
Chapter 7

I wake as if it was an emergency, that somehow my notification on my phone called at me in my sleep for the fear that I may have overslept. Clawing at my phone I light it up, greeted by the sun itself I drop my phone rubbing out my eyes.

"That will never fail to blind anyone," I sigh letting my eyes adjust before I give it another go.

The text reads, 'We won't be able to make it. Or maybe this was planned to force the two of you to get out together :D. Anyway, have fun. We will see you on Wednesday!!'

Before I could set it down another text blinks on my screen, 'Don't you dare attempt to fall asleep.'

I chuckle replying, 'I would never! So what's the plan?"

'Good x get dressed I am on my way.'

With that, I set my phone on my bedside table and jump out of bed heading straight for the shower. The shower turns on at the press of a button, the perfect pressure, and temperature. There are even ones you could activate with a simple voice command. I would never use them though I appreciate the bit of silence I get during the day.

Once out I lay out my clothes on the bed and head to my little kitchen. Fixing myself a bowl of cereal I drop into one of the chairs simply staring at colorful wheels floating around in my bowl.

As I finish dressing I hear a knock on the door, grabbing everything just in case I head to the door. Opening it up I am greeted by a beautiful smile.

"Sup? You sleep well?"

"I do try my best in everything I do. What about you?"

She shrugs still wearing her smile, "Perfectly! So you got any plans for us seeing as our hosts abandoned us?"

"Well... I am not stripped of cash so I can always buy a building and then we spray paint the shit out of it?"

She breaks into laughter, "Thoughtful but wouldn't it be better if it wasn't ours?"

"So that is definitely our last task of the day. Any idea on what else? I would say theatre but that does seem rather... tacky. As of now the last thing I want to do is go somewhere fancy and eat."

"Hmm it's almost like you are reading my thoughts. Besides neither of us is exactly dressed for anything high-life."

"I would kill to see you in a dress," she laughs pulling me out the doorway.

"Would you know? Come let's get to your car so that we can get this day going yeah?" I nod agreeing with her. "Have you come up with what we are going to be doing today?"

"I will just figure it out as we go?" I rub my temple letting out a slight chuckle.

"Oh, that doesn't sound so convincing." She takes my hand lacing her fingers with mine, "Nevertheless I will trust you to make this day amazing."

No pressure I guess. Taking the elevator I let a yawn slip past, and she yawns in response.

"Did you have to stay long last night?"

"No, not really. We arrived about an hour after you left according to Kai'Sa. Did Ahri have any use of you for the day?"

"Other than being only there to keep her company and carry everything she bought, then no. Though it was fun learning more about her."

"Oh, you enjoy her company?"

"Are you jealous?" I notice her face change slightly, her smile almost fading. Nudging against her she looks up meeting my eyes, "Come let's have fun today."

Reaching the garage level it was a brisk walk to the car and we both jump in. Driving out of the underground she points across the street.

"Stop there, please... I have something I want to do."


Stopping next to the supermarket nearby she jumps out. I open my door but already standing in front of me she giggles, "Stay here okay. I want to get something and I promise to be quick."

I tilt my head nodding, "Sure I'll be here."

I meant it as a joke but maybe she got a little bit jealous? I did spend the entire day with Ahri and even though the plan was to meet up later that night we still get to spend today together. I guess I would also be a bit jealous if the person I liked was hanging with someone I considered a close friend.

The door swings open and she throws a bag full of what sounded like deodorant bottles in the back seat.

"I hope you know I was joking about buying you a building... right?"

She bursts into laughter, "Ofcrouse of course. But that is still a good idea right?"

"So we definitely know what we are doing last today."

"Running from the cops before they can get to us," she states almost proud of herself.

I shake my head still staring at her. I then reverse onto the street and drive to my kinda on-the-spot plans.

"It looks like we are driving somewhere... the pier?"

"I guess it close enough."

"Ahh, so that is where we are going! Don't worry ill act surprised and pretend that I don't really know where we are going and that this is all definitely planned."

I smile proudly, "Thank you, thank you. I did spend the entire week crafting this idea of the perfect way to spend my time with you."

She chuckles, "So you have thought about it?"

"That I did."

It is rushed. My planning went to wherever I could think of that may be open on short notice. Places that were cheap or expensive. That you needed reservations or not. Public to private spaces. All of that was a grueling task just to think of what when and where but I am glad that this is going rather smoothly at least she understands the situation as much as I do.

Stopping at our first destination I say with a smile, "I hope you are tall enough for all the rides."

She shakes her head, "That is if you aren't too scared to ride them all."

"Pffftt. I was never scared a day in my life. Maybe worried."

A short walk to the booth we got ourselves some day tickets to everything. All except for the things we are too old and big to ride... though if it came to it even the caterpillar trains would suffice with the right company.

Entering the park, a slight breeze rustles the leaves making them fall to the solid ground one by one. The air was warm, the beams of sunlight glowing on my skin. Flowers are vast, and they conceal the freshly cut green grass. The pathway is perfectly paved towards a wonderful paradise in front of us.

A glance over at Akali wearing that gorgeous smile of hers and I instinctively grab her hand and she in return laces her fingers with mine.

