
Journey Starts...

Chapter 21

Title: Journey Starts...


As Sabo learns Observation Haki, one year passes, currently Sabo and Ace are standing in the Noble's Graveyard. A place where the nobles are buried, it has a bright look with beautiful graves that seem to express their extravagance. The grass was lush, green, and evenly cut.

Sabo looks at the two graves in front of him. The names in the graves were Outlook III and Dibit. The blonde has his eyes shadowed by his hat. 

"I never liked my parents." Says Sabo as he looks at the graves. Ace on the other hand only listens to his friend talk and doesn't say anything. "They were both vain, greedy, and only obsessed with status. I was ashamed to be called their son and a noble. But still…"

Tears finally come out of Sabo's eyes as he looks at the graves. Ace only pats his friend on the back, with a worried look on his face, Luffy wasn't here because Ace knew that he would say something dumb and inappropriate… like he did when Ace told him that Roger is his father.

"I never met my father, nor mother." Says Ace, a calm look on his face as looks at the graves in front of him. The images of a family appear on his mind, but he shakes his head, dismissing them. "But I want you to know… that I consider you and Luffy as my family. So no matter what, I will always have your backs."

Sabo wipes his tears at this and looks at Ace. "You are right… me, you and Luffy are brothers. We are a family…"

Ace nods as he looks at the graves of Sabo's parents and a cold glint appears in his eyes. 'I simply had to take care of a few loose ends…'


After that whole ordeal, Ace gets a bottle of sake and officially, the three friends become brothers.

As soon as Luffy drank the sake, Ace looked pissed, and suddenly he kicked Luffy away. 

"As your big brother, I mustn't let you drink sake!" Yells Ace in annoyance. "How could you do this Luffy! Don't you know that alcohol is bad for you!"

"But you gave it to me!" Yells back Luffy as he gets up and looks at Ace annoyed.

"Huh?" Ace looks at Luffy questionably. "You question my authority as your big brother?"

"Sabo is the better big brother, he isn't violent like you!" Says Luffy out loudly while pointing at Ace.

"I am not violent!" Yells out Ace as he punches the ground and creates a crater.




Just like so, four years pass, Ace and Sabo train a lot during these times. Ace finally masters the three Rokushiki techniques that he knows at the moment, Soru, Geppo, Tekkai.

He even tries to teach them to Sabo, though he was only able to learn one.

Both Sabo and Ace were currently on the port of Portgas town, ready to set sail. Their ship is quite big for only two people, the ship was a big red ship that could fit in upwards to forty people, each of them having their own personal room.

Also, there was a big tiger, as big as an elephant, and it was laying on the deck, sleeping. 

Ace looks at the tiger and lets it. "Good, we also have emergency food with us… I mean Cat…"

The tiger wakes up as he hears this and looks at Ace, unsure of it should continue this journey with them. Ace did just say something scary after all.

"Hahahahahaha…" Laughs Sabo as he hears this. "C'mon now Ace, don't say something like that."

Ace smiles at this as he looks at the town, a nostalgic look on his face. He sees the people in the town and waving at him. Though he can't see Dadan, he still smiles and yells out at Luffy. "Oy! Luffy! Tell Dadan to take care and tell her that I am thankful for everything!"

"Yeah!" Yells Luffy in response. "You too take care Ace, three years from now. I will also become stronger!"

Ace laughs at this, though Luffy is stronger than he would be by the time canon comes around. He still doesn't know Haki or any of the Rokushiki that Ace knows. 

Suddenly then… Ace bows in front of everyone in Portgas Town and says. "EVERYONE!!! Thank you for taking care of me! I love you all!!"

"Oy Ace! Don't say such corny sh*t!" Says Jason as tears roll down like rivers. "Men aren't supposed to cry damn it."

He then wipes his tears with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Ace, we love you too!"

"Stay safe Ace!"

"We will wait for news of when you become Pirate King!"

"Oy! I am going to become Pirate King!" Yells out Luffy.

"Shut up pipsqueak! Ace is gonna be Pirate King!" Yells out some stranger from the crowd and he starts brawling with Luffy like kids.

Ace has a confused and amused look on his face, seeing people acting like this never gets old to him.

"Anyway, I am setting sail now. See ya, everyone, wait till you hear of me in the newspaper!" Ace yells out loudly and waves at them.


As Ace set sail, Dadan was in her house smoking a cigarette. 

"Dadan, Ace just set sail." Says one of the bandits as he enters the house, just having said goodbye to Ace.

"Ahhhh…" Sighs Dadan, with her back, turned. "That kid was so troublesome. Garp is gonna blame me for this…"

"Also Ace left a message for you." Says the bandit.

"What?!! The kid has been nothing but trouble! What does he want now?" Says Dadan in an angry voice, her back still turned towards the rest of the bandits.

"He said: Thank you for taking care of me." Quotes the bandit.

"Aha!" Immediately Dadan pulls out a napkin and starts crying. "Damn that fool! He can't say something like this now!"

"Huh?" The bandits are confused at first but they smile as they see Dadan cry, they all know that she will miss Ace the most.


-Ace POV-

I smile as I see the town disappear from view as I sail further and further away from it. Well now… let's see if Luffy can keep up with me. I will have a three-year head-start on him… and I will find One Piece.

A grin appears on my face. I look at Sabo and I see him using just one hand to easily pull down the sail. Though he is weaker than me, he is still quite strong.

Cat is sleeping during this as he lies down on board. I smile at this, I have built this ship by myself, I know every knock and cranny of this place. Though there are a lot of empty rooms as I plan to have a big crew, I also left a lot of space for improvements on the ship. I plan to use Adams Wood to replace the current wood also. 

I studied a lot about engineering, ship-writing, crafting, and even blacksmithing. I am a one-man crew if I want to be. But I am still at something on what one would consider a specialist on their trade.

"Ace, where are we gonna go next?" Asks Sabo, I look at him and see an excited look on his face. I smile at him back.

"Let's go to Sixis Island." I say as I go towards the quarter deck and steer the direction of the ship. I take out a map of East Blue and a compass. 

Now my journey begins...


A/N: A friend of mine caught Covid so I had to help him (through the phone) to what he should do and what he should eat to help his immune system battle the virus.

P.S: Just get a lot of Zink, vitamin D and C.

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