
Chapter 404: Nangong Xun Has Also Arrived

Anqing glared at him annoyedly and walked away with Ruanruan clattering.

The sound of his steps on the ground was almost like the sound of chopping vegetables with a knife.

Inside the fridge was the small cake he had prepared especially for Ruanruan.

He had passed by a cake shop today and thought Ruanruan would like it as soon as he saw it.

So with the money he earned today, he strutted into the cake shop with swagger.

The shop assistants nearly thought a bank robber had come in, scaring the two girls almost to the point of calling the police.

But when he finally gingerly carried the small cake out, the looks on the faces of those shop assistants turned from fear to starry-eyed admiration.

"Look, this is the one Daddy picked out especially for you, isn't it pretty?"

He held Ruanruan with one arm, her little bottom nestled in his elbow, while in his other hand he held the small cake.

Ruanruan held two spoons in her hands.

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