As expected at least we dashed for the ready to get it over and done with before it is suggested later to each other when we really really want to just leave. Heading over to the slingshot I can feel my heart sink and her grip tightens. The demonic creation of some sort of monster that wishes death upon everyone.

"Looks like we found your first get-it-over-with attraction."

"I mean we can yaknow... not do it."

She lets go of my hand throwing it around my waist pushing me forward, "Come to no need to scared its only bad before and during then it's done."

My spirits lower into my shoes and I already feel like not doing it at all. Braving it to try and not look extremely pathetic in front of her I go along with her.

Seated in the damn contraption it felt like almost nothing was keeping me to it. Like the bars would break and with it, I would plummet to the earth. Though in this world there would be people with powers to stop you from dying that is a kiss of death I would much rather avoid.

It shoots us into the sky the force of the wind blowing fiercely through my hair. The falling and rising throwing my heart around in my chest. In a panic, I look over to Akali but to my surprise, I saw her enjoyment and calmed myself swiftly after.

On the ground, she couldn't stop laughing about how white in the face I was. Not being able to shove it off I boldly claim that I would do it again.

"Oh... you would, would you?

I avert my gaze, "Maybe I take back my claims."

She grabs me leading me onto the trail, "We could always do something more of your speed." I see her gesturing to the merry-go-round in the green zone.

"Ha ha ha ha, I am amused."

She bursts into laughter as she drags me around my arm to all the assortments of rides. We did, however, did end up going on the merry-go-round despite my protests, but all in all, it was fun.

Our last stop was at a horror house of the sorts we stop at the entrance and flash our tickets and walk straight in. I stare at Akali as we stop in the long dark hallway, a sigh escapes my lips and she squeezes my hand.

"What's up? You scared?"

"No that is the last thing I would be right now," I smile.

She looks ahead of the various groups and couples that entered before us, she then in return throws her arms around my neck. Pressing up against me I can feel her chest against me.

"Would you rather me cling to you for help?" she whispers to me. Unable to contain my own excitement she looks down and chuckles, "Don't get too excited... we have the whole of today."

"No it isn't that," I try to keep eye contact.

She then locks arms with me and gestures for us to continue still maintaining her smile. We walk into the long black hallway and the entire experience was a lot pleasant but the effects inside almost felt too real to be true. Akali did show some signs of finer training as she could spot small details in the dark, but she still managed to shriek at some of the encounters which fooled you to think it's one thing but it's definitely the thing you are seeing.

Some popular props were used that most people would know of. Some withered robot bears, something about Freddy but I remember vaguely. Some flew through the air but at some point, I wasn't sure if they were spiders, facehuggers, or headcrabs.

We exited the park in pretty high spirits but Akali let out a sigh every so often on our way to the nearby beach.

"How do you manage to be so busy every day with so little sleep?"

She winks at me, "The trick is naps. Though mine is long overdue."

"We can rest up a bit at the beach. A few trees were scattered near the edge of the beach giving plenty of shade for those wanting to rest up.

"I'll head out so long, see if you can get something to help fend off the sun."

I nod as she heads to the beach as I wander to the shop. Buying an umbrella and some towels along with a cooler which sadly can't be returned but I can use for some other day. She was already standing in the center her hair waving gently in the wind.

The beach isn't a place I visit often as I usually come alone but I love the beach because I can walk for miles. There is nowhere else I can go for so long without crossing a man-made structure unless you count the beach breaks.

I notice that she caught the attention of a few men running around shirtless. I sigh; was bound to attract a few people at some point. Though not worried about them thinking it's Akali as little people might share her likeness and they might just assume that rather than it actually being her.

Walking up I drop the items behind her, throwing my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me, I give her a peck on the cheek, "Hey, I got the stuff," I then turn to the three of them, "What's up?" I ask the three of them with a grin.

One of them looked as if he took offense, digging his fingers into his palms, as if ready to say something his friend speaks up, "Just asking your lady if she wanted to join us but we are under the impression she was alone."

I simply state, "No worries." I notice the ball in their hands and the net further down the beach, "I would say yes but it seems it would still be uneven."

"Ah, it's cool man! Sorry for any misunderstandings, enjoy your day."

As they walk off I let go of her picking up the stuff I dropped behind her, setting up at the place she chose.

"I didn't expect you to handle it the way you did. One of them was ready to beat the crap out of you."

"He might've. Though they did leave in the end so it worked out."

She chuckles, "That smile you flashed to them seemed almost like you were mocking them."

"Ah... explains the reason why he was ready to have at me."

I drop down under the umbrella propping my arms behind me. She shakes her head dropping down next to me resting her head on my chest.

"I got a little kiss out of it so I think it's a definite win. Besides if they were to throw punches I would definitely help you shut them up."

Laughing nervously, "They would probably have beaten the living shit out of me."

"Nonsense. I bet you would have put at least one of them in the dirt if they decided to start a fight. I was here so even if they were definitely risking a fight would be in poor taste."

Adjusting the weight to my one arm I brush the hair from her face.

"You okay?"

