

             Previously on Avenging Angels 

Avalor's mother, Madam Eugene has stepped foot, I mean wheels into the castle and everyone is on full alert as one word from her mouth could mean their end. How will Rose be able to carry on with her plans when Madam Eugene's eyes are on everyone?


We scrambled into the living room, each one of us trying to push the other forward. 

Madam Eugene was in the center of her living room, sitting on her wheelchair with the ever-glorious scorn on her face. 

"Make a line" she muttered. 

We all quickly made a straight line and bowed our heads. 

Madam Eugene wheeled forward and spared a glance at each one of us as she passed. 

"Everyone, except Virginia and Mexican fur, should give a brief introduction on herself" Madam Eugene ordered. 

The girls looked at each other, none of us wanting to go first. 

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