
Chapter 2: Finding a place to stay the night

Warning: There are some suggestive writing and some swearing. If you wanna continued then please do~

Feeling a bit cooler since direct sunlight ain't hitting Dyllis sensitive skin as much and the burning feeling all over her body came to a halt. "That feels a bit better" she growled to herself since she ain't a high enough level yet to talk like a normal human being. As she continued searching for someplace to make her den a blue screen pop up. 'You have gain 50exp from eating the hunter, 50 more exp till you level up' blinking stupidly at the screen she opens up her stats menu.


Name: Dyllis Smallwood

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Windigo

Level: 0


Strength: 40

Speed: 40

Defence: 67

Magic Pool: 300/300

Skill: Great Sense of Smell lvl1 (6%), Slash, Bite Lvl1 (58%), Mimic lvl1 (26%), Wendigo Fever.

A bit of joy crept onto her face causing her disfigured face to become even more hideous but it is well hidden so no one had to witness the terrible scene. So eating people makes my level go up? she thought to herself. Then I should eat terrible people and not the good ones. She felt her arms and notice that the cuts were healing ever so slowly, maybe if I keep levelling up my body over appearance will start to look more like a human.

But first I should go find a cave or something to sleep in since I am feeling quite tired by my meal earlier, Dyllis thought as she wanders before stumbling into a cave. Using her great sense of smell she confirms that no animals or beast have lived in the cave in a while. Finding comfort in that she grab a smooth rock and a giant leaf into the cave, using the smooth rock as a pillow and the huge leaf as a blanket.

Once she closed her eyelids she fell into a deep sleep and dreamt about being a normal human-looking girl. When she woke up next it was around six or seven in the morning, she felt terrible pangs in her stomach as if she hadn't eaten in a week. Rubbing her covered up eyes she made the cloth into a makeshift bandana that covered her terrible mouth.

So that she could see where she is going and if anyone asks about her eyes she will just say she was cursed or something. How she was gonna tell them she had no clue since all she can do is mimic scared or sobbing voices, before she was using her old voice to trick the man from before and as far as she knows she has never said 'I have been cursed' in a sadden voice before.

Maybe once in anger but that wouldn't work with her mimic skill. Dyllis thought about this one musical artist name Jazmin Bean, she had an interesting makeup style which made her fall in love with how she has done her makeup cause it was different than others. It was cute but scary maybe if she could find makeup in this world or contact lens even she could do the makeup so she looks less of a monster.

Thinking about her previous life about reincarnation books with systems a thought crossed her mind "Don't I have an item shop?" she growled out 'words' checking her menu she saw a lock option.

Extra Features Menu:

Shop: locked until level 10

Food storage space: Lock until level 5

Wheel of fortune: Lock until level 1

Clan: unlock

Clan Name: none

Current members: 0

Looking at this extra feature menu, she made a wild guess on what each meant. Shop: to buy stuff with points that came with the system that I haven't unlocked yet.

Food Storage space: Will keep all her successful hunt stored and they won't go bad by time cause space and time stop in there, that was just her guess though.

Wheel of Fortune: Is a wheel full of prizes and she will get tickets from the system to be able to play this wheel.

Clan: She can make other people into Wendigos by using Wendigo Fever and they will be under her control. Looking at the clan's name she decided why not name it now "My clan will be called 'BlackWoods" she said aloud. A blue transparent screen pops up saying 'are you sure you wanna name your clan BlackWoods?' "confirm name please," she said as a clear ping sounded out in her ear as a robotic voice spoke.

"Your clan name is BlackWoods" it voice linger only for a second before completely fading away. Closing the window screen with her thought she continued walking through the forest hoping to find a human village or town nearby so she won't go starving.

After hours of walking, she decided to relax by a large pond. She dipped her bare feet into the water letting out a sigh of relief "This feels like heaven~" she thought, closing her eyes she enjoys the feeling of the cool water on her blistered feet. When she felt a hand grip her ankle causing her to panic "Let go!" She shrieks like a banshee as she pulled her leg back cause the 'person' to lay like a corpse on the ground. This person had a Water Lily in their dark blue hair that has water drops decorating her flowing midnight blue locks like a spider web.

