
Servant of the Axe - Fall of Xinyi Shi

Chapter Type: Conflict (versus other)

It is written that insanity is attempting the same thing repeatedly, yet expecting different results.

"Xinyi Shi has arrived!" he shouted, sporting a jewel-encrusted eye patch of steel and gold.

[Magical item: I See Your Doom.  I See Your Doom has abilities that block your current appraisal methods.  Upgrade System or abilities to gather more information.]

But then he was upon us, and I didn't have time to pull my Reticule off it.

[You have been struck for 24 points of piercing damage; after armor 14 points have been taken.  28/80 Health remain.]

The flashing point of his spear struck my shield like a gong, shot off to my left, and crossed to cut my forehead above my left eye, scraped along my scalp, and exited the back about halfway between center and my right eye. 

The scraping of metal against bone was audible. 

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