She nods against me, "Just let me rest my eyes for a bit."

I could hear her controlled breathing against me and a faint heartbeat. Watching the three of them play their game in the distance a few more people join in on their fun.

I take another look at the beach and commit it to memory. I don't just want the photographs, this is an experience only able to witness in person. I want to be able to come here in my dreams and with that never alone. The calm stillness mixed with her breathing and the crashing of the waves. Paradise... I guess that's how I would describe it.

I later readjust her to my lap as my arms grow weak from carrying our combined weight. Dragging the cooler behind me I rest my eyes still listening to the melody that is the ocean.

Later I feel her move, opening my eyes she stood up stretching a moan escaping her lips. She gives me a wink as she offers me her hand.

"Let's get a closer look."

Taking her hand she kicks out her shoes as I do the same. Following her closely I look at our hands with a smile. She stops with our feet in the water the cold waves splashing against our feet.

"A beautiful sight."

She nods, "It is."

My eyes drift from her to the horizon, the sky was pink and orange. The image of the sun dancing on the water. The sun was already dipping behind the horizon, but the daylight still lingered.

My heart beating in my throat I pull her in front of me, she then turns staring deep into my eyes. I almost instinctively avert my gaze but lock onto her eyes. Throwing her arms around my neck she pulls me closer brushing her lips against mine. Teasing me with a hot, fiery temptation.

Pulling away slightly she smiled at me, I lower my face into hers. Our lips finally meet, sliding my hands from her back to her waist I pull her closer deepening the kiss. The longer we kissed so did my desire for her grow wanting more of her.

Slowly pulling apart, emotion flooded my senses. Whispering her name, her expression shifts making my heart flutter.

She rests her head against my chest whispering, "Why do you have to be this intoxicating?"

I was ready to just blurt the words out. Instead, I stayed quiet, holding her close to my body.

We finally break apart in silence, still locked in with each other we return to our car after I gathered the last of our newly bought beach equipment. I chuckle to myself; never have I thought that I would be doing this with her... but I am happy.

A long walk back to the car the streaks of orange in the sky has almost completely disappeared.

Stopping the car in front of my apartment we both got our shoes on and she leans back grabbing for the bag.

"I would say we left the best for last... but that was so much better."

I laugh at her remark, my face flushing, "Ready to stir some chaos?"

She merely laughs tossing me the bag, taking the mask inside I put it on running along with her down the streets.

"Keep your energy up, people don't know that their buildings are our canvas yet so they might not appreciate our art just yet."

"So I'm assuming more time will be spent running rather than painting."


We reach the place and she kicks the bag open tossing me a black and white container.

"Go crazy. This wall over here is mine and that's yours. Let your senses flow. If we are lucky the entire block will be painted before the fumes start attracting the cops."

I nod with a sly giggle. Not even taking her time she already starts spraying the wall. I in response start with my own little project. What feels like hours pass as we empty the canisters on the walls.

She jumps next to me hanging onto my arm, "Absolute Zero? Didn't think you would have such an artistic flair."

My canvas presented a zero, well a creation that I thought would perfectly describe the three of us as we were. Nobody knew us behind our masks but we did exist and inspired.

"I think this is a memento. It is time to move on from that name... to embrace something new," I turn to her's, "Someone really went overboard with the dragon. Something tells me this is a lot more tamer than usual."

Laughing she tosses me more canisters, "Time to empty these bad boys."

Not long after we started sirens rang as people around the street started screaming at us. Grabbing the canisters I stuff them in the bag and we both make a break for it.

She yells, "Just follow me!"

She sidesteps into an alleyway, following her we jump over bags and boxes scattered around. I hit my leg against a curve, numbing my leg I still muster the strength to chase after her into more nooks and crannies. We finally stop when the wailing of the sirens grew distant, falling onto the cement I burst into laughter.

"I see why you do this."

Dragging myself towards the wall I rest against it whilst checking my leg. No blood but the shock alone made it hurt like hell.

"Did you hurt yourself running?"

"I mean I don't usually run from the authorities," chuckling nervously.

"I'll make it feel better."

She places her hand on my cheek, almost mashing our lips together. Hungrily pushing me back she pushes opens her mouth pushing her tongue past my teeth. Working her mouth against mine I was stunned at first trying to mimic her movements, our tongues wrestling back and forth.

Finally breaking apart she helps me up, I state nervously, "That was-"

She shushes me, "It was a good kiss, okay?"

She did notice that I was caught completely off-guard. An even longer walk later we finally reach my car standing outside a bit behind her own.

"Want to come inside?"

She looks at me with a mischievous smile, she throws her arms around me whispering, "I am going to need my voice Wednesday so I'd much rather wait until after."

Now excited I try to convince her but she finishes her hug kissing my cheek, "Thank you for today, as chaotic as it was. I did enjoy it immensely."

"Stay safe, okay?"

"I will. Goodnight (Y/n)"

"Goodnight Akali, sleep well."

As she drove off I waved and retired to my apartment leaving my car outside. Not bothering to park it underground. I drop onto my bed, a slight reminder of our first meeting, and I was hit with awkward nostalgia. I wanted to say I love her...

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