
A Hollow Win

The party continued on way late into the night, momentum shifting from the highest highs to the lowest lows. Loud and rowdy enough to shake the walls one moment, then slower and duller than your typical office conference the next. 

In general, whether we party like it was the end of the world or laze around like we really did just die entirely depended on the mood. In my case, I actually liked it more when the vibe got limp and sluggish—big plot twist, I know—and while I did partake in the more lively, frenetic moments, the sitting and just chilling appealed way more to me. 

People just relaxing, just chattering, drinking and laughing, that was my idea of a good time as overbearingly mundane as it may sound to some. It allowed me the chance to get to know some new folks, shifting from one circle of friends to the next, while none were exactly best-friends-forever kind of people, they were very much a delight when it came to just having a drink and a laugh with. 

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