
All Cleaned Up

The bathroom tub is a fairly decent size befitting of a master bedroom. Nothing remarkable about it and I've certainly never had any complaints about it before today. Now, though? Now it's just another new thing to add to the ever growing (and seemingly unending) list of things I'd like to upgrade once we have more money.

Sam and I had no trouble fitting in and having a fun time with each other in the past but even with as small Zutiria is, it's clear that it's not going to work out the same. So any luxurious bathing threesomes will have to wait for another day.

That doesn't mean we still don't have fun, though.

"When was the first time we took a bath together, Zuzu?" Sam asks. The young princess sits at the opposite end of the tub from me, and our petite lover rests in the middle. She's currently leaning back against me, the roundness of her small and juicy little butt digging into my crotch while I try to keep my composure.

'A long time ago. It was always fun getting to wash your beautiful hair for you and then brushing it afterwards. I must admit I think I like the added company even more, though.' She looks over her shoulder to give me a gentle smile. That explains why Sam's hair always looks like a barber's worst nightmare, at least. Her personal caretaker hasn't been around to see after her Highness's every need.

"You need to stop being so affectionate, Zutiria. Sam's already jealous enough as it is."

The Princess, while already steaming red from the heat of the bathwater, becomes even more flushed as she splashes a wave of warm water onto our faces. "I AM NOT JEALOUS!"

After Zutiria is done silently giggling, she looks at Sam with a dripping face. 'Consider myself convinced.'

"HMPH!" Sam reaches over and pulls Zutiria off my lap and over to her side of the tub, hugging her tightly into her wet and dripping cleavage. "Zuzu was mine before she was yours, you know, Daddy." A mischievous smirk appears as she looks down to tell me.

"Is that so?" I roll my eyes, pretending not to be convinced.

"Yup. We might not have ever crossed the line, but we've washed each other nice and clean many, many times..." Sam reaches for a rag and covers it in bubbly soap. Zutiria remains quiet, watching to see what she'll do. She's just as curious as I am.

"Look at you, you dirty little Mage. You think you can steal my Daddy away from me like this? You look like one of those street rats running around Dewhurst." She leans in and nibbles Zutiria's ear and begins to rub the soapy rag around the little lady's body while I watch her begin to shiver. "And you're so sweaty, too..."

Zutiria is starting to get really turned on by Sam's antics. Her breathing becomes low and ragged, her ice blue eyes fluttering from twitchy pleasure as she leans backwards into Sam's wet, curvy body willingly. She wants more, and the Princess is determined to give it.

"What should I do with this dirty little girl, Daddy?" Sam asks in a low, husky voice dripping with sex. Her emerald eyes glimmer with playful anticipation for my command.

"Clean her up. And clean yourself up, too Princess. I'm expecting both of you in my bed after we have dinner and I take care of the paperwork." I relax further into the tub and stretch backwards, playing up my exaggerated 'coolness' and smirking.

"Yes, Daddy. Anything you want." Sam licks her lips and begins to devilishly wash her willing partner. I hand Zutiria another rag and command her to return the favor, and I soak in the sight of my lovers washing one another as sexily as they can.

Nubile wet bodies heaving with growing lust covered only by dripping soap... hands slipping into erotic places that cry out oh so desperately to be washed... coupled all the way with expertly placed moans and gasps designed to titillate me at every turn.

Gods, these girls are good at what they do...

It almost pains me not to join in, but I remind myself what the plans are for tonight and it helps to stave my lust off for the duration of the bath. It certainly gets hard to hold back at the end though, as after they finish washing each other's hair they drop both the rags and the pretense of bathing. My two women start groping each other's bodies and kissing, and the hottest part is that it's barely for my viewing pleasure at this point.

Sam and Zutiria want each other, if that wasn't obvious by now it certainly was hammered home around the time Sam skillfully brought the little Mage to orgasm after mashing her finger nonstop into Zutiria's pretty little clit.

I never knew it felt so good to be left out and just observe.

"Don't wear her out too much, Princess. I'm going to want Zutiria first tonight." Before Sam can grow any more jealous I remind her of the reasoning behind this. "Don't forget that my plans for you are going to make me quite dirty, and we don't want to inconvenience Zutiria do we?"

"N-no Daddy, not at all..." I can practically see Sam drooling at the thought. She remembers that I was finally planning to go balls deep in her ass tonight, assuming I can fit. We haven't experimented much with it yet and I know from certain books I've read on the matter that we should have worked up to it with fingers, but...

'If you want, Sir, I know a rune that will ward off any and all filth you might otherwise accumulate during anal sex.' Zutiria says after recovering from her orgasm.

"NO." Not again. I don't care what other fucking runes she knows, I'm not going through that shit again. At least not any time soon... maybe if I'm knocked out beforehand, but even then. The psychological trauma has been done and it can never be undone.

Zutiria giggles aloud and I raise an eyebrow. "How come you know so many magic dick runes, anyway?"

At my question, she hurriedly steps out of the tub. 'The only thing keeping me consistent company for many years was my very, very active imagination. I learned a lot in the hopes that I might one day take a lover. Do you have any idea how lonely I was, Sir...?'

I do have an idea of what that's like, but I feel a bit bad about bringing it up. I'm sure she knows.

Sam steps out of the tub too and smiles back at me, eager to defuse the potentially awkward atmosphere. "I'm not actually hungry enough for dinner, I think. What about you, Zuzu?"

'Indeed. Sir should do what he needs to do, have himself a light supper and return to his needy women as quickly as he can.' The two girls wrap their dripping nude bodies together under one shared towel and start to rub themselves dry as slowly and teasingly as they can, at which point I'm speechless.

There's only one thing for a man to do in a situation like this... yes, it's time to hastily do some fucking paperwork.

I've gotten into a pretty good rhythm for writing but don't expect me to keep this consistent. I'm only focusing hard on Rise of the Guild Master right now cause I want to get to the point where it catches on big, at which point I'll work on getting my current ******* to support it and also start working on other stories to sell set in the same universe. - Follow me on Twitter @PunishedKomics for lots of art of my characters and updates!

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