
Chapter 33: The imperial army!

The sounds of the wagon wheels turning over rock and stone were the only sound that echoed through the wagon that was filled with men and women, all dressed in the imperial army uniform.

Lucian also found himself among them, sitting cramped inside one of the wagons that was shipping new recruits out from their training.

He looked down at his feet before slowly looking up at a man sitting across from him who had his arms folded over his chest.

At the request of Zachery to join the imperial army and help aid in the war against the lizardmen. He would in return help Lucian to find Gilly and rescue Hestia.

As part of the arrangement, Zachery had fixed Lucian with a transfer order, forging his documents so he didn't have to complete the basic training like everyone else.

This would allow him to be sent right to the front lines, where his strength could be used for the good of the empire on the Duke's orders.

Speaking of the empire... Lucian had also been issued and dressed in the standard imperial soldiers uniform. It consisted of a full steel plate set of armour that also had full arm protection with leather gloves and full leg protection with steel boots, providing him with a surprising amount of protection and mobility. The helmet also reminded him of something that the ancient Greeks used to wear.

Each set also came with a blue ceremonial garment that hung over the front of the armour and down to your knees. Lucian thought it would get in the way at first, but his belt held it in check nicely.

Lucian had also been given the standard spear, sword and shield that all infantry were issued with. He had objected at first saying he would much prefer his Warhammer, but Zachery had said if he wanted to avoid attention he would have to have the same as everyone else for the time being.

Everyone was silent as they tried their best to get comfortable during the trip. That was pretty much impossible as everyone was squeezed next to each other, with very little room to breath, let alone move.

Soon the wagons came to a halt and one of the drill instructors started barking orders for all soldiers to get out of the wagons and fall in.

Lucian joined the others and joined a line, standing with the other recruits with his arm by his side, spear in his right hand and shield in his left.

"So this is what a military camp looks like." He thought as he looked ahead.

He could see down from the hill they were stood on, overlooking the vast swamplands in the distance.

The camp was at the bottom of the hill on the border of the swamp set up with huge tents as soldiers went about their business.

"Alright, you sorry shits." The drill instructor shouted.

"This is the front line! The war front, the stinking pile of the shit swamp that our beloved empire wants for our own! You got that!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

There must have been at least 100 soldiers here including Lucian, all standing to attention as they listen to his words.

"Now... Our enemy is the filthy lizard men. They may be backwater Savages, but they are incredibly strong and should not be underestimated!" He then said as he marched up and down the line.

"Remember your training! And you might survive to feel the warmth of a woman's tits once again, is that understood!" He shouted.

"Yes sir!" Everyone shouted, heeding his words.

"Alright, time to join the party!" The drill instructor then said with a smile.

"Fall out!" He said, getting all of them to follow him down the hill and into the camp.

The wagons had not only delivered fresh recruits for the war effort, but they had also delivered fresh supplies for the troops already stationed here.

Lucian and the others finally made it down and into the camp, getting daggers stared at them as they passed through by the others.

"Look boys, fresh meat!" Some of the men shouted laughing as they watched them pass by.

The drill instructor stopped as they entered a fresh set of tents that had been set up for the new lot of soldiers.

"Right, men. Get yourself a bunk and settle in. It won't be long before we head out." He said before leaving, heading to the command tent.

Everyone did as he asked, finding a tent with a free bunk that they would claim as their own.

"So this is home now." A man said as he took the spot next to Lucian.

Lucian nodded to him, getting a look at his scruffy black helmet hair as he took it off.

Lucian did the same, removing his helmet and placing it on the small bed.

"Nice to meet you, I don't think we have met." The man said as he extended his hand.

Lucian nodded.

"You too, and no we haven't." He said shaking the man's hand.

"I'm Bal." He said giving his name.

"Lucian," Lucian said returning his.

"You a transfer?" He then asked.

"Y-yeah. Something like that." Lucian said.


"Me? No, I'm fresh from the academy." Bal said.

Lucian nodded.

"How did you find it?" He asked, deciding to try and dig for some information.

"It was the toughest 10 weeks of my life, but I made it, and here I am." He said giving a confident smile.

Lucian nodded as he returned his smile.

"I wouldn't get so cocky if I were you." Another man said as he overheard their conversation.

Bal and Lucian looked over to another man with long blond hair.

"What do you want, Leo," Bal said with a sigh.

The man he called Leo suddenly started speaking loud so everyone around them could hear him.

"Do you really think you stand a chance against fully grown lizard men?" He said mockingly.

"That's what we were trained for." Bal then said countering him.

"Maybe so, but don't be an idiot! Lizardmen can grow up to ten feet tall, have the strength of ten men and are covered in a thick natural layer of scale armour. What hope do we have!" He shouted, causing the crowd to start doubting their ability and reasons to be here.

"That's enough, Leo!" Bal said growing angry with him as he gripped him by the collar.

"What? Are you going to punch me?" Leo said with a smirk on his face.

"Just shut up, Leo. You're scaring the others."

"They should be." He said as he was about to start shouting again.

Bal suddenly punched him in the mouth, knocking him to the ground with a thud.

"What's going on here!" The drill instructor suddenly shouted as he entered the tent to see Leo lying on the ground.

"N-Nothing sir!" Bal shouted as he and the others stood to attention.

The drill instructor wasn't stupid but had decided to turn a blind eye as he looked at Leo.

"Get up off your back boy!" He shouted.

Leo quickly got up and stood to attention, blood trickling from his lip.

"Save the fighting for them." The instructor then said as he turned around and walked out of the tent.

Everyone relaxed as he left and Bal turned to Leo who glared at him.

"You will pay for that." He said before he too walked out of the tent.

"Pathetic low life that one," Bal said.

"He thinks he is better than us because his family are nobles. I think he forgets they went broke and that's why he had to join the army. Same boat as the rest of us." Bal said as he put his hands on his hip.

"Anyway, what's your story?" He then asked looking to Lucian.

Lucian's expression turned serious for a moment before he looked away.

"It's nothing interesting." He then said with a wave of his hand.

Bal nodded as he got the picture.

"Well each to their own, I'll mind my own business." He said laughing as he left Lucian alone.

Lucian nodded as he sat down on his small bed, resting his arms on his legs before he took a deep breath.

"I can only hope that Hestia is ok. Hopefully, once this is over, I'm not too late." He thought as he stared into space.

"Alright, men! Get your gear and get your arses moving outside!" The drill instructor suddenly said as he suddenly entered the tent again clapping his hands fast.

"Come on ladies move it!" He shouted getting all of them to hurry and run outside, joining the formation.

Lucian headed out with Bal and took their position in the line, waiting for what the instructor had to say.

"Attention!" He said, getting everyone to stamp their foot and come to attention.

A large man dressed in shining silver armour suddenly walked over to them, stepping with authority as his presence caused those around him to pay their respect.

The drill instructor also came to attention and saluted the man before greeting him.

"Sir! This is the newest lot of recruits fresh from the academy, sir." He said.

The man turned to look at them, walking down the line as he examined all of them one by one.

"I'm fighting against monsters... And this is what they send me?" He said not looking impressed.

"Very well, have them ready for a scouting mission in ten minutes. We will see what they are made of once they get out there!" He said, getting serious.

"At once sir!" The instructor said before he turned to his men.

"Right you sorry shits fall in!"

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