
Short Story 1.3: The Letter "K"

There was once a Queen

who lives in the Hidden Forest.

A child of the Forest Elder.

A queen beloved by many.


She felt lonely.

Here comes a King,

Young and bold.

A student of the Wasteland Elder.

An exalted lord of the krebs.


He felt incomplete.

Not until they received a mysterious letter

To an annual party.

It was a mysterious party

Hosted by 2 sisters,

Anna and Shaz.

They are practitioners of magic,

Skilled in the mysterious arts of

Destiny and fate.

The letters they sent out

Have a curious magic spell.

That will reveal a letter,

From the 26 alphabets,

To a pair of soulmates.

Incidentally enough,

Our pair of lovers

Have the letter,

"K" on their envelopes.

When they meet each other

Under the bright moonlight,

Beside the big lake in the Forest temple,

They feel this connection

That cannot be explained.


Their love was destined

To be forged in the flames of hardships.


Just as theirs were filled with bitterness,

Their love was filled with sweetness too.

It could be what we know as


As this little story ends,

We do not know whether they will

End up together.

But what we do know is that

They will live happily together

For as long as they can.

I have to honest with you, my dear fellow reader. I actually have no ending to this story. :D That is why I left it in an open ending. But, I wanted the ending to be as realistic as possible. Given that it is a short story that can be considered a myth, you can think of the ending as something that has been interpreted by many mouths. It has been interpreted to the point that many believed the couple had happily lived together . As many of you suspected, I draw inspiration for this story from my friends, particularly Val and David.

DarkWinter3creators' thoughts
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