
Chapter 43: Heading out

The person playing with the pets was none other than Tobca, Tobca lips curled up as her eyes immediately focus on the cannibal "Your up early love" Tobca spoke with a toothy grin. Dyllis smiled briefly at the other remark "I have been thinking about exploring the world again, would you care to join me?" she asks in a raspy tone with a gentle look in her eyes.

Tobca seemed to ponder a bit before speaking "I'll stay here to keep an eye on the young ones since you never know when a high-level beast will appear and try to wipe out everyone."

Dyllis let her lover's words sink in before speaking once more "Since that's your wish, my love, I will come back home in a few months" Tobca raised a thin arched eyebrow at Dyllis.

Dyllis came closer to hug the older woman and whispered into her pointy ears "I'll tell you when I come back" They hugged each other for a few heartbeats before separating themselves apart.

Dyllis's attention landed on pearl "Hey pearl would you like to come with me for an adventurer like before?" Dyllis asked her mount as she patted its large trunk, pearl let out a small toot-like noise in delight at the idea of leaving the dark place.

Dyllis smiled warmly at her steed happy that Pearl was willing to come along. She missed the times of travel with her large elephant made of pearls, Even though pearls from her old world weren't strong. Her elephant was an Expention.

Later that morning she sat at the large dining table with the rest of her kind, everyone stays seated and quiet as they waited for The firstborn of their kind to speak.

Dyllis cleared her throat before standing up "Clansmen I Dyllis am On an adventure to help me strength even more so. In my absence, Lady Tobca will be here to keep you all safe. REPORT Everything to her and finally if we get low on flesh go out and hunt" Dyllis sat Back down as everyone dug into some sort of meat-type food.

Tobca smiled solemnly As she ate her fruit salad as the younger generation of Wendigo's stuff their faces full of humanoid flesh which got made into different dishes to make them more appealing to the eyes.

At the middle of the table is a huge rounded cake that looked like it was covered in vanilla frosting along with some beautiful decorations.

It looked perfectly normal on the out but on the inside, it was a large paste cooked like human flesh and muscles with gravy in the middle of the cake to add extra flavour.

She had mistaken it before as a normal cake for one of her deserts, she admitted it tasted pretty good but unlike all of the people around her that needed this flesh to survive Tobca didn't. She can live off of vegetables and fruits, rarely would she needed to consume flesh.

A variety of different-looking foods decorated the table, they all had one main ingredient Humanoid meat.

Dyllis ate a good amount of food before getting up and leaving with pearl who currently sleep inside Dyllis's soul card as she climbs her way out of the front entrance before letting the elephant stretch a bit as they quickly made their way out of the woods.

Dyllis equip her cloak along with the mask of many beauty's. Dyllis scaled up the elephant made of pearls back and sat down, she let out unsteady breathing feeling slight fugitive from the marathon she had just done with pearl.

"Pearl keep on walking till you find a different civilization from the places we have been to before. But if you are really tired take a break" Dyllis spoke softly as she petted the elephant's large head that glinting as the sunbeams reflected off of her body.

Dyllis relaxed as her eyes droop shut as darkness takes her into its warm embrace. As she dreamt nothing happens, just like that hours passed by as pearl was running at max speed leaving a huge dust cloud behind as crunches sounds were made on the gravel road.

After some time Pearl grew tired, her quick paste gradually became slower. Pearl checked the area before laying down on her stomach as she closed her eyes intending to go for a quick nap. Pearl drifted off to a sleep that was filled with others pearl elephants that were inside an Oasis as they played in the water and sung in harmony.

Two more hours passed just like that, strangely nothing attacked them during their weakened state as the two slept soundly.

Pairs of ice like eyes watched the two beasts, These beings that were

watching thee two sleeping monsters left the scene to report back to their masters

As those beings left yellow cat-like eye's appeared in the treetops, These eyes glance at the sleeping undead and its large mammal company. They whispered between each other sharp fangs that appeared whenever they open their mouths while speaking.

They had long white hair and black stripes decorated their pale skin. Very few had a darker skin tone if they did. There hair was orange and short with a few black streaks here and there.

One of these orange hair beings left the group to report back to their leader as the rest approach Dyllis and pearl with caution.

Dyllis's whole body shiver as she felt danger is approaching. She opens her eyes as all of her hair stands on end. She felt slightly confused as a claw-like hand was a few inches away from her face.

Dyllis attacked the being in front of her without thinking wrapping her thighs around the being's thick neck as her hands were ready to snap its head clean off.

Before she could a voice called out "Miss please don't kill my friend here" a muscular voice sounded out, Dyllis turns her head towards the owner of the said voice.

A male with tiger characters and yellow eyes slowly approaches the weary Dyllis. She looked back at the one she was holding into a thigh headlock noticing they almost look the same.

"explain or I'll turn your friend into supper" she let out a low growl as her eyes narrowed at the man who spoke earlier "You are being hunted, so we came over to warn you about those ice soldiers. They left for now but will be back soon." He quickly explained hoping she wouldn't behead his buddy who looked quite flustered.

"If that's true then why warn a strange like me?" Dyllis couldn't help but feel disturbed towards The tigerkin. The tigerkin let out a sigh "our clan is enemies with the winter fae as well and as it seems we're are both enemies of them. We are natural allies" he finished speaking.

Dyllis remain in thought thinking about her choices "you want me to come back with you guys so we can fight our mutual enemy?" she came to this conclusion thinking it was the only possible answer.

"yes, that is if you are willing to team up with us miss" Dyllis let go of her hostage and landed back on the ground as she thought carefully.

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