
Shocking News

I nudged him in the ribs.

"Bun is now a loaf. He he," I chuckled.

"How he or she has changed to that?" Mu Zhen asked, one eyebrow quirking up.

"Website called Mama.Baobao. You should check it out. It'll tell you everything you need to know about bread size change after fermentation," I laughed.

Mu Zhen laughed too.

"I liked it when you became cheeky with me like this," Mu Zhen said, taking my chin.

"Especially when I can see the light in your eyes and you look happy. It's all I really want. You to be happy with me, about us, our life together."

"You do make me happy. I'm sorry about how I am being cowardly and ungrateful these lately. My hormonal getting worse and easier to get crying over everything and being difficult. I really hate the voice of myself though I know if I apologizing to you right now it will hear insincere," I said.

Mu Zhen shook his head.

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