
Chapter 27: La noche de Warunda (Thorn)

* Sephora *

* Our little visit to the palace almost turned into a disaster, but it was without counting on the intervention of THARSIS, Sheehan's mother. His arrival had thrown a chill between us which made our aura disappear *.

-It's good Tharsis, no need to get upset. * Fit Astride *.

-Well, there you go. * She said smiling *. When to you young rascal you owe the king an apology.

* She threw him squarely at the king's feet. Obviously she was still so brutal because the kid was covered in blue *.

-I'm sorry your majesty, for having ... Dirt your image.

-Dirty my ...

-Come here. * She told him *.

* She approached me and patted me on the shoulder *.

-You lack exercise, when are you coming back to train with me?

-It's not in my plans. *I said*

-Good now that you have finished arguing, tell me what good wind brings you.

* I turned to Arthos seriously *.

-I want to organize a Warunda night. As soon as possible.

* my announcement left the assembly speechless while Dagur remained silent *.

-One night of ... But it's not okay * Said Astride *. You know how long it takes to ....

-When will that as soon as possible? * Asked the king *.

-Tonight. I just need your consent and I'll be done.

- Knowing yourself, you already had to call the people concerned and spread the word. * Said Tharsis who was stroking her son like a puppy *.

-Do you organize such important things behind my back without my consent? * Said the annoyed king *. If you want my place say so clearly too.

-It's on the program, don't worry.

-And who is the unfortunate one who must join the original warrior?

-Thorn. * I announced *.

* Astride's face changed from angry to surprise, even sad *

-T ... Thorn?

* In the evening we all returned to a mountain to the east of the city not far from the ruins which served as arenas. But this time it was the ruins of an ancient city "Warunda". It was the first city conquered by the original warrior, our ancestor to all. It is said that he would have come here all alone and that with the help of his only brute force he would have massacred all the inhabitants and the soldiers. There he also discovered the secret of the Efrat as well as the Oracle. He used his knowledge to make the island prosper as well as our culture and civilization, but he ended up a slave to Adrun like the rest of our people. At his death he was buried here in these ruins between these 4 indestructible pillars. A night is organized in Warunda when a warrior is about to breathe his last breath outside the battlefield. He is offered the correct death he should have had through a mock battle. It is a mark of respect to let him know that we will always be his family *.

-Hey you came in the end. * Said Sheehan to Dagur *.

-And how, obviously I'm here.

* There was also Dagfin and the other kids as well as Prince Kaleb. Young Emory was there too, but accompanied by a human guard. The children were kept apart as the adults gathered in a circle around the pillars. On each pillar should stand an elite warrior in charge of supervising the session. On the first pillar was Vincent whose presence did not inspire confidence in me. He was just out of form. On the second was Tharsis who had her arms crossed *.

-Tharsis is there? * a warrior wondered *. This night promises to be crazy.

* Tharsis is by far the most feared warrior on the island. Everyone has unconditional respect for him, even the king. And to see her build and the aura she gave off her nickname Tharsis Volcano Breaker was not Usurped. The 3rd pillar was a silver haired warrior, Nova. He didn't look like an old man, but rather young. His gaze met Dagur's, who I'm on, shuddered. The last pillar was empty *.

-The 4th pillar is still not there?

- Hell, we can't start without ...

-I will be the 4th pillar.

* Descending from the sky with wings in the back, Astride. Excellent in handling Efrat it was easy for her to change the color of her skin as well as the structure of her shape. That said, she landed with Grace on the last pillar and folded her wings before staring at Thorn who was standing in the middle of the circle *.

- Until death, do you remember? *She says*.

-Even the queen ....

* He gave an embarrassed smile and turned *.

- Frankly, I don't deserve that much attention.

-Not tell you stupid bullshit. * Kord yelled as he entered the circle *. Everyone here appreciates you. Frankly it's genetically impossible to hate you and yet I tried. Isn't it guys?

* Screams spread throughout the assembly and the crowd began chanting Thorn's name. The killick let out a tear of gratitude. If everyone respected Thorn it was as much as a Warrior and as an individual. He had a good soul and always went out of his way to help. He never abandons a comrade but conversely will not hesitate to finish him off if he asks for it. He might be in the rank of expert and not especially of high rank, there was still a warrior whom all admired which is rare elsewhere. That being the bulk of the ceremony now began *.

-So you offered to finish me off. * Said Thorn *.

-Violet wouldn't have had the balls to do it, be grateful.

