

Tony Cole had been a regular guy who'd been down on his luck, not long ago two NCR mercs had infiltrated his buddies gang known as the Powder Gangers. He didn't know exactly what'd happened as he had been halfway between Nipton and Primm as it was going on.

Once he got back he found the whole place was crawling with NCR, not to mention the many corpses of his friends he could see through the barbed fences... It was at that moment he decided he would hunt down whoever caused this and get revenge.

He'd managed to find a hideaway he'd left just in case for this very situation. It contained a 10mm pistol, some dynamite, food, water, and spare clothes. Taking it he immediately headed back to Nipton to try and cut off the two merc's who'd done this.

The journey was difficult and he'd needed to stay off of the main road due to the colony of ants he remembered being there. The canyon paths were hidden but already mapped out by the Powder Gangers to allow easy access. The only problem was that Nipton had apparently been destroyed during his absence... Everyone was dead, even the the whore's which he often visited.

He didn't have enough supplies to continue like this so he'd been forced to scavenge the place... Fortunately there'd been some food and water left behind by whoever did this. Not to mention a large expensive book called "The Big Book of Science". He tucked it away into his gear to sell it for caps later.

Tony had just walked around Camp Searchlight and headed to Novac, he had to avoid it due to the radiation and encampment of NCR soldiers there. He was beginning to think continuing to wear his Powder Ganger outfit was a bad idea.

Eventually he reached Novac and booked himself a room before going around and asking the residence some questions. They were wary of his outfit but he just stated that he'd scavenged the clothes off of a corpse. They seemed more negotiable after learning that and told him everything he wanted to know about the mercs who were apparently staying here.

Karl Martin. Bastard. Tony always knew something was off with the fucker, the fact he wouldn't touch any of the girls they caught and didn't seem to care for caps aside from the alcohol they could potentially buy.

He'd not attack this man first as he knew of his skill... No, he'd need to go for the other one first. Afton Parker.

Little snot had a few rumours going on about him, Tony only knew him as an alright doctor and semi-alright shot. He wasn't sure whether to take the rumours of him being the "Fastest Shot in the Mojave" seriously. Regardless, he knew what he needed to do, it was fortunate that the kid was apparently working on something during the night.

Afton was heading back to his motel room after spending the day fixing up the motorbike with Daisy. He was pretty exhausted but felt satisfied at the progress they'd made.

The tiredness in his body vanished in an instant when he felt the barrel of a gun pressed up against his back. He hadn't expected this and had to suppress himself from spinning around and unloading his revolver at the perpetrator.

Whoever it was had some talent in stealth apparently, he'd not noticed them sneaking behind him... Though, that was partly due to how comfortable he'd gotten in this town, not having expected someone to want to harm him with all the help he'd been giving. "What do you want?"

"Revenge." Tony states, prodding Afton in the back to get him to start walking.

Afton starts walking, changing their route minutely. He knew the man probably wanted to get him outta town to kill him without alerting the whole place... But the man probably didn't do his research.

Tony grinned to himself as Afton continued walking like his personal pet. They'd just passed that giant dinosaur eyesore and were standing on a small hill opposite it. He had his "Pet" stand on the hill as Tony grinned at him. "It was dumb of you to follow me out of here. I was never going to let you go for what you have done."

Afton keeps his expression tame, he needed to know who this was, if he had any companions, and whether or not this'd be a recurring thing. Held his hands above his head while sending a hidden thumbs up to whoever was in the dinosaur right now, he needed them to wait for a moment before acting. "Well, before I die... I'd like to know what I did to deserve this." he asks.

Tony scowls, "Have you committed so many atrocities that you can't recall them? Bastard, I'd shoot you where you stand if I didn't enjoy the fear coming from you... The Powder Gangers, you wiped them out after joining them, there's nothing worse than a betrayer!"

"Hmm, even if I managed to escape, you have friends ready to help right?"

Tony growls at him, "No. You made sure of that by leading the NCR to us."

Afton raises a brow, "In that case-" his hands turn into a blur has he draws Lucky and fires six shots into the man's chest. A shot rings out from the dinosaur and splatters the Powder Ganger's grey matter across Afton's face, causing him to grimace.

He wipes his face off and looks down at sorry bastard who thought he could get one over on him. At least there wouldn't be anymore Powder Gangers hoping to attempt the same thing. He'd also want to thank whoever's in the dinosaur for their help. Having that extra line of defence was more for reassurance than anything else.

Afton looted the body for caps and equipment, grinning to himself as he found a Big Book of Science in their possession.

[+3 Science]

Ya, Tony wasn't all that impressive. Just another mob NPC lol.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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