawer but, turns her face when she heard a male voice" ohk! You are ready on time."

Standing at the door of her room was a 6'1" heightened man in a clean shaved triangular face with dark brown eyes and perfect jawline, light Brown natural hair in a spiky hairstyle.

Turning her body to fully face him who was wearing denim jeans with a white T-shirt and white sneaker, she eyed him and cursed him" I thought of killing you the moment I would see you. You alarm could not stop fucking ringing!"

She saw him giving her a cheesy smile and the dimples which would give a heart attack to many girls, and speaking up" For a lazy head, I had to do so. By the way, you are looking girly!"

"I am a girl, Vanshu," she states as a matter of fact.

The man addressed as Vanshu moved toward the bed and lying on it on his left with his left hand supporting his head, he looked to her and said calmly and teasingly " Yes, the same girl, who provided with the choice would have worn the same Pant she had woken in".

Giving him a wink and snapping her fingers, she pointed her finger at him and exclaimed "Exactly baby!" and turn her head back.

"So, shall we move?" Vansh asked, standing up from the bed and fixing his hair with his hand, looking in the mirror, beside her's drawer.

"Yes, but just a second, I am looking for my one of my ring," She said while fumbling her drawer.

"Ahh, how can I forgot your obsession with rings and watches!" exclaimed Vansh.

"I am not obsessed with them! I just like these two things and I brought them with my first salary and, everything first has a special place in our heart." voicing out her opinion, she placed the found Diamond ring in her right index finger.

"Oh, really!?" he teased her as if, he understood the meaning hidden in it.

"Do not link this statement with other" she voiced out promptly and eyed him, challenging him to say more, when she saw him trying to speak more.

"Shall we move now? Or you know our dearest brother will not like it if we did not reach on time" he joked while trying to be seen as sincere.

In a flash, her mood turned sour and, she speaks out with hatred " What's wrong with your brother, huhh? Why he always dominate others and, think of controlling everyone? And why do you all fear him?"


Enjoy reading it :)

Love to all <3

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