
Cloudy With A Chance Of...

"What does that look like? Is it clouds? Think they're grey?"

Blacken skies, not a dot, not a single twinkle twinkling up there in the vast dark yonder up so high. Got my neck angled upwards, craning to the left and right, staring into the infinite darkness above, hoping my ass off that I'd be able to just stroll on back to the living room soon, a smile on my face, reassuring every apprehensive soul inside that what was just heard was merely a false alarm.

Till then, my shoes would continue to scrunch about the tall dewy grass, the chilly breeze free to howl its haunting song, rustling the leaves, swaying the flowers, pestering my scouring eyes.

Can't find that false alarm.

"Amanda, you see anything?" I asked out loud, daring a single fleeting glance backward to my star gazing partner on patrol.

Sadly she didn't seem too devoted to the cause as much as I, neglecting herself back to the porch, leaning lackadaisically against a narrow beam of wood.

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