
The plan

"Kiyoshi dono, he might be one of us!" Takehitowhispered while looking at hideo.

"I suggest we be friend him! Since, there are only 6 of us males in this school" takehito continued.

Kiyoshi nodded agreeing to what takehito said.

Kiyoshi walked towards hideo, introduce himself after that he introduced his friends. They talk for a while about a lot of things.

Time passed by its lunch time. They keep talking as they got some food.

"Daisuke-dono! Why did you decide to go to this school?" Takehito ask.

"My big sister is here, so I decided to enroll here as well" he said then eats one bite.

"What year is she?" Andre ask with curiosity

"She is a second year student here" hideo said

A/n: i know she is supposed to be a third year student but, this is a fanfic.

"Oh, daisuke! You are here!" Hana yelled from far away not caring even if she gets seen by the crows.

"Oii! Who is that cute girl!" They whispered to each other.

Hideo looked at them and said "don't think of touching or peeking on my sister"

"So, she is your sister don't worry we won't do anything bad!" They said while panicking as they saw hideo's angry eyes

He said the peeking part as he knew that they would have this plan later on.

"Daisuke! Why are you ignoring me?" Hana said while hugging hideo. Some students who knows hana are shocked at her behavior.


"Mou, do you hate me now?" She pouted then noticed the other five guys.

"Are you friends with daisuke kun?" She asked while glaring at them with anger her expression is like someone who is looking at them with disgust.

Hideo nodded then ask hana "why are you here hana?"

"I just miss daisuke kun!" She said as she tighten her hug.

"Are they real siblings?" They whispered to each other.

Hideo glared at them making them look away while whistling.

"Daisuke-kun can you taste my tea in my room!" She invited while panting for breathe.

Hideo already targeted her with his 'pheromone' after hearing her yelling his name.

Hideo nodded then started to walk with her.

"I got to go now, see you later in the dorm room!" Hideo said while waving at them

They went inside her dorm room then suddenly was kissed by hana as soon as the door close.

"Daisuke-kun! I want to do it now!" Hana said with a cute voice unlike her voice in the anime.

"Kyaa!" Hideo then lifted her up and puts her on her bed.

"Daisuke-kun!" She said raising her hand towards hideo.


'Daisuke-kun's tongue! Taste so good!' She thought as she felt hideo's tongue going inside her making her mind went blank.

Suddenly, someone knock on the door.

"Hana, it's me Mari! Can I come in?" She said after knocking on the door.

"It seems that you have a visitor onee chan" Hideo said then sat down sip on her tea.

"Yes, come in!" She said after sitting down in front of hideo's sit.

Mari came in then was surprised as she saw hideo sitting down sipping tea. He targeted her with his 'pheromone'.

"Hana! Who is he?" She said as she thought of what she heard from her crows.

"He is my little brother! His name is daisuke" Hana said her face red.

Mari look at her with suspicion then look at hideo as she smell something alluring coming from him.

"Nice to meet you~mmm" hideo said

"Mari just call me mari" she said with her usual snobby expression but, her face is red. Then sat down next to hana.

Then suddenly another knock sounded out.

"Who's there?" Mari yelled while asking.

"Its meiko! Can I come in?" She ask

"Come in meiko!"

Hearing her words she opened the door looking at hideo confusedly. Hideo look at her with surprised as he saw her body.

'She really does look great, mari looks great but, meiko's body is on another level!' Hideo thought as he lock her with his 'pheromone'

"Meiko sit down and daisuke can you leave us all alone?" Mari said then hideo walked away.

Making hana a little angry at mari as they interrupted her time with hideo.

Hideo went back to class, he talked with the other guys. Talking about peeking on girls, they told how kiyoshi failed to talk to the girls as he tried to do it.

Class started then kiyoshi dropped his eraser as chiyo saw his eraser.

"Ah!" Chiyo reacted

'Ahh! Now the cutest girl in the class saw my eraser! Stupid grandma!'

Hideo look at kiyoshi feeling glad for him as he really wants them to be together.

Class ended chiyo decided to approach hideo then talked about sumo for the rest of the day.

Time passed by, Hideo got back to the dorm and saw the rest of the guy.

"Daisuke dono! I have some plan I already explained it with the others" gakuto said

Hideo looked at kiyoshi with amusement as he knew what he is thinking.

"I'm in!" Hideo said making the 4 yell in excitement.

"Okay! Let me explain!" Gakuto said as he explained what they will do.

They all started to dress up just like in the anime. Hideo decided to wear it over his uniform.

Hideo knew that they will get caught but, he still decided to do it as he wants to be able to spend more time with the vice president making her fall.

"Let's goo! Ahhhh!" The 4 yelled while kiyoshi and hideo just run along with them.

They got to the rooftop

"So, how are we gonna peek at them?" Kiyoshi asked

"Oh, yeah about that!" Gakuto said

"So, we can't do it? Lets go back now!" Hideo said while sounding dissapointed.

Gakuto pulled out two phones and explained what will happen.

"Since, kiyoshi dono is enthusiatic to do this, here!" Gakuto said then gave one phone to kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi got inside the bath then met chiyo. Chiyo got him wrong for her friend just like in the anime.

"Ahhh! We don't want to see your naked body!"

The four complained while hideo just laugh from the side.

"Lets go now!" Chiyo said then grab kiyoshi.

"Are we gonna let kiyoshi face this alone?" Jouji ask

"We can't just let him be the hero and hog all the glory" shingo said.

Hideo just silently listen to them.

"Our choice is clear!" Gakuto said then they started to remove their black tights. Hideo also joined in and started to remove his uniform but, stopped as he saw the crow on top of andre.

"Andre there is a crow on you!"

"You, too on your crotch"

They pointed to each other then looked up to see a flood of crows.

They then got beaten by the vice president including hideo. He didn't got hurt that much as he got his stats back and his 'pheromone' playing a good role to it.

"Perverts!!" The girls said with disgust.

"Daisuke kun!" Hana yelled with concern as he saw daisuke tied up on a wood.

"Why did you do it?" She yelled at hideo.

'You have me! You don't need to peek at girls! It's their fault!' She thought as she got angry at the four guys.

"Where is the other one?" Meiko ask suddenly the president came out of the shadow dragging someone, his face is bloody, it was kiyoshi.

"Kiyoshi!!!" The four said in concern.

"From now on you 6 will go inside the prison for 6 months"

They got cuffed and put inside the prison room.

A day passed by they were made to walk around the school.

"Look it's that handsome guy! I can't believe he is a pervert!"

"Yeah but, I kinda like it"

Students starts to talk about them.

They were walking around the school while being monitored by the vice president. Hideo targeted her with his 'pheromone'.

She would hit the other 5 hard while hitting hideo lightly.

They finished as they were exhausted for being beat down and walking around for hours.

"Vice pres. can I go to the bathroom?" Hideo said

"Permission granted!" She said while blushing looking away from hideo's gaze.

"Vice pres your face is red, are you okay?" Hideo ask her.

"I-I'm okay!"she said hurriedly.

The 5 did not notice her strange behavior towards hideo as they were hurt a lot of time by her.

Hideo then walk towards the bathroom to pee.

Hideo look back at her with lustful eyes.

'She looks so damn sexy' hideo thought while looking at meiko's plump ass and breast.

A/n: I might have fucked somethings here but, I want to release something today. I will release another one tomorrow.

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