
Ch. 13

Making my way from the Great Hall after a hearty lunch, I kept thinking of my first class. It wasn't as bad as I feared, but it definitely didn't go as smoothly as I had envisioned. Teaching is not as easy I imagined it to be. The students were respectful enough, but by my estimation, their skill level was barely at the sixth-year level.

I had plenty of time to review most of the students' skill cards, and I wasn't impressed at all. A faint blue was the average level for their Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the other classes weren't much better. I wasn't sure what I would gain from taking cards from them at the moment.

Perhaps if I'm able to convince the students from wizarding families to learn some of their family magics over Christmas Hols, it might be worth it then. The noble families guard their family magics quite aggressively, but I don't have to ask or pry to gain a families cherished spells.

As it stands, I was forced to assign them homework. I didn't want to, mostly because I don't want to grade it, but I fail to see any other way. Well, any other way that doesn't tarnish my reputation or put Dumbledore on a more direct hunt after me.

Old Gil did have some mental defenses, so I doubt Dumbledore was able to use surface-level Legilimency during his interview to learn the truth of Gil's success. Which means, Dumbles is working on assumptions based on his relationship with two of Gil's victims. Old Gil didn't perform any magic while Albus was present, so the Headmaster shouldn't have a grasp on my skills. Plus, I'm sure Snape shared his experience of meeting my Occlumency shields during the staff meeting. That should create a small opening I can exploit.

Regardless, I need to start preparing for my confrontation with Dumbledore. Once he realizes I'm not the bumbling fraud he thought I was, the old goat will wish to speak with me, or worse, begin plotting to expose Old Gil's crimes.

I need a scapegoat to distract everyone or draw Dumblydore's focus away from me. Something that will let me coast under his radar. Hmm... If a scapegoat won't work, maybe a rat will do? I'll just need a reason to be on the lookout...

A high-pitched shrieking drew me from my thoughts. Looking in the direction of the commotion, I spot the huge form of Hagrid coming down the stairs with what appears to be a rounded cage under a thick sheet of leather. This looks promising.

"Hagrid," I call out in a jolly tone, "That sounds remarkably similar to pixies."

"Yeh be righ', professor," Hagrid confirmed in his deep rumbling voice. "Jus' caught dis here batch up in the fif' floor."

"Well done, old chap," I say with a winning smile. "You know, I've been meaning to speak to you."

"Oh," Hagrid curiously asked as he switched the cage to his other hand.

"Oh, yes. You see, I fear that my students are severely lacking in the practical sense," I begin as I move close enough to sneak a peek at the captured pixies. "I was hoping to recruit you into delving into the Forbidden Forest with me to wrangle up a few beasts for my classes."

"I don' know, professor," Hagrid hesitatingly began.

"I ensure you, Hagrid, the beasts will not be harmed. I merely wish to give my students some hands-on experience with creatures they are being taught to defend themselves against," I state in a compelling tone. Seeing he wasn't fully convinced, I went another route.

"Think of it as an extension of Care of Magical Creatures," I begin with a small smirk. "Wouldn't it be best for the students to know how to safely deal with various beasts, WITHOUT bringing undue harm to them?"

Hagrid's eyes brightened at my last comment, but he was still being reserved. "That does sound like a righ' good idea," Hagrid mumbled mostly to himself.

"I'll tell you what," I state as I seize the opportunity, "How about I take these pixies and use them for my next class. I'm sure Mr. Potter would be delighted to see such marvelous little creatures," I say with a contagious smile. "We can even use this little experience to determine if bringing other creatures to class is a valid idea!"

"Well," Hagrid began as he slowly shifted the cage in my direction, "I bet Harry would enjoy seein' the little things," Hagrid said as he held the cage up a bit more.

"Wonderful," I triumphantly said as I reached out to take the cage. "Just you watch, my good man. After today, the students will be begging us for more!"

Hagrid allowed me to take the cage from him as he looked on with a hint of pink on his hairy cheeks. "Well, be careful wit' them," Hagrid said as he stepped aside. "Cornish pixies can be tricky lil blighters."

"Never fear, I, Gilderoy Lockhart, know just what to do," I confidently announce. "If all goes as well as I know it will, we can make a little excursion for more beasts to dazzle the students with," I happily say to the hairy half-giant.

Hagrid doesn't verbally agree, but he does give his head a slight nod. Taking that for consent, I reach up to pat him on the arm before turning back up the stairs. "I'll come to speak with you again Saturday," I inform the groundskeeper. "Have a good day, Hagrid."

"Yeh to, professor," Hagrid said with a small wave of his hand.

My steps were suddenly lighter, as I made my way up the stairs. If I could recruit Hagrid into catching me a few beasts for my classes, it would give me even more free time to work on my own magics. Of course, I will go with the half-giant on the first few occasions, and when I convince him to hunt more dangerous creatures. Improving my own martial magic is part of my plans after all.

Putting thoughts of Hagrid out of my mind, I quickly move to my classroom with my prize. I highly doubt I'll repeat the debacle seen in canon but, these mischievous little buggers will help me cement my reputation and standing at Hogwarts.

Of course, I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to watching the chaos these beasties were about to rain down on my second-years!

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I'm just a dude doing what dudes do.

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