Race to the
Chapter 150: war is necessary
Interested in knowing what Lu Long thought after knowing his brother loves the big sister of Hao Jiazhi?
[Past event]
Hearing that Lu Zemin likes Hao Tai, Lu Long suddenly had an idea inside his little evil head
He asked "big brother, you may love her but does she love you back?"
To his question, Lu Zemin said "So far, we are in a good relationship only but if I am given time then I am sure I can win her heart
So, eventually, she will be the future princess of our state meaning that her family or to be more specific Emperor Hao Zhenya will be on our side
So why waste our time and men on something which we will have on our side eventually?"
At his words, all people present in the room nodded and started thinking about this topic
No doubt, what Lu Zemin has said is true
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: