
Scion of Time Gaming System!

Penulis: Lazy_leon
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Full of face slapping! The slaps are so hard that you will feel and hear the echoing of the slaps! Time is always fleeting. But what if the sands of time could be grasped in one's hand? Marvin is a senior high school boy that has awakened but lacks an ability. In a world where weakling is handled as the strong wished, Marvin was bullied regularly. But one day, he awakened a Gaming System and obtained the attribute of time!!!!!! Ever Since that day, he climbed his way to the heavens. This is Marvin's adventure from being bullied to the peak of life. Beauties from all walks of life will fall in his embrace; be it a teacher, models, or a demonic vixen. This is the story of Marvin, the godly gentleman conquering beauties, creating his harem, and becoming the absolute ruler of all! ------- Hiatus till April 10 Check out my other novel: Gaming Sword Magician!

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: No Ability.

After a great Apocalypse that took many lives, the world has changed entirely.

Twenty years ago, a devastating calamity rained down upon Earth. A violent spatial storm swept the whole planet. When it finally subsided, billions of lives were lost and more than half of the buildings were destroyed. Later, It was confirmed that one-third of the population has been killed off. This was a catastrophic disaster comparable to doomsday.

After the spatial storm, rifts have been twisted open in time and space, and countless monsters have appeared from those rifts. These rifts suddenly appeared all over the world. They are called Gate. Countless different species of monsters called Magical Beast swarmed out from these Gates and attacked the humans. When the Gates opened, some people have also acquired superpowers and the ability to hunt magical beasts. They are called Ability users. 

The nations of the entire world have also combined hand and formed the Earth Federation to fight against the common enemy that threatened to annihilate the entire race.

The War between humans–Ability users and non-ability users–and magical beasts started. Under the relentless attack of the Ability Users and the military, the human population gained an upper hand against the magical beast. They pushed back the beasts from human establishments.

Everyone believed that the situation will become better than before! But...

Two years later, the humans of Earth received a visit from the races, humans, demons, and demi-humans, of Camelot. They came from behind the so-called "Gates".

Basically, some of the gates connected Earth to a parallel world full of mana and different races!

Some of them were labeled as hostile races while some friendly.

The hostile races demanded technology and resources from humans but humans slapped them hard. The hostile races wanted to enslave the humans and rule over Earth while the friendly races shared their knowledge with the Earthling. From them, we discovered that beyond the gate was an endless world with many kingdoms and magical beasts.

Earthlings signed a peace treaty with the friendly races, while the war between Earthling and the hostile races of Camelot is still ongoing!

In this world, power determined a person's status.


Earth Federation, Safe zone 69, Year twenty of the New Era!

Marvin, a young malnourished teen with a pointed nose and slanted gray eyes was walking in the school cafeteria while holding a tray of food. Out of nowhere, the ground beneath his feet became slippery and muddy as if done by magic.

He fell onto the floor and his lunch plummet all over his face. The hot soup certainly provided warmth in this winter, yet it had chilies in it, and that simmered his eyes!

"Fuck!" He cursed internally and didn't shout or whine like a bitch. Shouting in pain will only satisfy the twisted nature of the vultures.

"Haha, you really are tenacious, didn't even die after falling over!" A student sitting at a table near him exclaimed. The students beside him roared in laughter, disdainfully looking down at Marvin as if he was not a human being but a piece of trash.

Marvin realized that it was the school bully, Krollin that has used his Earth-related ability to make the floor slippery.

Bullying like this had become a daily occurrence in his life as he was an attributeless, trash among all the Ability Users.

He was a rank-1 ability user but didn't have an ability. The reason behind him being a ranker was because he possessed 0.1 Magic power, slightly powerful than a normal human, but that's all.

'But I never put up with bullying by laying down. I will never take a disgrace to my grave!'

Like a professional Hunter, Marvin rolled away from the slippery ground towards the nearby table then he stood up and immediately slapped Krollin in the face!

All of this was done in one swift motion!

Slap! The sound of cheeks being slapped thundered in the cafeteria. A crowd had immediately been attracted to the clapping sound as the students were interested in what the commotion was about.

"I bet you didn't even realize what happened." He taunted Krollin. To add injury to insult, he also gave him the middle finger.

"You Crippled piece of crap. I was going to let you off easy today but it looks like I will have to show you your place." Krollin proceeded to charge his ability in his hand. A sharp rock with a pointy edge was formed in his hand and he pushed it towards Marvin, who was waiting for it with a smile.

With a chop, Marvin easily redirected his hand, letting the sharp rock hit the nearby wall. A deep hole was made in the wall.

Before he could react, Marvin clasped his hand and pulled him forward. Due to inertia, Krollin fell over the ground. Then Marvin proceeded to beat Krollin with his fists. He literally used Krollin face as a punching bag!

Krollin's friends stood up and interfered with the fair one-sided fight. Two pushed him away from Krollin while the others helped Krolllin up.

Then they ganged upon him. Two hands couldn't win against four, especially in the case of Marvin, who had bo ability.

"Krollin, you can beat him up but don't use your ability. If he dies then we will get in trouble." Matrass said.

"Sure!" Krollin nodded with a smile and walked up to Marvin who was bruised all over. He grabbed his hair and tilted his head.

With a smirk, he said, "I can let you go, only if you lick the dust off my boots.

Marvin looked at him dead in the eyes while gathering all the saliva he can in his mouth and with a "Pooh!", he spits on his face.

The next moment, Krollin started to beat the shit out of Marvin.

Everyone in the cafeteria had chosen to not help him. They kept their head down avoiding his gaze while he tolerated the beating, silently. Not even a whimper of pain escaped his lips. The only emotions he showed was anger, rage, and disappointment.

Soon after, his head slumped down as if he has lost consciousness. "Che, this guy is no fun! Guys, throw him in the Dustbin!" Krollin said.

Two students picked the unconscious Marvin that was bleeding, took him outside the cafeteria, and flung his body in the big and smelly dustbin in an alley right behind the cafeteria building.

The sounds of footsteps walking away resounded, a while later, Marvin opened his eyes. He was acting unconsciously all the while because the nature of the bullies was just like the beasts. They didn't play with dead things!

Marvin was feeling pain all over his body, he took a comfortable position in the dustbin, and pulled out the pendant his father had given him.

His father was an Ability User and also a member of the military. He had died due to getting poisoned by a monster in a dungeon. His father had died six years ago, 'The day when I was only thirteen years old,' he thought. 'Before death, father had handed over this grayish pendant to me!'

Gripping it in his hands, Marvin remembered the past. He had promised his dying father to become stronger so that he can take care of his mother and sister.

"I am sorry, father!" Marvin released a disappointed sigh and his grip tightened. Drops of blood from his palm landed on the pendant dying it Scarlet!

The Pendent started to shine brightly and shake uncontrollably. Marvin felt the shaking and saw the grayish light shining out from his closed hands.

He opened his palm to see the pendant. Suddenly, with a Swoosh, the grayish shining pendant drilled into his brain.

He felt that his head was about to split apart from the terrifying pain he was feeling. He didn't utter a single wimp while getting beaten up but this pain was like being skinned alive. He started wailing left and right as he felt the terrifying pain that threatened to rip his mind apart.

Vision started to leave his eyes, but just before he passed out, he heard a message.

[Congratulations you have been granted with the Gaming System!]

Right then, Marvin fell unconscious.

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