
The hunt

Carmilla limped down the street. Away from her house, away from the people she once thought loved her unconditionally.

Her chest heaved with each sob she let out.

Adrenaline mixed with panic was the only thing that kept her moving; she had injured her leg from falling down the stairs but it was nothing to the stark white pain coursing through her body. Her veins were stinging, while the muscles in her torso burned and spasmed. She felt nausea hit again and used a nearby house to keep steady, as she violently vomited blood for the seventh time that night. When it was over, she gave herself a moment to catch a breath, in doing so she realised that she had made it to the Shepherds house.

Feeling a rush of relief and hope she scrambled up the steps and pounded on the door, screaming at the top of her lungs.


No answer.

She emphasised her pleas.


Again no reply. The lights were all off. She looked through glass and saw no one. Panic had already set in but logic was pushing through. The rational part of her brain told her that she was surrounded by houses and that she needed to try the next one. Forgetting the pain in her body she ran to the house next door and repeated her cries. Again no response, lights off, no ones home. Again the house across the street. No one. Panic was rushing back but logic gave it one last shot. Running back across the street she tried the fourth house.

A small part of her noticed that no light was on at any house on the entire street.

She tried again.


Accompanied by her incessant knocking she finally gained a response.

"Go away"

She couldn't register the words, just that fact that someone was there.

"HELLO?" She said softer, pressing her ear to the glass sheet in the door.

"Leave us alone!"

The voice sounded both angry and scared. She looked through glass and saw a hallway leading to an open door. Through the door were three dark shadows, one tall, two small. The smaller ones were huddled close on both sides of the taller one. Cowering. The tall one spoke again.

"I said leave us alone!"

It was a woman's voice. Her demands were weak, she was clearly just a scared as the children.

Carmilla refused to believe what she was hearing.

"PLEASE!" She shouted one last time, adding a slam to the door for extra emphasis. The action made the woman's silhouette jump. She answered more forcefully this time.


The power of her speech was enough to push Carmilla away from the door. Backing off she  left a bloody handprint smeared on the glass.

Fear ebbed it's way through her rationality; which was now telling her that the woman didn't answer because she feared for her children's lives against the bloody stranger knocking at half three in the morning. It made sense. So she moved on, and began her cries and knocks all over again. House to house.

But this time when she looked through the glass she saw more of the same figures. Some sat at the tops of stairs while others stood at the end of the hallways. All were huddled together and some appeared to be holding brooms or bats. She yelled that she could see them. But none answered her. All doors were locked.

Standing in the middle of the road gasping for breath, she could feel the situation finally dawning upon her. But before she could fully apprehend it, a foreboding sound silenced all thoughts.

Far away, in the direction of her house. A howl drifted into the midnight air, and from behind a house, emerged a large grey wolf.

At first she was mesmerised. Never seeing the creature in real life before. But as it lifted its large head to howl once more, it sniffed the air. It turned, pointing towards her, within seconds, What was once a somber expression now changed to viscous snarling. It's scruff went up and it's teeth were bared. Carmilla was afraid to move. It looked directly at her, eyes burning with a hatred so deep, it seemed almost personal.

They stood locked in place, waiting for the other to move. The wolf decided by running full speed towards her. Seconds before she reacted Carmilla realised how truly large the wolf was as it got closer and closer.

Adrenaline hit and her flight response took over, knowing there's was no possible way she could fight in her condition.

She ran in between two houses on the left of her; Heading for the large thickets that created a barrier between opposite streets. She flew through the low hanging branches and bracket, repeating the same act on the next street. After she sure the wolf was no longer following her, she heard it's howl again, and felt a sense of relief. it sounded blocks away from her location. She took a pause to catch her breath.

The adrenaline left as quick as it came and soon enough she was back to doubling over. Covered in blood and vomit. Her insides were in upheaval and her muscles burned.

When her convulsions and had finished she took stock of the new surroundings. She had ran through seven suburban streets and was further inside the maze. Houses here were larger and gated off. The more expensive the closer to the centre they were. Orbiting a large mansion in the middle that was now a leisure centre and upstairs office space. She heard the howl again. It was getting closer every second she stood still. Knowing she couldn't outrun it, she looked for a place to hide.

But there was none. The streets were clear of cars and large gates trapped the dark -presumably- locked houses.

All apart from one that is. Carmilla saw that a window was slightly open ajar. It sat on a room where the roof jutted out and a tall Range Rover stood level to it. With her pain momentarily subdued by a glimmer of hope, she shambled towards the large wooden gates that signified safety. The polished pine wood doors seemed as treacherous a climb as Everest. It would of been an impossible climb even if she hadn't been covered in blood.

