
Dr. Fang

Mu Kai stared at me as he put his arm around my waist and took my hand in his.

"I leave you alone for a minute and you go off and start dancing with strange men." He claimed.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hello! You are the one leave me alone to go disappear with the woman who slapped you at Club," I said.

His look turned to fire.

"You saw that?"

I shook my head.

"Yes, I think not only me saw that."

"So, let me get this straight, you saw me before you found me drunk outside?" he asked.

"Yes, I was sitting at the bar, why?"

The corners of his sexy mouth curved up.

"Interesting." He smirk.

I cocked my head at him.

"What's interesting?" Then it hit me.

"Oh I get it, you think I had my eyes set on you from the start. HA.HA. You're dreaming!" I said.

He wickedly smiled at me.

"That's your words Miss Ru, not mine."

I rolled my eyes and leaned into him, taking in his alluring scent as I whispered in his ear.

"Stop dreaming, Mr. Mu. And why this specific charity for?" I asked.

He looked at me and took in a breath.

"Why not?" He asked.

I dropped the subject about the woman in the hallway and where he disappeared to, but I would not let this one go.

"Why though?" I asked back.

He stopped looking at me and looked straight into the crowd.

"It's just a charity my company is involved with, why is it so important that you know a specific reason?" His words came across cold, almost as if he didn't trust me enough to tell me.

"Just forget what I asked," I kept my eyes straight ahead refusing to look at him.

"You're mad," he spoke.

"You'll know when I'm mad Mr. Mu," I responded.

The song ended, and we walked back to the table that was now filled with some associates from Mu Group. And Mu Kai went around and introduced me to some of his staff.

I glanced over at the next table, and there she sat, the beautiful tall woman from the club. Her straight, black hair sat just above her shoulders, and her tanned skin glowed beneath the ballroom lights.

She sparkled in her silver long dress and silver high stilettos. Diamonds took their place in her ears and neckline, and she did not miss a beat when it came to applying makeup. She was a stunning woman, and she kept staring at me, or should I say glaring at me.

Dinner here, so Mu Kai took the liberty to order me the steak since he felt that I needed to put some meat on my bones as he so kindly put it.

During dinner, a man stepped up to thank everyone for coming and thanked the Mu Group for donating five hundred thousand dollars to the charity and everyone applauded.

After that, I excused myself to the restroom as I heard someone call my name. So I turned around and froze when I saw Dr. Fang coming out of the men's bathroom.

"Miss Ru Wen, fancy meeting you here," he said.

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