The next detail she notices about this strange creature was the lashes marks that were all over the strange person's body and the tattered clothing didn't hide much skin either causing Dyllis to blush with a sheepish smile. She carefully pries the individual fingers off her dark ankle, rubbing her poor ankle softly before turning the individual over onto their side.

Cause Dyllis to gasp "Even those movie stars can't compare, to this girl beauty" She growled as she 'spoke' out loud. Dyllis admired the girl fine features, her small but delicate face would make someone want to protect her with their life. The conclusion she lifted the other female body and place her over her shoulder as small snores escape from the sleeping beautiful lips.

Dyllis started running crossed the forest floor stepping on all sorts of things such as rocks and sticks, sometimes stepping on a sharp rock it would break the skin of her soles causing her a bit of pain but she manages as they heal back up right away.

Sniffing the air she caught a scent of humans, sniffing the air she let her nose guide her to a cottage, she approaches the building carefully and looked through the windows to see if anyone was home. To her luck no was inside, so she tried to open the front door.

To her surprise, it is unlocked so she waltzes in ease, putting the other girl down onto the bed she rummages through the shelves and kitchen cupboards before finding roll bandages, she wraps the girl up with the rolling bandages trying not to peak at else wear 'I will not lower myself to that degree just to look at another person body. It's not right' she scolded herself in her mind as she continued blushing. Going into a small closet she found a soft fur blanket and put it across the light blue skin girl.

Sniffing the air again she scented the owner of this cottage come back with that in mind she headed outside and prepare to ambush them, she did the same trick as before and drawn them closer with her voice before attacking, seemingly 'defenceless' before she rips them into pieces. After she rips the body up Dyllis stored some of it away for later in a clothing bundle she found in the cottage earlier.

She didn't feel as bad as before cause this time this person came with ill intent towards her, shivering as she remembers what they said she quickly ate their arm before heading back to the cottage. To check on the sleeping beauty, when she enters inside she went into the kitchen and wash her hands in a bucket of water to clean up a bit since pulling one limb off one by one is quite messy.

After that, she turns around only to notice the blue hair girl is missing, this made Dyllis put her guard up a bit too late as water engulf her whole being "What in the holy-" before she can finish her swear her head got covered by water as well, she struggled for air as her sights start to darken.

Her lungs felt on fire from the lack of oxygen causing her to whither in pain even though this can't kill her it hurts like hell. She cursed the beautiful lady as she was the last sight she saw before blacking out from the lack of oxygen.

When Dyllis woke up she was bound to the chair, her daze eyes landed on a smirking blue face girl with a look that could kill. The black veins around her eyes bulge in anger regretting saving this ungrateful blue lady "Who are you" the beautiful girl snarled at Dyllis. Dyllis look at the blue face girl like she is a pile of poop as she tried to say her name "Dyllis" but it was no use since all that came out of her mouth was a groan.

The Blue face girl snarled "Stop stalling I will kill you right here and now if you don't tell me" she barked out causing Dyllis just to growled and groan. Dyllis was actually cursing the blue girl "In the name of the holy mother of angels I hope you die by getting an anvil dump on you, you ungrateful swine. I also hope your ancestors are ashamed of such a disrespectful turd like you" smiling smugly as she said each word.

Losing her temper the blue girl pulled her sword out and pointed it at Dyllis throat "Now tell me who sent you and what are you" her blade only a Milla inch from cutting her throat "try me you blue freak" Dyllis growled, she decided to do her mimic since she really didn't want her neck to be cut cause that would be painful "please don't hurt me" was all she could say.

stunned for a moment she withdrawn her blade of water as she thought, can they not speak normally. "can you only mimic calls of help?" hearing that question Dyllis nodded her head eagerly, the blue coloured girl with the water lily on her head a thought a bit more before untying Dyllis.

Dyllis rubs her wrist with a frown on her face "Wow she is really dense, talk about slow" she growled in discomfort before walking over to a bundle and pulls out a leg to munch on. A small ding rang after she finishes the leg saying she got 20 exp which made her really happy. "I should introduce myself I guess. My name is Tobca Greenriver Seer and I am the third princess of the Water Fae" she bowed curtly.

Dyllis nodded her head as she continued eating her kill from earlier, making noming sounds as she ate her meal. The water fae felt the slightest bit of emotion in her heart cause her to give off a strange look.

Huehuehuehue, I hope you like the love interest :3

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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