With the strength of adrenaline and the overpowering will to survive, Carmilla wedged her feet into the gap between wall and gate; precariously balancing on the hinges, her nails digging into the smooth wood. By some miracle she slid over the top and landed clumsily onto the redbrick drive. She was through, but not safe yet. A foreboding howl was now accompanied by the sound of paws padding against cement.

Crawling up the bonnet of car and stepping onto the roof, had suddenly become more life saving than threatening. Moving with agility of an old, injured, dying raccoon she made the leap, leaving only bloody smears on the windshield as evidence.

She made it through the window and ducked. holding her breath, heart pounding, she waited. The sound of large paws running past soon came and went, she dared not look and only remembered to breathe once the noise had faded.

She sat in darkness. inhaling,exhaling. Taking in the surroundings of the room. Small objects scattered the floor, colourful pictures of animals lined the walls and white set of drawers stood next to a small bed in the far corner. Carmilla stared at the bed, arguing with herself that if she could crawl under the covers and close her eyes then all this would disappear. The throbbing pain was rearing it's ugly head again and hiding in sheets beat the urge to find a phone. But the longer she stared at the bed the more she felt something was wrong with it. A dark patch spread across the wall, wavering ever so slightly. Two small white dots were the only thing that shone out from it. Carmilla stared at the orbs, her focus completely concentrated upon the shining white dots floating mid-air across the room. harsh breathing being the only sound echoing around.

Carmilla only realised it was a little kid sat in the bed a second before he screamed.

She moved towards him. Instinct telling her to calm and quiet him. His screams of terror turned to wailing and cries for his mother. Before she could even stand up, the door burst open and light flooded the room. A woman's silhouette stood in the door-way, she held a butchers knife in her hand and had an expression on her face that showed she was just as terrified as her son. The image of a bloody, dirt-covered, matted- haired Carmilla crouched on the floor was now clear for everyone to see. Upon the sight of this, the boy screamed even louder and his mothers fear turned to fierce fury.

In utter agony and desperation Carmilla failed to grasp the situation. Lifting her hand in a plea she begged in a raspy voice.

"Please... you have to help me-".

Before she could even finish the enraged mother swung her blade out, repeatedly slashing Carmillas outstretched arms.

Carmilla cried out, trying to crawl away while begging her to stop. The woman was screaming too; a war cry of a mother trying to protect her child, nothing would stop her until the threat was gone. So she continued slashing.

The situation was overwhelming. The child, mother and Carmilla created a symphony of terror. It was one of the many moments that night that Carmilla should of died, succumb to her wounds and let the horror show finally end. But something in her changed. For a split second she couldn't feel the enormity of the situation. It felt like she was just arguing with Louisa over a piece of clothing. And that she was just slapping her arms in annoyance, with Adam yelling at them to shut up.

The fear and pain became that same annoyance and rage she felt in those times, and like she did then, she fought back.

"I said STOP!"

Carmilla smacked at the woman's hand, causing her to stumble forward. The knife sliced through the air past her head and In a fit of childlike anger. Carmilla bit into the woman's arm, with such a force she could feel her teeth shake as they started to crush bone.

The woman's cries meant nothing to Carmilla, a small part of her almost enjoyed the irony of it. But the child's screaming brought her back.


Carmilla snapped her head back and somehow managed to kick herself away from the mother and across the room. No one was screaming anymore and the only noise was harsh inhales from all three of them. The knife had been dropped in the scuffle and the woman was now staring at the small but deep bite marks that encased her wrist. Her eyes were wide, blood had been spilt. And it finally wasn't Carmillas.

It seemed to her like the scene had run its course and the woman might listen to her now. The awkward British part of her came out and she had a powerful urge to apologise for what she'd done.

"I...I'm so sorry, but you wouldn't listen"

The woman said nothing, instead she started to violently rub at wound. She murmured in panicked tone.

"No...no, no".

Carmillas guilt got the best of her. The child was sobbing but it was quieter now.

"Here let me help"

She started to move towards them, but was instantly rejected.


Turned towards her, she saw now that the woman was crying, fear crippled her expression, but her words still rang out with viscous hatred.


Hi from the Author I haven't really looked at this for a while, but realised I hadn't published this chapter because I didn't finish it. If anyone has any constructive notes or wants me to continue please send a message or leave a comment

Thank you x

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