
Chapter Eleven

Juliette stood on the podium, feeling excited and happy. With her winning first place, then tying in the second, she was the winner of the whole contest. Her prize was a pod (200,000 stars), Days Ago (50,000 stars) and prize money of 11,050 stars (from all three rounds), all she can think about was money, money and money.

She had become rich overnight, three nights actually, but still she was very rich. So, she dealt with the flashing, the reporters and paperwork with a happy grin. Since this was contest was hosted by a foreigner, she didn't have to pay the usual 44% tax because of Law 626-C. She felt more than when she was able to change her career line and transfer from Military school.


Fiona had to go to the dorm to get ready for her first day. Being disabled in this universe was something that rarely happened as most planets has technology that can heal almost anything or replace a missing limb that looks like your original one. Most disabled people were born with their disability or had late treatment that cannot be healed (the latter one was mostly soldiers who were held prisoner long term).

Which is why she and the other disabled students can have their own floors. The dormitory floor, she was assigned to was remodel to her taste. Similar to the house that Fiona had grown up in, along with some copies of the paintings that were in the house. Her father actually sent the originals, Fiona had just come to her own conclusions of what parent would send expensive paintings to a college student.

She had to change the dormitory robots to her own, a part of her feeling paranoid. Her robots had more security and privacy, of course she knew her kitchen robot has to report to her father to see if she had eaten or not that. What she didn't know was it also reported if she had taken her medicine or not too as she has to eat before taking it.

She had signed in her robots and their factory numbers down in the office where she met another student who was in a wheelchair. He was an omega, a strong Rose smell that made her sneeze. His name was Haley, he was quiet and didn't speak too loud.

He was a nice guy with an unfortunate pheromone.


Fiona went months without bumping into Juliette as Fiona went to morning classes and she went to night classes. It was the second semester and Fiona had decided that she was going to invest in upstart companies and see if she can find ones that she had heard about from the novel. One of the beta male leads was a investors who had great luck with companies. The Beta was from 12F, one of the poorest countries on Planet F, he had luck you would think a Female Koi Lead to have.

One of the plotlines of his was he had actually failed in a investment and needed to find a way to fix. The only female Alpha of the harem had pay off his debt. Fiona didn't want to admit that she read this cheesy and dead brain story. Honestly, who would really be okay with paying for a love rival's debt?

How can so many people be okay with sharing their lover? Not one decided that it wasn't worth? It just doesn't make sense, the jealousy was always to fuel a sex scene, wait... Was she reading a heavy plot-filled smut novel? That would make so much more sense now.

...Does that mean everyone here has a mind filled with sex? Why hasn't she ran into people having sex in a classroom, the female did it all the time with her teacher. When she was thinking about the plot, she ran into a woman who was dressed up as Destiny, a witch from a popular TV show.

Fiona light up like a kid as she clapped her hands together. "Oh my god, Destiny!" Fiona held her left fist against her chest and her right one in the air. "For this kingdom, I turned from God and face the devils in the shadows, my soul forever lost while my kingdom forever guarded from the evils that lurk."

The cosplayer seemed excited and continued the famous speech, "With the powers I have painfully obtained, the love I feel so strongly, I will protect the people who love her like I do too. So, don't dare insult me by hinting to me to abandon this land to the demons who are trying to destroying her!"

Fiona laughed happily as she circled the woman, awed at her Destiny outfit . She was beautiful, familiar and her smell was so faint she couldn't tell what it was. Fiona held her hand out, "I am Fiona Jackson, what class are you from?"

"Freshman year, Financial and my name is Juliette," the woman smiled, "I am heading to a fan meeting, the actor who played Destiny will be there. Would you like to join me? I was heading to the bus."

"Yes, I didn't know that they are having a meeting, I would have planned ahead," Fiona followed her without a care, forgetting the fact that she was going to the three day event for young inventors.

On the way to the event, Fiona bought two VIP tickets for the event which will allow her to meet Destiny's Actor. Louis was one of the newest up and coming actors, Fiona didn't know about until she got into The Kingdom's Loyal Protector. A show about a witch who learned magic to become a Knight for her Kingdom.

The special effects were amazing and one of the few shows filmed live, most were animated and were voiced. Live Movies were more common as they had bigger budget than shows. It was cheaper to animate shows nowadays than to film live. So, The Kingdom's Loyal Protector had a large fan base and became hot overnight.

Louis, a omega, was also making waves by playing a Alpha role. Fiona wasn't like the other people because she thought he acted so well, she didn't even noticed he was a man. So she didn't give a damn, she just wanted to hear Destiny's raspy voice in person. ( ◡‿◡ *)


When Juliette knew that Fiona got her a VIP ticket, she was torn between denying it then ditching her and accepting it then follow her around. Then she stopped and made up her mind when she got to the event center, the line was long and was only getting bigger. Even the line for the fast pass was long. She quickly sold her ticket online than transferred the money and a bit more to Fiona. Probably way less than what she bought the ticket for. But she planned on taking Fiona out after the event than buy some fan merchandise for her.

Juliette was excited to be one of the first to enter the booth area. She was ready to pay for Fiona's things but every time she reached to pay, Fiona would have already pay for it with a flick of a wrist. It was common for friends to pay back what the other give them, but she couldn't say that she was paying back for the ticket directly.

The only reason she could pay some money back was the gift was too big for the first time gift, but she can't pay the full price directly, so she had to give another gift to match it or pay for something. Juliette didn't think about how Fiona was a foreigner and might not know this custom.

There are a lot of omegas because this world had a Omega Lead who was making splashes. Hence a lot of Omegas doing things that they wouldn't do before. It is in state where they will make movements and Fiona will be in the background, the Wife of the Big Dangerous Omega businesswoman. (the two of them aren't really scary.)

Little Theater:

Juliette: She has faster hands, next time, I will pick up the bill for her.

Fiona: Buy, buy, buy, my hands had built up speed from all the games I play.

MsJohnsoncreators' thoughts
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