* All the guys around were shirtless and everyone had a gun in their hands including Thorn holding an ax *.

-You are ready ? * cried Astride *.


-To my signal ... Go ahead ....

* Kord got it all right from the start spit Thorn in the heart. In an instant it was over, at least I believed it. Thorn chuckled lightly and grabbed Kord's weapon and pulled it out with his bare hands *.

- I don't have a lot of strength left so I didn't see the blow coming. But if you wanted to finish me off in one blow swoop you would have to be more precise, asshole.

-Hey ....

-My heart is on the right stupid ....

- what ?

* He gave a violent punch that made Valser Kord to the pillar where Tharsis was, but he quickly recovered and returned to the arena *.

-EFAYA EFAYA .... * Thorn yelled *.

* Efaya the warrior deity of the Killicks, she gives us strength courage but especially Efrat. Mentioning her name before a fight is a sign of victory *.

-We'll do this the old fashioned way, guys. * Kord announced *.

* Everyone threw their weapon down and Efrat explosions filled the area. It is then that I occur an unprecedented event. I had talked about it when my son but obviously seeing him in real life had surprised him anyway. The Killicks are immortal warriors capable of changing into monsters. This form of monster is here called the Grimnir state. The true nature of Efrat is to cause bodily mutations. Just as our blood is loaded with Efrat, our body can also absorb it. By pushing our Efrat to a certain point it is possible to reach this state. However, very few are able to achieve it. Senior experts can process a transformation but can only master it in a short period of time. Elite warriors control this demonic form and can change into Grimnir at will. It is generally forbidden to change into Grimnir except constraint because it is there, the ultimate weapon of the Killicks, a seal is even affixed to prevent us from doing so. But when the night of Warunda comes, that seal is lifted and so * ....


* Dagur *

* I was fascinated as well as my comrade. Those who say the Killicks are monsters have never seen a Grimnir in their life because they are even more terrifying *.

-Ready ?. ALL CHAAAAAARGE. * Kord yelled *.

* 150 against 150 is the number of Grimnir present on the spot. Most of them were average warriors and they had a form that approached the beast. They must have averaged 3 to 4 meters. Thorn was giant about 6-7 meters in addition to having wings and horns above his forehead. Kord himself had a form that resembled human with blue scales all over his body. Proof that he had enough control over his form. And the 300 demons threw themselves on each other in a general melee. It was a mess, but we all laughed at Euphoria. It tore off limbs piercing each other without being fatal. It spit out rays of energy and I pass under the watchful eyes of the supervisors. Thorn, who was among the most powerful, was wreaking havoc by sweeping down Grimnir with a tree he had pulled down. Kord hit him with a ball, fractured his skull and exploded his eyes, sticking his fingers there. But Thorn laughed and impaled Kord with his horn. I cannot describe precisely. It was a butchery which was not one because no one would die but the quantity of blood give cold chill in the back *.

-If I have to die. Organize me a night. * Said Mathias *.

* Mathias the biological son of Visra was a big Silent but a hell of a brawler. Seeing him so smiling in front of this spectacle surprised me. He was black, black hair, black coat, and his eyes were dark. Except that he was smiling. Was surprised. Some warriors were trying to go after Vincent but he knocked them out with a blow or two because I saw nothing. Ditto for those losing their mind, the warrior with the silver hair eliminated them without i understanding how. In the crowd there were warriors, including Visra, whom I barely recognized. Violet in Grminir looked like a warrior in armor with the forms of the chest slightly raised *.

-Technically they're naked, aren't they? * Asked Sheehan *

-Yes. * Replied Enrik *. And they will be when they get back to normal.

-You came to rinse your eye, you pervert? * Asked the girl from the last time *.

* She was different, her clothes looked more feminine and she wore a fur coat. I didn't know she was his name but it was going to have to wait because I was still immersed in the show. I saw violet in her armor form rushing at the queen *.

-Warning. * Kaleb shouted *.

* It must be said that she was an expert warrior of high rank given her almost human form. But she seemed to have lost her mind. What happened surprised me even more, the queen gave her a slap and Violet crashed into the ocean about ten kilometers from the capital. We were all just as shocked at the domination of this woman *.

-S ... She's scary your Queen. * Said Emory who fell on his butt *.

-The worst is that she dismissed it as if nothing had happened. * Said his guard *. You really are monsters.

* The show continued until morning. And it was by far the best night of my life *.

* End of chapter *

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