
180. The Arrival (1)

"Lord of Transgressors..."

Rachael uttered after sipping her coffee.

Her visit was sudden. She came early in the morning and knocked on the gates of the clan house with an important matter to discuss. So unfortunately Nix had to leave working out halfway and went back to his office where Rachael was waiting for him with a worried expression.

Rachael is a woman capable enough to maintain relationships and protect others. She also possessed a harem of both genders. Though it isn't Important for Nix to know about these things.

He messed up in one thing. One man and one woman who were in a relationship died due to the conflict with Zerast and bombarding in Lerinare. Their bodies rotted when they were trying to escape from Nate Fraser's soul suction. The problem was he never cleared the thing neither thanked her for the participation and clear things with her.

"I am sorry."

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