

Ashton slammed his lips once more on Caleb's earning a wince from him. However, this time he didn't stop, instead continued to ravage those lips as he was planning on eating them whole. Ashton slammed him onto the door, an action which caused his towel to get undone, making him stand naked in the room.

When their lungs finally gave out they retracted by just a mere inch. Breathing heavily, they stared at each other. Their heartbeats took a spike when they noticed nothing but pure desire for the other in each other's eyes. Somehow, wild Ashton made him way more excited that he has ever been. 

Ashton's eyes lowered to his mate's completely exposed collarbones which soon made contact with his bare teeth. Ashton kissed, nibbled and bit on the bare, wet and pale skin ruthlessly making purplish bruises along his way. His force was greater than ever while he continued on his way to ravish his mate.


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