
Tell My Son My Past

As I sat at my desk, thinking about my son, Mu Kang and what I was going to do with him. I picked up my phone from the desk and called Gu Min.

"Hello, Mu," Gu Min said.

"Hi, Gu Min. How are you doing?" I asked.

"Good. I'm doing so good," He said.

"I know that you're enjoying the retirement so much," I teased.

"Somewhat. Absolutely, you are right," He chuckled.

"I know I am. So I was wondering if I can stop by later? I need to talk to you about Mu Kang."

"Sure you can. I just at home," Gu Min said

"Great. See you soon then," I hang up as I finish.

Like always I count on Gu Min. No matter how old I am, I always trust Gu Min to give me the right advice and decision neither from the past nor the present.  After all, he always gave me the right advice when it came to Ru Wen in past. This is why only Gu Min can help me to think right.

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